Condoms (11/18) by Lola e-mail: Time: Set during and post-The Truth. Spoilers: Everything up to the end of the series. Summary: Mulder hates condoms for more than the obvious reasons. Overall Rating: NC-17 I do not own the characters. I do not make any money from this. Enjoy! *************** Mulder walked cautiously toward the door of room 16 of the Sunset Palace Motel. It looked recently shut down and the knots in his stomach tightened with each step he took. This was his and Scully's meeting point but there was no one in sight. She was supposed to have been here for the last 2 days but there is nowhere for her to be, and he had their tent so there was no way she could have been camping. How had she spent the last 2 days? Where was she? He mentally chastised himself for this oversight. He should have checked to make sure it was still open, he hadn't been here since he was a teenager vacationing with his Grandpa and Grandma. It had been in business for over 50 years then, he just figured it was still in business when they saw it in the motel directory. Apparently, they were about 6 months late for a room at this place. It was night and he didn't notice as he kicked a can on his approach. The rattle from it hitting the metal siding wall of the motel echoed throughout the empty lot. He figured he should at least check in the room for a note or message from Scully, possibly giving him a clue to her current location. The door to the room was open and when Mulder switched on his small flashlight he saw that it had obviously been used for a party place many nights. There were beer bottles and used condoms littering the floor and mice scurrying around the perimeter of the room. Without the mess and rodents it would have looked like any one of the thousand motel rooms he and Scully had stayed in over the years. He walked across the room and was drawn to a picture on the wall. It was an oil painting of a beach scene circa 1960 with a dog running after a kite. The painting had been spray painted with a bunch of tags but the print underneath was unmistakable. It wasn't just any painting, it was a painting he had seen before. This same painting was in the room he and Scully shared when Emily died: He had received Scully's phone call about her daughter and hopped on the first plane to San Diego in hopes of figuring this out with as little damage to her psyche as possible. The girl was Scully's and she was very ill. Mulder had tried to do everything to help Scully and her little girl but, in the end Scully had made the very unselfish move to let Emily die instead of prolonging her pain and suffering. He had offered to stay with Scully at the hospital but she had brushed him off. He wasn't sure why but, for some reason she needed to do this alone. He gave her the space she needed and waited outside ICU in a very uncomfortable chair for many hours thinking of what Scully must be facing. When she emerged with a drawn look on her face and red eyes he knew that Emily had died and that she had just lost the only daughter she would ever know. "Mulder?" she asked as he walked toward her "what are you still doing here? It's 4 am." "I couldn't...I couldn't just leave you here alone Scully" he stammered. "I'm fi...." she began and then dropped her head to her chest while silent sobs raked over her body. He took 3 steps forward and engulfed her in his embrace whispering comforting words into her hair as she clung to his waist. "Let me get you back to your brother's house. You need to get some sleep Scully." "No, no" she whispered into his lapel "I don't want to go there. I can't stand to see their patronizing faces, Mulder. I just can't bear it right now." "Then, what do you want Scully? Just tell me and I'll make it happen" he said reassuringly. "Are you checked in somewhere, Mulder?" He nodded 'yes'. "Then take me there. I just need to get some sleep and I don't really feel like talking much, if that's okay?" "That's just fine Scully" he said as he firmly grasped her waist and walked her out of the hospital. When they arrived at the motel he left her alone in the room while he ran out to bring back something to eat. He knew she needed to eat, but he also knew Scully needed some time to herself to clean up and get changed. He had offered her his pajamas and she had gratefully accepted them. Upon his return with McDonald's in hand, he couldn't help but snicker at the sight of Scully in his large blue pajamas rolled up on the legs and arms. She looked like she had been swallowed by a cotton monster. They ate quietly and after she ate half her muffin she climbed over the bed and was pulling up the covers without a word. "I'll get the blinds and the TV" Mulder offered. "No, Mulder, please leave them. I'm so tired I can fall asleep, as is." He immediately rose to pull the blinds shut and turn off the TV. "No, really Mulder, I'm just going to go to sleep. Please watch some TV, I've already taken over your room enough as it is." "I'm fine Scully, really." he said as he clicked the TV off "I have a couple of case files I have to look over anyways." "Whatever you want Mulder. I'm going to sleep." "Sweet dreams" he said before he had had a chance to think She started to cry immediately. He felt like the biggest idiot, ever. How can she have sweet dreams? Her daughter just died, her family thinks she's nuts, she can't have children, her career is a mess because she's partnered with him, the list goes on. He got up and sat next to her on the bed pulling her toward him "I'm sorry Scully. I'm so sorry." She cried in his arms for almost an hour as he smoothed over her hair and wiped the tears from her eyes. Only in sleep did the crying stop. Mulder sat up all day with her head in his lap gently patting her hair and staring at the picture of the dog chasing the kite. Only it wasn't just a dog chasing a kite. There was also a little blonde girl in the painting running ahead of the dog, pulling the kite. Running away from you and never turning around. "Mulder?" Her voice broke the silence of the ramshackle room and Mulder's memories of the painting. "Scully" he exhaled as he turned toward the door to find her standing in the frame. He briskly walked toward her anxious to close the distance between them. "Where have you been?" "Well, not here. I'll tell you that" she snickered. "I would hope not." he chuckled as his arms encircled her waist and he pulled her toward him "where's all your gear?" "That's what I need to talk to you about." "OK, what is it Scully?" "I know our plan was to camp again for another month but when I got here and saw this place..." "I'm sorry about that" "No, no, it's okay Mulder. How could we have known, right?" "Right." "So I got here and I realized I didn't have a tent so I had to explore my options." "Okay...Scully you are making me nervous, can you get to the point?" "So, there's a trailer park just over the ridge and I rented us a trailer for a month." "You what?" "I rented a trailer at Poteete Creek Campground. It's cheap, it beats the shit out of camping for another month, it's clean, and it's fairly secluded so we don't have to worry about people." "How secluded?" "Well, most of the people who live there work in the quarry and work long shifts. When they aren't working and have a f ew days off they go home to their families. All in all, there a re usually very few people around." "So, what's the catch?" "No catch Mulder. I just would like to sleep in a bed for the next month and after days spent switching buses I'm sick of movement. Can you just try it out?" He sighed and looked down at her face in the dark. He'd do anything for her. He leaned down and kissed her sweetly on the lips. "Sounds great Scully. Show me where home is." He let go of her and walked back to his backpack which he'd dumped on the floor when he heard her voice. "Mulder, you backpack is going to be covered with puke and used condoms after being on that floor." "Yeah, I guess I didn't think about that" he agreed as he reached down to pick it up. Her flashlight shone a beam of light in his direction hoping to help him see his way back when the painting behind him caught her attention. "That painting Mulder, I know it somehow." He grimaced and looked down at his shoes waiting for the moment when it dawned on her where she saw it before. "It's from the night Emily died" he offered as he watched her perplexed face search for the connection. "Oh" was all she offered as she stared at it blankly. "Come on Scully, let's get out of here" he said as he reached around her shoulder. "I didn't expect that" she offered. "Just like I didn't expect your mother to call your cell phone at 8am that morning and my having to explain that you were asleep in my bed" he offered trying to take her mind off Emily. "What?" Scully asked shocked as she turned toward him. "Didn't I ever tell you that?" "No." "Didn't your mother?" "No, I think I would have remembered that conversation." "Oh" was all he could reply. "What did she say?" "Well, I answered your phone because it was on the nightstand and I didn't want to wake you." "Okay, I see that. Keep going." "So she was obviously surprised that I answered and asked if she could speak with you. I explained you were asleep and when she started to say she was going to come to the hospital to get you, I had to tell her where you were." "Which was...?" "I told her you were at the Motor Court Inn with me." "You what?!" "Well, you were. And as I started to explain how we got there she interrupted me and said that her daughter's personal life was none of her business." "And you didn't correct her?" "She wouldn't let me and hung up the phone so fast I didn't have a chance to tell her about Emily." "Mulder!" "What?" "You led my mother to believe that we were involved back then." "I did not such thing Scully. She wouldn't let me explain." "Well, I'm glad that I was the one who told her about Emily. I think in her own way she understood that my loss was very real." "I think she did too Scully." "I miss her Mulder." "I know. You'll see her again. You have to believe that Scully." "I do Mulder. I do" she affirmed to herself. They walked out of the room and into the night toward their new home. ************** Continued in Part 12