delicate by susan E-mail: Classification: moment-in-time prose thingie Spoiler: I Want to Believe Archive: No archive without permission. Disclaimer: On paper, these characters aren't mine. In my head, they are, and boy have they been talking my ear off lately!;) Summary: she's like that, he thinks delicate, yet strong ***************************************************** sitting on the porch a warm breeze in the air a hummingbird on the feeder he watches with fascination as it drinks the sugar water she made for it last night such a delicate creature with tiny feet and gossamer wings yet so strong she's like that, he thinks delicate yet strong sitting on the porch the breeze wafting through his hair her car now in the driveway he watches with concern as she slowly gets out moves towards the house he knows it wasn't a good day the moment he sees her face knows that she'll need him to be quiet and so he will be for now climbing the steps she walks over to him lets her briefcase fall on the porch bites her lip as she sits down and threads her fingers through his it's another little boy at the hospital who needs to be saved the third one this month it's william again, he thinks but he doesn't say the words out loud and neither does she unthreading his fingers from hers he wraps his arm around her instead gently slides his hand over her hair as she rests her head on his shoulder i can't keep doing this, she says her body shuddering against his yes, you can, you can do anything he wants to say but she's not ready to hear that yet and so he says nothing he simply holds her and waits sitting on the porch the warm breeze turning cooler his fingers still stroke the strands of her hair as they watch the small bird hover by the feeder take several sips of the sweet nectar inside it's amazing, she says so are you, he whispers back and you'll find a way to help this child you will i couldn't find a way with william, she thinks but she doesn't say the words out loud and neither does he just then the hummingbird moves to the perch stops its wings from beating turns its head before taking another drink its wings are so delicate, she says and strong, he says, just like you sitting on the porch the cool breeze skittering across their skin the sun lowering itself in the sky they watch the bird as it drinks its fill then finally flies away afterwards when the sun disappears and the silence becomes too loud he lifts his arm from her shoulder stands up and walks across the creaky porch you know where i'll be if you need me, he says as he bends down and kisses her cheek then opens the rusted screen door i can't give up, she whispers and i won't let you, he says as he turns around and holds out his palm standing up she moves across the porch slips her hand into his and follows him inside ~end~ Thank you for reading. possibilities