Dumnezeu permite razbunare (10/30) by Bonkersfm E-MAIL: bonkersfm@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: MSR casefile SUMMARY: When Mulder starts profiling again, Scully mysteriously disappears. When she is discovered it's a race against time to unravel the events that have taken place, to save the lives of others and salvage a relationship in the balance. RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: IWTB ARCHIVE: Yes just e-mail me please DISCLAIMERS: Not mine and making no money Chapter 10 Doctors swarmed into Scully's room, closely followed by Mulder. He had to settle for standing back, as hospital staff tried to secure the oxygen mask back to her mouth, injecting her with some kind of sedative. She instantly lay back on the bed, her flailing arms settling at her sides, as she fell back to sleep. "What are you doing?" Mulder pushed his way into the crowd. "This sometimes happens when trauma victims regain consciousness. I've given her a mild sedative. She'll come round again, but we'll have her on a sedative to keep her calm." Mulder couldn't help but feel cheated. He'd waited six months to talk to her, and now he was being denied this for God knows how many more hours. "When? When will she come round?" Most of the other staff left, leaving just one Doctor, Harrison. "It shouldn't be long, although now we feel she's more stable it might be a good time to examine her further. If I'm honest I'm surprised she is this well. With your permission, I'd like to keep her out until tonight, and examine her as the FBI have instructed." Maggie looked at Mulder, wishing he would make this decision quickly. He knew it would only be a matter of time before the investigation took over and they would learn what had happened. No one was more surprised than Skinner when Detective Kretski turned up at the hospital. He had managed to hold off his two men from the FBI, an Agent Crane and Agent Pheeny, as difficult as that had been. They'd been on this case so long, without evidence, that now they had a living witness they wanted to get her talking as soon as possible. Kretski, on the other hand, wanted to talk to his witness too. He negotiated now with Skinner. "She was found washed up on a beach in Virginia, not in one of those boxes, which means she isn't one of your victims. She's a victim of some punk hitting out in Alexandria, Theres's been near enough ten rapes in that area over the past year." "No." Mulder stood now, having listened passively for the last few minutes as these men argued over the woman like a piece of meat. "It's him and the examination will show it. She didn't end up in a box because she didn't give him the chance. Why do you think that there have been no recent bodies found? Yeah we found others, but they were dead long before Scully went missing. I'm telling you this is our guy and no one is talking to her before I do!" A knock came at the door as the Doctor gingerly walked to the group of men. "I have the results of the examination Mr. Mulder. I have Mrs. Scully waiting in the relative room." As Mulder strode over, Kretski went to follow, stopped by Skinner's arm. "You can read about it in the report." He said. "When can I see her?" Maggie pleaded through sad eyes. "She's sleeping now, but she should come round anytime in the next two or three hours. We did a full examination, if you want me to run through the results?" Maggie shook her head, and headed for the door. "I'll go wait for her to wake up." She left, closing the door firmly behind her. The Doctor let out a sigh, and signalled for Mulder to take a seat. "When Dana was found, there were traces of salt water in her lungs. That, coupled with the location she was found suggests that she fell in the water somehow and lost consciousness. The sedative that you suggested we test for was found in her blood stream in copious amounts as were high levels of oestrogen and progesterone which I found strange." "You mean like birth control?" Mulder asked, his brain making the necessary connections. "Thats what I found so strange. Even If Miss Scully had been taking something before she..." "She wasn't." Mulder cut him off. "Well," The Doctor proceeded with caution, "even if she had, the effects would not have shown to this extent. Not now anyway. There are bruises and scratches along her back and some internal injuries as if she's been kicked and punched. Some of her injuries seem to have been treated, although ineffectively. There were no strangulation marks and certainly no signs of electrocution as you asked. There are signs of sexual activity, bruising to the inner thighs and wrists, but no tearing and no traces of semen. We're running more tests, one of which will be for HIV and AIDS, just as a precaution. If I were asked, I would say that whilst this is certainly a case of neglect and abuse, whoever it was made sure he kept her alive." Mulder sat in the arm chair next to Scully's bed, watching as her breath came easily now. She looked thin to him, with her hair longer than he'd ever seen it, tinted with the grey that she usually covered so well. He was glad that Maggie hadn't wanted to be there as the Doctor read out the list of injuries and had been happier still when she had elected to go home and fetch some clothes ready for when he daughter could come home. A soft knocking interrupted his thoughts as Kretski entered the room. "What do you want?" Mulder didn't even look up "I wanted to see how Dana was doing." He paused, knowing that the words had not sounded as sincere as he would have liked. "I also just talked to the Doctor and I know that you know this doesn't fit your profile. I ask that you both make yourselves available to me when she wakes up." With that he left, closing the door behind him. Although he had suppressed the urge to follow Kretski out and slug him, Mulder knew inside why he acted the way he did. He'd been there before, where relatives feelings were overlooked in the pursuit of a suspect. He leaned forward and touched the side of her face, moving an errant strand of hair that had found its way across her cheek. She began to stir, and suddenly his heart began to pound in his chest. He'd spent the last six months waiting for this moment but now he felt himself dreading the moment when she asked what had happened to her. "Scully." He said gently, "Scully can you hear me?" He couldn't stop touching her now, ignoring the Doctors advice that she should wake of her own accord. Opening her eyes, she turned her head to face him, staring for what seemed like an age. "Scully?" She opened her mouth to speak, mouthing quiet words that he could barely hear. He leaned down, until his face was inches from hers, catching odd words that she breathed rather than spoke. Her mouth closed for a moment as she closed her eyes. Then, on re-opening them, she screamed for her life.