Delivery Day by Lolabeegood E-mail: Distribution: Archive freely with my name attached Rating: PT Categories: V, R Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance Spoilers: Up to and including IWTB, but this takes place before it. Summary: A day in the life of Fox Mulder while living in long-term isolation. Author's Notes: The first one I wrote was called 'Laundry Day' and now I've decided to write a series. The stories are very loosely tied to each other so reading them in some kind of order is really unnecessary. Honourable mention goes to the Home and Garden Network. I do not own the characters. I do not make any money from this. Enjoy! ************************************* As Mulder watched the flatbed back up in front of their house he could picture, quite clearly, Scully's words in his head when she saw the load of lumber. 'I shouldn't have got him that damn shed kit' she would mumble to herself. He smiled at the thought of her saying that, and scribbled initials that weren't his, across the packing slip. "If you need anything else, you let us know and we'll deliver it." The man offered. "Thanks, I'll take you up on that" Mulder said as he shook his hand. "So, home reno project?" the man asked as they both watched the young kid on the bobcat unload the delivery. "Yeah, I'm doing some built-ins" Mulder smiled at him. "I did a bunch of those for my wife a few years ago. She really liked having a place for everything." "I'm hoping it will get all of my crap out of her way," Mulder smiled down at the man. The two men stood in silence and watched the final load gently make its way to the ground. He should have taken advantage of talking to another human being besides Scully but, he was so unaccustomed to making small talk he had a hard time with it. "Thanks for the business" the man yelled as he started to climb in the truck "we hope to see you again." "Thanks" Mulder waved to him. The truck awkwardly turned around in their slim driveway and exited through the front gate. Mulder glanced at his watch. It was 4:30. Scully would be home soon so, he'd just leave it open. He walked down the steps to his big purchase and touched the beautiful wood that stood before him. He would have to get it inside before dark so it wouldn't get rained on. Mulder leaned down and picked up a box filled with nails, a laser level, and various other hardware bits and carried it inside. He came in and out of the house for over a half an hour before Scully's car crept up the driveway. He stopped his shuffling of home reno supplies for a minute to greet her at her driver's side door. "Mulder, what is all this?" she asked gesturing to the large pile of wood in front of them. "I've decided to do some stuff around the house." He said kissing her on the cheek. "That damn shed kit" she cursed under her breath. The line brought a smile of acknowledgement from Mulder. He knew her so well. "What? You don't think I can do it?" he said as he shoved her shoulder. "You still haven't told me what 'it' is, yet" she said as she shut her car door. "You know in the bedroom on the far wall?" "Yes" she answered him cautiously. "I was thinking, what about some built-ins to keep all of our books on and all of those knick-knacks you have, so I'm not always knocking them off end tables." "And I'm not tripping over your books that are always piled all over the floor?" "They're not all over Scully, I try and keep them close to the walls." "Oh, I knew there was a system you hadn't informed me of." "So picture it" he said as he moved to stand behind her and stretch his arms in front of her as if he was describing a scene from a movie "a wall filled with shelves of various height and widths housing all my books out of tripping range, all of your knick knacks out of knocking range, and a nice flat screen TV." "Mulder, you know I don't like a TV in the bedroom." "Yeah, but Scully," he started trying to think of the best way to approach the subject "we could lay in bed and watch old movies on a Sunday morning all snuggled under the covers..." "Or you could stay up late watching sports commentary while I try and sleep with a blue glow in the room." "That's not..." "That is what will happen, and you know it." She said crossing her arms. "Okay, no TV for now..." he paused for effect "but I'll make a spot for one just in case you change your mind at a later date." "I won't" "You might." She turned and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You can hang a nice painting in the spot until you change your mind." He said trying to reach an agreement. "I choose the art?" "You choose the art. I'll build the shelves." "They should also be painted white to match the trim in the rest of the house." "I'll paint them white." "That sounds like a great idea, but Mulder, do you have any resources for this project?" "Resources?" "Yeah, like book that tell you the steps involved or..." "I have several books and I am a regular viewer of the Home and Garden Network." He smiled down at her. "So that's what you do with your days?" she chuckled. "The reno shows Scully." "So you say." She said looping an arm around his waist. "You have to get all this in the house?" "Yeah, I've been piling my stuff up on the back porch and in the mudroom, but the wood..." "Can't stay outside" she interrupted. "I was thinking the dining room." "Don't you want it upstairs?" "I didn't think you'd want it upstairs." "Throw it in the office upstairs Mulder, I can step around it for...?" "Two weeks, max" he said with authority. "Let me get changed" she said pulling away from him "and I'll help." "Thanks, Scully." He said as he reached for her wrist and pulled her back towards him. Her body came flush against his and she relaxed in his embrace and smiled up at him. "You know," he smiled down at her "I've always done my best work in the bedroom." "Yes, you have" she smirked at him "yes, you have." **************************************** The End