Dumnezeu permite razbunare (22/30) by Bonkersfm E-MAIL: bonkersfm@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: MSR casefile SUMMARY: When Mulder starts profiling again, Scully mysteriously disappears. When she is discovered it's a race against time to unravel the events that have taken place, to save the lives of others and salvage a relationship in the balance. RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: IWTB ARCHIVE: Yes just e-mail me please DISCLAIMERS: Not mine and making no money Chapter 22 "We have to stop meeting like this." Kretski sat in the same booth as before, hoping to raise a smile. "This better be good." She said, taking her usual seat, pushing the coffee offered her away. "What's wrong?" "Mulder's about five blocks away visiting Dr. Vincent again. I told him I was going for a walk." "I see." He said, a little disappointed by her lack of enthusiasm. "My Daddy was a cop in the sixties. He walked this beat for over forty years before a bullet in the hip slowed him down. He used to tell me stories about this and that, anything that would scare me a little you know?" She nodded impatiently, watching as her cell vibrated along the table. "Well anyway, one night he comes home, all sweaty and dirty. There was some fire at the whorehouse. They pulled out like twelve bodies, all dead. Now he was sure he knew who it was. Poor town was overrun by them, but they were anything but poor." "Them?" "Yeah, a religious group, Romanian. They tended to keep themselves to themselves for the most part, but they openly shared their views on the sins of society. Turns out one of their own were pulled from the fire." "A girl?" "No a customer. A guy called Noah Sanders. When they looked at his body, someone had inscribed something on his back. Guess what..." "Dumez...." "Bingo. " "Are they still in poor town?" "No, their settlement decreased in size and eventually they moved to Eastville. Now I did a little more digging. Turns out Alice Homer wasn't such a good girl after all. Did you know that the day she went missing she quit her job at the motel?" "She did?" "Yup. I have it on good authority that she was on the next ferry to Eastville. She'd met a guy. A god fearing guy." Mulder left the office, tapping Scully's mobile number into his phone. When all he got was voice mail, he left a message. "Scully it's me. Look I just got to Vincent's office and you'll never guess what. Vincent turned himself in about an hour ago. Local PD is ransacking his office, but he's in custody right now. I'm getting into the car now, just let me know where you are and I'll come get you." He folded his cell down, and began to drive slowly down the street, knowing her favourite route off by heart. Soon the buzzing of his cell caused him to pull over next to a small coffee shop. "Mulder it's me, I'm sorry I missed your call. " "You get my message?" "Yeah....look why don't you go to see Vincent by yourself? I'm not wearing my disguise. " "Well, okay..." He replied. "How are you gonna get home?" "Call me when you're finished at the precinct okay? I'll meet you there. " He hardly had time to reply before the phone went dead. He started up the car again, driving slowly through the streets. Stopping only for the pedestrians that crossed. He stopped only long enough to catch a flash of red. A flash of red walking with a familiar detective. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mulder sat quietly, waiting for the right moment. Any minute now she would walk through that door, and he would have to ask her where she'd been. He was sitting in the entrance to the precinct where Dr Vincent had turned himself in. His whole body felt heavy with disappointment. Not only had his first big lead on the case turned into a dead end, but now his better half had started telling lies. No, 'telling lies' was probably a little strong. With holding the truth sounded gentler, although to him it was as betraying. His phone buzzed, not a phone call but a text, from Scully. His blood stirred again as he read it. ' Mulder, felt really tired so made my own way home. See you tonight x'. He closed his eyes, his mind running through the hundred different things she could possibly want with Kretski. If it were the case, she would have told him surely? His thoughts were interrupted when Skinner took a seat beside him. "I know you're disappointed." He said. "I didn't see this coming." "Me either. When you said he'd confessed I thought you meant to the crime." "Credit card fraud is a crime." Skinner answered, but quickly added, "I know it's not the important one." "Yeah well, any man that uses a dead woman's identity to embezzle deserves to do time." Mulder sighed. "He could still be our guy..." "He's not our guy Skinner. I know for sure." Mulder interrupted. "I don't wanna go home yet, any chance I can sit in evidence?" Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He sat in the dark room, removing files and plastic wallets from the boxes. He'd been over this evidence a thousand times. He'd seen pictures, autopsy reports, personal effects, crime scene details. Everything except the tiny tapes that appeared in one of the wallets. He put them in his pocket, before going in search of a device to play them. He sat in the tiny room, headphones tightly clasped against his ears. Soon voices resonated. "Dana, we've spoken so much about your ordeal in captivity. Now I want to know how you got away. How did you escape?" "I made it impossible for him to leave me behind. I manipulated him. He needed me. He needed me so much. She hates me for how he feels about me, but I don't care. I made him take me with them." "How?" "I saw vulnerability and I took advantage of it. I made him need me, and I hate myself for doing it. For letting him do those things to me, but you gotta understand, I needed to convince him. I knew it would work." "How did you know it would work?" "I started asking for things. Painkillers, candy, cigerettes even. I asked for small favours that seemed insignificant to him compared to what I was giving him." "And what was that Dana? What do you feel you gave him?" "Love. He believed I loved him. When he brought me those things, it was a test. By the time I'd asked for him to take me with him, he'd stopped hitting me. I'd rather him hit me though, rather than do the things he did again. I hate myself. I hate what I became. I tried losing myself. Tried thinking of Mulder even, but that didn't work. He was so different to Mulder I don't know how I could even try to think it was him. And now everytime I'm with Mulder I think of him. He'd be so disappointed in me. There were times when I wanted to die, when I wanted him to do something chaotic and finish me. Then I'd think of Mulder. He's always been able to find me. I hate him now for not finding me. I know it's not his fault, but I can't help it." "You haven't told me how you escaped Dana. How did you escape?" "One night, after he'd hit me, he dropped a lighter." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He knew she'd notice the red rims around his eyes the minute she walked in. He'd managed to hold it in long enough to get out of the precinct and into his car, before the frustration and anger engulfed him. He'd been no better at home, emotions overwhelming him to the point of sickness. His previous annoyance over her secret meeting with Kretski had tapered away almost, leaving him with the guilt and heartache over what had happened to her. What she had gone to lengths to keep from him. He rarely cried, but he would admit to being an emotional man, never the stereotypical caveman who hoarded all feelings away. This however had knocked him for six. He'd known that there would be emotional trauma for Scully, but he had no idea how aware she was of it at this stage. Nor had he thought for a minute that she would go to this length to keep it from him. Now all earlier intentions of confrontation over Kretski were disolved. If he charged in and showed how upset he was over that, she might not talk about the tapes at all. He lay across the sofa in his T-shirt and boxers, his jeans divested as soon as his sickness had started. He'd had a text earlier to say she'd pick up dinner, leading him to believe she'd be late. As he contemplated dialling her number, the front door opened and Scully emerged with several carrier bags. Going straight into the kitchen, Scully called out to him. "Mulder? I'm sorry I'm late..." Her voice trailed out as his head began to spin again. "Mulder? Mulder what's the matter?" She appeared in front of him, kneeling beside the sofa, a careful hand running through his hair. "Nothing Scully, I just feel a little tired." "Well, okay. You wanna skip dinner?" "No, you eat Scully. Then come and tell me where you've been all day." He said, forcing a smile. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Mulder I have something to tell you." She said carefully, stroking his hair that lay across her lap. "Mmm?" His eyes didn't move from the television. "When I said for you to go by yourself today, I wasn't walking. I was meeting with Kretski." "I know." His voice seemed particularly low as she could feel his Adams apple under her fingers. "You know?" She let the surprise show a little more than she would have liked. He turned himself over so he lay on his back, looking up at her. "Yeah I passed you as I drove home. What did he have to say?" Now she was dumbfounded. It had never been her intention to anger him, but this passive display made her much more nervous than any confrontation. She proceeded slowly. "He looked at the piece of paper from the latest body and thinks he recognises the passage. He'd also done some background on Alice Homer. He's going to a town where he grew up tomorrow morning to investigate. He's a good cop Mulder, I know he doesn't always show it." "If he's got solid evidence on this case, don't you think I need to met him?" Again, his answer was short, giving nothing away. And again, she let surprise steal her words. "Yes. Yes I do. Tomorrow?" Mulder nodded. She slipped out from under him as he sat up. "I'll go call him now. You go up to bed, and I'll be there in a minute." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He left her to make her phone call, and headed upstairs. He knew his actions toward her were cold, which he didn't mean, but he didn't know how else to respond to her. This was like talking to a completely different person, for more reasons than one. She'd been keeping two big secrets from him which he'd had no clue about. She'd also been suffering inside, dealing with the remembrance of a highly traumatic event, which again he'd been clueless about. Or had he? She'd been having nightmares constantly and hell he'd even found her drowning in the lake. Deep down he suspected she wasn't the only one pretending everything was alright. "He can meet with us tomorrow after lunch. He has a contact in his old town that's willing to give him some information." Scully closed the door firmly behind her, before pulling back the covers taking her place beside Mulder, who was sitting up, re-reading her case file. "I thought you said you were sick?" She said, taking the file out of his hand. He reluctantly let go of it. She kneeled in front of him and leaned forward, taking his lips between hers. After two or three chaste kisses, he opened his mouth to her, letting his hands wander up to her hair. This was the type of passionate kissing that became less frequent as everyday life rolled on. But in this moment, everyday life could wait. Breathless, they break apart. Leaning her forehead against his, she struggled to find the right words, but managed somehow. "I'm so sorry Mulder. I'm so sorry." She whispered. "Forget it Scully. It doesn't matter." "It does matter." She said. "Tell me how I can make this right." He took her by the shoulders, moving her slightly away from him in order to look her in the eyes. "Just tell me that I know everything. Tell me that you know you can trust me with anything." He watched her as she processed his request. To her credit, she seemed to think carefully about her answer, before nodding her head. "I know Mulder. This was my mistake and it won't happen again." She kissed him again, this time reaching a hand into his boxers, finding him hot and hard under her touch. She pulled away, moving her mouth to his throat, listening to him groan with pleasure. His apparent gratification had meant that she was even more surprised than usual when he grabbed her hand and moved her off him. "I'm really tired Scully. I know you are too." He hated the hurt in her eyes, but knowing what he did, he couldn't go through with it. It had all fallen into place for him now. The episode at the lake had been triggered by their intimacy, caused by a need to escape the pain. He didn't want this to happen between them until he was sure she could deal with it and there was no way of explaining this to her without revealing that he'd gone behind her back and listened to the tapes. He lay down flat on the bed, pulling her close to him with force, giving her no chance to pull away. "I love you so much." He planted a kiss on her forehead. What irony, he thought, that each betrayed to protect the other.