A Bed Made of Crop Circles by Innisfree E-MAIL: katclar73@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: SRA, MSR SUMMARY: I am all kinds of in love with that conversation by the car and Mulder saying "Let it try." I think we all know what happened when Scully came home that night. ATTHS. I had to do it. RATING: NC-17 (language, sexual situations) SPOILERS: XF2: IWTB KEYWORDS: MSR, Post-Film ARCHIVE: Yes -- just e-mail me. DISCLAIMERS: They're not mine, I'm not making any money, and there is no intent to infringe any lawful copyrights or trademarks. _____________________________________________ Axes. He'd been dreaming of axes when he awoke with a start on the couch. Dreaming of one hovering over him, not swinging, not even moving in any way, just poised right over his neck like it was waiting for something. For what, he couldn't be sure. But he remembered the fear building in him as he waited for the blade to fall in his dream. He'd felt his entire body tensing, and then tensing even harder, until finally his eyes had flown open and he'd realized that, unlike last night, it wasn't real. Sitting here in the dim light of one yellowing floor lamp, he experienced a brief instant of confusion about the time and the place. For a fleeting second, he thought he was back in his old apartment at Hegal Place, waking in the middle of the night the way he used to do when the couch was his bed and he didn't even own a pair of pajamas. Waking alone and hearing the quiet all around him as loudly as if it were taunting him. But no. That was a different time and a different place. He'd been a different man. Years gone by. Back then, he'd often woken with the feeling that something was missing, that there was something he needed to find. Now, a lifetime later, whenever he woke with that feeling, he knew exactly what was missing. He mopped a few lines of perspiration away from his forehead as he checked his watch. It was just past 10:30 and long past darkness falling. She should have been home by now, he thought to himself. He'd been waiting for her, reluctant to bother her with a phone call, and must have finally succumbed to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream of axes and endings. He shuddered. Last night, he had been busy collecting another near- death experience to add to his mental scrapbook, and Scully had accompanied him to the hospital for the ritual stitching and bandaging of wounds. After that, Skinner had driven the two of them home and she had settled him upstairs in the bed. The painkillers weren't strong enough to keep him from noticing that she was still wearing her clothes when she lay down next to him, settling on top of the comforter. But they were strong enough to keep him from protesting. She'd been just close enough to watch over him. Not quite close enough to touch. For several nights before that, she hadn't come home at all. A woman of her word. He suspected she'd been sleeping at the hospital in one of those rooms they kept free for doctors putting in long shifts. And he hadn't been surprised to discover that he didn't sleep well when she wasn't with him. He checked his watch again, suddenly worried and nervous. Was she not coming home tonight? Perhaps he'd misunderstood their conversation earlier that morning. He thought they'd found some kind of peace today, accepting that they are the people they have always been, darkness held at bay but never far away from either of them. He thought he'd made it clear that, whatever path she chose now, whether or not she could allow herself to believe, he chose her. He chose her and they would be alright together. The sound of a key turning in the lock interrupted the trajectory of the panic beginning to move through his mind. He turned his head just in time to see the thin rays of light in the room sharpening the angles of her cheeks and her jaw, just before she caught sight of him and rather shyly dropped her chin to let long red hair fall like a curtain over her face. Home, he thought. She's home. "What's up, Doc?" he asked her softly, not a trace of the bitterness that had infused the same words that morning. She sighed. "Long day." "Yeah?" "Yes. I'm, ummmm... I'm sorry I didn't call." He simply shook his head and smiled. "It's okay. I just wasn't sure... well, you know." He trailed off and found himself suddenly fascinated by the planks on the hardwood floor just beneath his feet. She dropped her black bag on the table and walked slowly to cover the short distance between the door and the couch. In the corner of his eye, he could see that she'd placed her hands in the pockets of her coat. "You weren't sure if I was coming home tonight." He managed to lift his head and find her eyes, even in this interior twilight. "Well..." His voice cracked in the middle of the word. "It's been a tough week. I tried not to make my panic face." The edges of her mouth quirked upward slightly and she nodded. "Yes," she answered him a little tentatively. "Tough week." He placed his hand on the cushion next to him and inclined his head in that direction. "Take your coat off and stay awhile." He tried to sound playful when he said it but, to his ears anyway, it came out sounding more like a plea. He thought he saw her hesitate for just one second, but it was only a second. She pulled her coat off and flung it over the back of one of the chairs next to the breakfast table. So not like Scully, he thought with some amusement. Flinging outerwear onto furniture. When she cautiously took her seat next to him on the couch, he didn't second-guess his own instinct to draw her to his side, folding his arm around her back until his hand could form itself into the indentations between her ribs. He was pleased when he felt her head settle on his shoulder. "So... what happened with the surgery?" She took a long, deep breath and exhaled it toward his chest. "We did it. It'll be a few more treatments before we know if it's working or not, but his parents are willing to give it a chance." "That's good," he murmured, his left hand making short, soothing strokes up and down the side of her body. "I hope so. I hope it's the right thing." "You didn't give up." He heard the note of pride that seeped into his voice, completely unbidden. "I'm trying." "I know you are." He lifted his right hand from where it lay beside him and awkwardly laced the fingers of her right hand with his own, just above where the bandages tapered off. There was a moment of silence when he felt his eyes blinking slowly, and he wondered if they would both fall asleep just like this. Here, on the couch, holding her as she rested against him. That would be nice, he thought, as he felt his mind starting to slip away again. "Mulder?" The sound of her voice brought him back from the edge of slumber. "Hmmmmm?" "I've been thinking. About everything that happened the last few days." He gave her one of his rumbling hums, a noise that would have been more like a grunt if it didn't come out sounding like it carried a question mark. "I was thinking maybe I should have been there with you yesterday. Maybe you wouldn't have run into trouble if I'd been there." "Awww, you know me, Scully. Trouble and I go way back. Whether you're there or not." "I know," she told him, and he heard the sadness in the words. "But I feel like I let - " " - No." He spoke before she could finish her thought. "What did you say to me yesterday? You said I think you don't understand, but you do. Well, you think I don't understand. But I do." She chuffed against him and he liked the way her breath felt as it pushed against the fabric of his shirt and seemed to touch the skin beneath it. "Do you?" she asked him with the hint of a smile. "All this free time on my hands. I pay more attention to some things than I used to. I realized last night that it's been, what, five years since I've been in an ER? And the last time was when I sliced my hand chopping up a scallion." He felt her nodding against him. "Our life now. It's so different than what it was. Sometimes I miss it. Sometimes I miss running after a lead at two o'clock in the morning. I miss talking about toxicology reports with you. I miss wondering where we'll go next and what we'll find there." He paused. "But you don't, do you?" "I miss those things sometimes too." Her voice sounded like it was coming from a distance, and he wondered if it was because she was looking back in time just as far as he was. "It's what I don't miss that made me stay away this time." Her fingers toyed with his, wrapping around them and sliding over his skin with a feather-light touch. "I don't miss the danger. And I don't miss feeling like we were the only good in a sea of evil. And..." She stopped suddenly and he looked down to see that she was biting lightly on her lower lip. "And what?" he pressed her gently. "You can tell me." He felt her hand pull away, and the rest of her body followed before he could even think to stop it. She drew back a few inches and tucked one leg underneath her, turning to face him even as her eyes refused to rise and meet his own. "It's going to sound selfish, and small, and I'm not sure it's even fair." "I can take it," he reassured her. "Old times for us were... it was you and the work. You were so focused on finding the answers we needed, whatever they were. We were in the car, and you were driving, and it was like your eyes were always straight ahead on the road in front of us. But for all these years now, we've been out of the car. And it's felt like... like your eyes..." Her voice faltered and she shook her head once or twice like she couldn't bring herself to finish the thought. He reached out for her hand again and brought it back toward him, resting both of their hands together on the edge of his knee. "Like my eyes were on you." Her head jerked up rather sharply and she squinted at him with obvious disbelief. He'd suspected she didn't really believe him when he told her he was paying more attention to things these days than he had before. "Well, yes." She sounded almost as surprised as she'd been the first time he'd remembered her birthday. He swept his free hand across his chin and lips, pausing to rub the stubble that was breaking through skin still sensitive from the absence of his beard. "Scully, my eyes have been on you for as long as I can remember. But I can see how it didn't always seem that way. Back in the day. We didn't talk about things back then. We probably should have, but we didn't. Now, we talk, and you know how I feel, and you know where you stand. That's the difference." She sighed. "It's more than that." "Well, maybe that's true. There's been nothing else on my plate. Nothing at all for the longest time. And maybe I didn't even realize how much I missed having something to *do* until this case came along. But you have to understand, Scully. Even if I picked up a badge and a gun again - and I'm not going to, but if I did - everything has changed." "What do you mean?" Her chin was quivering just as it had when she'd asked him the same question in the front yard today, the early light of morning dancing over the unshed tears in her eyes. "I mean that no matter where the day takes me, I'll always come home to you when the day ends. And darkness can follow me, but it doesn't live in me anymore. There's no room for it when you're here." She lowered her eyes, and he knew she was trying to keep him from seeing any more tears. There'd been too many tears during these past few days. It wasn't that the past six years had been free of sadness, but he felt like the FBI had just blown through their lives again, taking everything that lay below the surface, unspoken, and cranking it up to level ten. "I know that now." She was trying to sound strong and steady, but he heard the catch in her voice, faint as it was. "I just never really believed that we'd ever have what we have now. And I know it hasn't been perfect, and I know that you've been frustrated, but sometimes it still amazes me when I walk through that door and you're here, and I wake up and you're there. It's like I'm afraid we're still in that cave, under the mushrooms and the spores, being slowly digested, and this is all some kind of hallucination. I don't know. I'm rambling." He squeezed her hand as tightly as he could without hurting her. "This is real," he told her. Insistent. Sure of himself. "This isn't going anywhere. We deserved this." "Yes," she whispered. "We did." "And nothing and no one is going to come in here and fuck this up. It's not going to happen." She laughed quietly and the sound made his heart expand to fill all the empty space in the center of his chest. "Mulder..." She breathed out his name with the smallest hint of reproach for his rougher language. "I'm serious," he said, the tease in his voice belying the literal meaning of the words as he disengaged his hand from hers and began running his fingers along the inside of her wrist. "The FBI, crazy Russians, the darkness out there, super soldiers, the world... they can all just bring it the fuck on because nothing is ever going to interfere with what's between us." This time the laugh he heard was loud and unguarded. She sounded light and free again for the first time in a long time, and it made him laugh in return. When her smile finally faded, it didn't leave her eyes, and he realized she simply wanted to tell him something she considered worthy of her most serious face. "Thank you." She looked at him with such bare sincerity that he had to fight the familiar twitching of tears gathering behind the corners of his eyes. "Eh..." He shrugged off the gratitude in his typically uncomfortable way. "I just want to make sure you don't have any doubt about that." "Like I said," she told him in a voice that suddenly sounded several levels deeper than it had been a few seconds before, "thank you." He smiled, happy as he always was to bask in words that let him know he'd said the right thing for a change. He and Scully didn't say "I love you" as often as he imagined most people did. Maybe they should say it more, he thought, but it wasn't really their way. It sounded a little too ordinary, too common to sum up what they felt. But he always heard it in her words at moments like this. And at moments like this, he realized he should have heard it in the things she said to him for years before they'd finally admitted that what they had was something more than friendship. He should have heard it because he knew now that it had been there for a very long time, just as it had been implicit in so many of the things he'd said to her. What could he say to her to explain that she meant everything to him? Was there a shorthand for telling her that he'd travel to the ends of the earth a thousand times to save her? That he'd step in front of a bullet or a speeding car and the only thought in his mind, even as he gave his life for hers, would be regret that he was leaving her alone? That they could offer him his sister and his son and the key to saving the whole world from an invasion and he wouldn't take any of it if they asked him to walk away from her? "I love you" really didn't do it justice. When she stood and pulled at his hand, he realized that he'd been staring at her with a slightly goofy look on his face, lost in the once unfamiliar feeling of being happy. "It's late," she told him. "Let's go to bed." "Okay," he offered brightly. "You must be tired after such a long day." "Not really, no." There was no mistaking that tone. After seven odd years, his ears were tuned perfectly to pick up the sounds of arousal and invitation. He didn't hear those notes as often as he had in the very beginning, but it still struck the same deep chord inside him whenever he did. She walked deliberately, tugging him along behind her as she moved gracefully up the stairs that led to their small second floor, consisting only of a master bedroom and a much smaller room that could have housed guests if they ever had them but instead served as her workspace at home. He grinned at the look that passed over her face when she noticed that the bed was still half unmade. He knew she hated the fact that he was still in touch with his inner slob, almost as much as she hated the comforter that covered their bed. He'd spilled orange juice all over the last one, a tasteful off-white quilt that hadn't survived the large dose of Vitamin C he gave it. Before she could order a new one, he'd assured her that he could find something nice on the internet. She'd tried to brush him off and he'd complained that nothing in the bedroom reflected his taste or his input except the fish tank. When he'd presented her with his purchase a few days later and informed her that it reminded him of crop circles, she'd scowled for a few minutes before she helped him unfold it and spread it out over the mattress. Now, he was enjoying the feeling of being pulled down to lie against her in the middle of that blue field that evoked the things that once filled him with wonder. Every night in this bed was like the late realization of a fantasy from his trip to England eight years before, the one from which he'd returned to find her looking at him in an entirely different way. With all the loss and sorrow they'd suffered in their lives together, he sometimes found it hard to contain the feeling of joy that washed over him when he thought of the good things they'd managed to find. He pulled her body tightly against his and was pleased to hear her breath catch as he did it. Eyes closed tightly, his lips still found hers without any hesitation or unfortunate facial collisions. He didn't need a map when he knew the route by heart. He began kissing her slowly and deeply, sliding his tongue into her mouth in a meager attempt to communicate the overwhelming tenderness he was feeling for her after too many difficult days. He was surprised to feel her pull back from the kiss, her hand pressing lightly against his chest. She took a few seconds to catch her breath before he felt her other hand tenderly stroking the edge of his jaw. "Mulder... I think I know how you want this to be tonight. But that's not really what I need right now." "I'm not following," he responded, sounding somewhat puzzled and a little bit hurt. He absolutely needed and wanted this to happen tonight, and he thought he might actually cry if she stopped him at the gate. "What I mean is..." She turned her head to the side and he somehow knew, even though he couldn't see her face well in the darkness, that she was blushing. So. She wasn't going to stop this but she had something to say. When it came to the acts themselves, Scully was the farthest thing from shy when they were in bed together, but even after all these years, getting her to verbalize what she wanted without dropping her voice to a whisper and looking away was still a work in progress. But he counted the fact that she was now *able* to tell him what she wanted, even if she sometimes seemed uncomfortable doing it, as a bold stroke in the win column. He often had to coax her, reassuring her that this was okay and that nothing she could say would disappoint him or sound ridiculous or turn him off. But he didn't mind in the slightest. He drew her head back down toward his and moved his lips against her ear. "Whatever you need. Just tell me." She let the silence hang in the air for a bit longer before he heard her take a deep breath and begin to speak again. "I want... I don't want this to be slow, or sad. I want... you to take this over." She pushed that same breath out, now ragged, and he felt her turning her head away from him again. So he reached to grab her chin and pulled her back until her eyes were level with his. "Okay," he told her steadily. "I can do that." He rose up on his knees and yanked his shirt off over his head, letting his hands fall right back down to loosen his belt and unbutton his jeans. There was just enough light from a half-full moon for him to see the way her eyes roamed over his chest and stomach as he lay back to pull his jeans and boxer briefs down and away. He might be pushing fifty - the thought completely horrified him - but he was proud of himself for staying in his old fighting shape, and he knew that she had a particular appreciation for the hard muscles that gave his torso its structure. He saw her hands moving to the bottom edge of her soft v-neck sweater, and he reached to still them. "Let me. Sit up a minute." He could see the features on her face beginning to relax already. She really did want him to run the show here tonight, although he wasn't completely sure he understood why. He pushed the question out of his mind and separated her from her sweater, his large hands running roughly over her skin even as he took care not to put too much pressure on the one that was still bandaged. He easily unhooked the clasp of her bra in the middle of her back with the good hand and slid the garment slowly down her shoulders. God, she was beautiful. How was it possible that she could be getting more beautiful with all the time that had passed? It was practically an X-File in itself... but one where he didn't really care about finding the answer and the explanation. "Now lie back." "And think of England?" she asked him innocently. "No. Think of me," he told her in a low voice. "Think of how it feels when I'm inside you." She moaned when he spoke and he couldn't help feeling a little proud of himself. He was awfully good at the talking thing. Considering how many times she'd rolled her eyes at him over the years while he droned on about one theory or another, he would never have guessed that she'd take so much pleasure in the things he said to her when they were in bed. In a few quick motions, he divested her of the slacks she wore and of the low-cut black lace that covered precious little anyway. She'd kicked the shoes off herself at some point, and it took him no time at all to pull the knee-high hose from her legs. There, he thought, as his eyes swept over her slim form, laid bare. Perfect. He fell back down and covered half of her body with half of his own, pressing her down into the mattress while his mouth pressed hard kisses against the side of her jaw, along her hairline, and in the hollow where her long neck met a delicate shoulder. He was moving more quickly than he normally would, as she had asked, but still not too quickly. He wanted to enjoy this. It had been nearly a week now since they'd made love, and he wanted this to last for at least a little while. He found himself lingering next to her face. He thought he knew what she was asking him for, but he needed to be certain. "Are you sure?" he asked her quietly. "You want me to drive?" She turned to catch his eyes and, this time, he was the one who couldn't help glancing away uncertainly for a second before he brought his gaze back to hers. "I'm sure," she whispered. "Even if you don't know where we're going?" "I don't want to know." She smiled at him. "Just take me there. Like old times." "Like old times," he agreed. "Give me your hand." He allowed himself to fall away from her as she raised her hand to where she knew his would be waiting. He curled his fingers around her wrist and then slid them up toward the edges of her fingers, until the back of her left hand fit within the outline of his palm, his thumb hooked around her thumb so that he could better guide her movement. Gently but firmly, he moved her hand down and wrapped her fingers around his shaft, which had been fully erect since right after she made it clear that this was going to happen tonight. Welcome to the life of a man in a long-term relationship, he thought to himself, just before he realized that it was going to be hard to concentrate on random thoughts when she was moving her hand like that. He kept his own hand wrapped loosely around hers, allowing it to be pulled along with her movements, enclosing her just as she enclosed him. "God, Scully... you know what I love? I love that you know exactly how I like to be touched. I... oh yeah... I used to wonder what this would feel like. Ten years ago. Maybe longer. I'd be in a motel room next to yours..." He groaned and closed his eyes as she continued grasping him firmly, then more lightly, all the while stroking steadily up and down his length. "I'd be in bed at night doing... mmmmmmm... just what you're doing now. Except not as good. And I'd try... to imagine how it would be if it were your hand. Your mouth." He heard her sigh deeply and felt fingers running through his long, thinning hair, pushing it away from his brow. Her thumb began to press more insistently on the underside of his cock, running along the vein that often felt like it might burst from the pressure. "I always wanted to go in there. Where you were. I wanted... unnnhhhhhh... I wanted to walk through the door. I wanted you." He could feel a familiar sensation building in his testicles, threatening to erupt, and he quickly grabbed her hand and pulled it away from him before she brought the curtain down early on tonight's show. He struggled to steady his breathing for a few moments, smiling in spite of himself at the way she continued to pull lightly at the strands of his hair. Having gathered a small semblance of control again, he turned back toward her, allowing her to see that gentle smile on his face as he moved their hands - still fitted together like glove on glove - across her stomach and down, slowly, between her thighs. He moved her fingers into the wetness he found there, using his index and middle fingers to slide their counterparts on her hand over the center of nerves that he could feel was throbbing, filling with blood in much the same way that the blood filled him. Once again, he wordlessly encouraged her to set the flow of their movement and simply allowed his own hand to trail along hers. "Before you and I... you know..." "Slept together," she finished for him, words half coherent, half senseless gasping, as she slid one finger inside her and allowed one of his to follow. "Yeah... I used to wonder if maybe you were on the other side of that door. Doing this." Still letting his hand move with hers, the two of them began working their fingers in slow circles around and over her clit, and he found that he couldn't tear his eyes away from her face. He loved watching her at times like this, times when she was beginning to let herself go. Her brows knitting together with an intense concentration while her lips parted and then closed again with every breath. He loved the way that her head would roll at three-quarter speed, back and forth on the pillow, turning away and then turning back as she let herself feel the sensations shooting through her body. "Mulder..." she whispered, sliding her hand out from underneath his fingers. "You... touch me. Just you." He leaned over to steal a kiss from her, unable to resist the way her mouth hung open and seemed to be inviting him to enter. He never broke contact with the flesh that they'd been working together only a moment before. But even as he felt her thrumming beneath his fingers, he couldn't help himself from asking, wondering how it was that he'd never asked her before. Never quite this way. "When you touched yourself, Scully... before... did you think about me?" His voice had dropped to a more modest register. Almost shy. Almost reluctant to ask in case he ended up not liking the answer that she gave him. He heard her laugh lightly just as she sucked in another deep breath. "You tell me, Mulder." "No," he told her quietly, slowing the rotations of his fingers until they were barely moving and feeling only slightly guilty when she groaned with regret. "You tell me." She opened her eyes, and it looked like it took some great effort, almost like he was watching two garage doors struggling upward along their chains. "It's important to you," she huffed out in a surprisingly matter-of-fact tone of voice. "I want to know. I was thinking about you. And I always imagined, back then, that you were thinking about me. Stupid, huh?" He could hear those familiar notes of self-loathing creeping into his words, and he knew she wouldn't like the sound. But instead of reproving him for being silly, or stupid, or insecure, she brought both of her hands to his face and pulled him down to her. She kissed him fervently, and he started to feel lost in the sensation of the moist lips suckling at him, kissing him, moving over his mouth like they belonged there as much as his own lips did. He sighed sadly when she pulled away. "It took me a long time, Mulder," she told him, and he heard the regret in her words. "I couldn't let myself feel those things for a long time, not even in the dark. Not even when I was alone. I knew what was there, right under the surface, and I thought I'd get lost in it." He tried to hide the disappointment he imagined was creeping across his face. He shouldn't have asked. It wasn't important anyway. That was a long time ago, and this was now. He returned his attentions to stroking her, pushing the question and the answer out of his mind. So he was unprepared for the feeling of her hand covering his own and bringing him to a gradual stop. "Mulder." He loved the way his name rolled off her tongue. Found himself wanting to send a thank-you note to himself at age thirty-two for insisting that Scully not call him Fox. "I walked in on you once," she told him, the long- suppressed guilt breaking right through. "We'd been partners for maybe four years and you'd left the connecting door ajar one night, and I didn't realize you were already in bed and that the lights in your room were off because I was thinking about the report in my hand, and I..." "You walked in on me?!" He wasn't certain why he cared - after all, he'd be hard-pressed to count the number of times he'd stroked himself in front of her when they were having sex - but he was horrified just the same. "You walked in on my jerking off? Jesus." He could see that Scully was trying very hard to stifle a smile. "I didn't see very much, Mulder. I realized right away what was going on and that you didn't know I was there. I only watched you for half a minute." "You watched me?!" He brought his bandaged hand up to his eyes and covered them, embarrassed more for the man he used to be than for the man he now was. "Only for a bit," she murmured. "I couldn't... it was strange... I couldn't walk away. I was frozen there and it seemed like an hour before I could move again. Because I just knew somehow that you were..." She paused. "That you were imagining me. Imagining us." "Well if it was any time after 1996, I don't think there's any question," he told her, sounding a little indignant. "I know," she told him softly. "And you didn't feel the same way." J'accuse! he thought to himself. "No... I did. That was the problem. So I turned around and went back inside my room and I tried to just... to forget." "Why are you telling me this?" She shrugged. "Because you asked. And because I don't know how else to explain to you how hard it was for me to let you in." Her voice was suddenly full of emotion, having gone from amusement to something far more mournful in not much more than the blink of an eye. "And now that I've let you in... now that you're here... I can't handle the thought of you ever not being here." Her voice broke just as she finished speaking, and he found himself searching her face for the tears he knew he'd find there. He wasn't disappointed. He lay flat against the bed and gathered her into his arms until her head was tucked into the nook where his chest and shoulder met. "I'm not going anywhere," he promised her. He could barely hear the sob catching in her throat, but he felt it rumbling against his skin. "Last night..." she choked out. "Ssshhhhhh. I'm alright. You saved me." "One of these days... if I'd been even a few seconds late... if I'd walked a little slower, or taken a wrong turn..." "But you didn't," he whispered. "And I'm okay. You'll always save me, Scully. You always have." "And when the day comes that I can't?!" "I don't believe in that day." "Maybe you should." "No. I'll be more careful, and you'll be you, and something out there... someone... will be on our side like it always has been." "You're not charmed, you know, Mulder. Whatever you might think." He bent down to kiss the top of her head. "Not charmed. Just very lucky. You're my luck, Scully. Something watches over you, and you watch over me." She sniffled several times and he was so happy to have her in his arms like this, opening up to him like she never had when they were younger, that he didn't even feel that badly about his now-flagging erection. "You don't believe in God," she told him dismissively, and he laughed out loud at the accusation. Deciding that it was time to push the evening back on track, he deftly slid his body out to the left and then rolled himself on top of her, nestling himself in the space between her legs. "Well..." He bent his head to her ear again and lowered his voice, wanting her to hear all of the want there, and all of the need, and all of the sometimes overwhelming affection he felt for her. "You do. You believe in God. And I believe in you. Transitive property." He reached down to take himself in hand and bring all flags at half-mast back to attention, finding that this was unfamiliar territory for his uninjured left hand. Still, he was amused all over again at how he'd do this without a second thought now and was completely mortified by the idea that she'd seen him doing it ten years ago. "Transitive... really." She sounded skeptical. He knew he was a completely lost cause the day he realized that he loved her skeptical tone of voice almost more than any other. "Mmmmm hmmmmmm." Frustrated with the awkwardness of his left hand, he slid his body farther up along hers and began rubbing the very tip of his cock against her clit. Yeah, that did the trick for him. And from the sounds she was making, it was definitely doing the trick for her. "Jesus, Mulder!" His back rose up in a beautiful curve and then dipped again at his neck where he leaned down to rub his cheek against hers, humming as he did it and knowing that the rough stubble on his face was giving her contrast. A little bit of pain here, a lot of pleasure elsewhere. Roughness at one end of her body, and a pure, slick smoothness working over her at the other. He always enjoyed teasing her this way, but it wasn't always a tease. As often as he'd play there this way, lingering at the entrance to her body just before sliding inside it, there were many times when he'd stay right where he was and make her come just from the friction of his cock rubbing against her. He liked to mix it up a bit. Keep it interesting. And he liked that she never knew whether or not he was going to enter her at a moment like this one. Never knew if he'd choose to bring her to orgasm this way first and worry about fucking her later. Much as he ached, and as sensitive as the head of his cock was becoming, he could also see how close she was and he was reluctant to break her away from that glorious build that was beginning to etch itself into the soft lines of her face. "Mulder... aren't you... please..." He felt the tips of her fingers pressing into the flesh of his ass and struggling to pull him inside her. "Just wait," he gritted out. "Not yet. I'm... driving... remember?" She gasped again in frustration, but the gasp was interrupted by a much deeper moan coming from somewhere deep inside her. He could see that it had caught her by surprise. He increased the pace at which his hips were moving and let his fingers slide down the edge of his cock to take over the hard work of taking her right over the edge. She lasted maybe a few more seconds before he watched her face contorting in that unbelievably erotic way it did when she was particularly tense and the relief was particularly welcome. Pain, joy, and release all merged into one incredible look of rapture. He was a lucky man alright. He waited for the first hint of discomfort to appear on her face and immediately removed his touch from the wet warmth where he'd like to set up camp and stay forever. Maybe build a fire. Like Dances With Wolves. She was still breathing hard, but she managed to fling a hand over on top of his chest when he flopped back down beside her. That hand moved across the place just above his heart, tracing lazy patterns there as she came back to herself. "Thank you," she whispered, and he was a little flummoxed by the idea of being thanked right now. Didn't she know how much he enjoyed doing this with her? For her? He didn't need to be thanked. So he told her so. "Scully, don't thank me for doing something I love to do. It's weird." She turned and gave him one of her brightest smiles. Teeth and everything. "Sorry," she told him, sounding contrite as the smile faded a bit. "It's hard to find the words sometimes. To tell you." "To tell me what?" He nuzzled her cheek again. "That... I'm grateful. For you. For what you give me." He'd always thought that hearts only broke when they were hurting. But sometimes, when she looked at him the way she was looking at him now, and she said something that caught him completely off guard with its honesty and simplicity, he could swear he felt something splintering inside his chest. He decided it must be what you feel when something moves you too much for words and too much for tears. So he said nothing. He simply turned and let his head fall to her breast, sliding his ear around until he could hear the beating underneath her skin. They lay together like that for a little while, just listening to the silence and watching the shadows shifting in the room as the moon followed its arc through the sky outside. Long enough, he soon realized, that they'd started breathing in unison. "So, I've been thinking, Mulder." Her voice was so soft and low that it would have been lost if there'd been any other sound in their bedroom at all. "Thinking?" he muttered. "Like you suggested." Her voice dropped another notch. Was that even possible, he wondered? Any lower and he'd probably have to be a bat to catch the sound. "I'm thinking about how you feel when you're moving inside me." Damn. He must have done something awfully good at some point in his life to have ended up with Scully. "And about the way you look when you're there." One of her hands pulled at his left side, encouraging him to move back on top of her, while the other played with the hair at the base of his skull and massaged the tired muscles there. "Come into me, Mulder." It was barely a whisper but he heard it. Because he knew what to listen for. "Come to me." They'd agreed that he would be at the wheel tonight, but when the woman he loved - the only woman he'd ever really loved, he understood now - was asking him to fuck her... well, for once, he didn't feel much like arguing with her. "Tell you what, Scully..." In a flash, he rolled and pulled her on top of him despite her best efforts to effect the opposite result. "I think you'll have to ride because I'm not sure my right hand can take my weight. Besides, this is always the best view for me." "And for me," she murmured. And before he could think of a clever retort, he felt her sliding down on him, all of the heat inside her surrounding him, strong inner muscles contracting all along the length of him. She pushed as far down as she could go, never stopping until she'd settled herself against the base of his cock. This was good. Sometimes he thought that this was all he really wanted anymore. To be joined with her this way. To feel her all around him. Like a blanket. Like a shield. Like armor. Like acceptance he'd searched for all of his life and never found until he'd looked up one day and found it staring back at him in the form of his perfect opposite. She was moving now, pushing herself up and then back down, so slowly, and it was like being in a trance to watch her doing it. He thrust his hips upward to meet her every other time she moved to take him back in, and he loved the way she gasped when he did. He brought his left hand up to grasp her neck just below where the edge of her jaw was setting hard with concentration. He ran his thumb along the joint there, trying to relax the muscle he could see flexing even in near darkness. "That's it, Scully... yes... just like that... God, I love this... so beautiful... I waited... such a long time... for you..." "I know," she managed to breathe out as her pattern picked up speed and lost a little of its grace. "Too many years... too much time... too dark..." "It's light here now," he told her fiercely, thrusting up harder against her, pushing himself up from this bed in the middle of a nearly pitch black room. Twisting a little so that his pelvic bone hit her in just the perfect spot. "Let it try... to find us... where it's so light." He saw the smile and the tears crossing her face at the same time, intersecting somewhere in a burst of brightness that lit up everything in his field of vision. He felt the spasms from her inner muscles like sparks all around him, and he heard her crying out, and he wanted to look at her now and watch the way her face danced with light that could have only come from somewhere inside them... light that didn't exist on its own in a dark house in the dead of night. But she pulled him along with her in a wild release of pleasure and grief and fear, and he was lost in it. Letting go of everything, here, for now, together. He felt her collapse against him and he held her to his chest as tightly as he could, like he could somehow meld her flesh with his own if only he were strong enough. If only the world worked that way. If only the light could always stay. "Don't give up," she whispered thoughtfully, wisps of breath from her mouth bouncing off his skin. "It sounds so simple. Like it's easy to say." "We've never given up." He realized that he was stroking the back of her neck, running his finger over the scar that covered the chip there. "It's not who we are." "You really believe that something... God or something... was speaking through a fallen priest." "It makes sense. Who could understand redemption better than someone who needs it above all others? Who could understand hope better than someone who knows what it is to take hope away from someone else? Knows what it is to look for it again." Resting her head just beneath his chin, she reached up and touched his face tenderly. "I always wanted to believe that God could be speaking. But I was afraid that no one was listening. That I wasn't listening." "And now?" He kissed the tips of her fingers as they passed across his lips. "And now... now a storm is coming. We've told ourselves that there'll be time. But I wonder. I wonder if all of this was meant to remind us... meant to remind *me* that we can't hide from the storm." Yes, he thought, as if he were remembering something he'd been told once that had somehow slipped away from him. Lying here now, on a bed made of crop circles, he realized that he'd never really forgotten. A storm. Soon. "Let the storm come," he told her, taking her hand in his and holding her even closer as his eyes searched above him until they found the light of a fading moon. "Let it come. We'll be ready." END Author's Notes: I can't take credit for coming up with the idea that those grommet things on Mulder and Scully's comforter might resemble crop circles, but I also can't remember who first drew the comparison and at which message board. You know who you are and I thank you for the inspiration. It would make my whole year if the set decorator for IWTB participated in the DVD commentary. Thanks also to Mack and Namarie for giving us ATTHS. It's practically this year's "truthiness" already. And last thing... I haven't forgotten about A Star Like a White City (is it AU now?). I've been working on Part 5. But the film. Come on. I've seen it seven times. I needed an outlet.