Dumnezeu permite razbunare (28/30) by Bonkersfm E-MAIL: bonkersfm@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: MSR casefile SUMMARY: When Mulder starts profiling again, Scully mysteriously disappears. When she is discovered it's a race against time to unravel the events that have taken place, to save the lives of others and salvage a relationship in the balance. RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: IWTB ARCHIVE: Yes just e-mail me please DISCLAIMERS: Not mine and making no money Chapter 28 She ran so fast she didn't even stop at the sound of the car pulling onto the gravel nearby. It could be help, she thought, or it might be him. She couldn't risk that, so she ran to where she felt safe. The place she had focussed on so intensely when in her captivity. Despite the pain he felt, he could see little blood emerging from his wound. "Skinner." He called weakly, dragging himself to the edge of the stairs. "Skinner!" He managed to raise his voice a little louder as he watched his friend walk through the front door. He pulled himself forward again, knowing that whatever pain he was about to feel would be worth it if he were to alert Skinner and tell him where Scully was. Where he guessed she would be. Tree branches lashed her face and nettle stung her knee's but to her it mattered not one bit. Cold bit her bare legs fiercely and her feet screamed in pain as cut dry grass needled her souls. But that was nothing for the security she would feel when she got there. She just needed to get there. The steady thumping of his body down the wooden steps alerted Skinner. Quickly he ascended the steps, putting out his hands to Mulder's shoulders. "Mulder, easy, easy. What the hell..." "She's here." "Scully?" "Marsha is here. She's gone after her we need to find her...." He rasped. "I'll go Mulder. Where will she be?" "In the lake." Mulder answered weakly, watching as Skinner turned on his heel, calling for back up as he went. Mulder lay there for what seemed like an age. He'd heard no sirens and certainly no return of Scully. He lugged himself down the remainder of the stairs, leaving a trail of dark red blood that mapped out the zig zag route he'd taken. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, he dragged himself over to the coffee table, pushing himself to sit and eventually stand. He had to get out to the lake. He'd failed her once, he wouldn't again. She waded into the lake, glancing behind her at every step. Before she knew it, she was more than waist deep in the murky water, unable to move any further. Suddenly she was rooted to the spot, as Marsha came into view. Mulder stumbled through the roughage, batting low hanging branches away from his face. As he picked up speed he arrived at a narrowing on the trail, to find Skinner with a gun on Marsha, who lay soaking on the floor. "Where's Scully?" Mulder bent down to catch his breath. Skinner gave him a look of suprise. "You didn't find her? " He gestured to Marsha. "I found this one running toward me. I assumed she was on Scully's trail." Mulder, still hunched over and breathing hard. Looked at Marsha. "Where is she? Where'd you leave her?" "She deserved this." She answered. It was the first time he had heard her speak. Her thick Romanian accent caused him to listen hard. "You are good man I think. Women like her, do not deserve man like you. Just like I deserve good man." He stared as her with incredulity. She actually believed this crap, he thought. She actually believed she was doing him a favour. "Where's that ambulance?" He called to Skinner, turning back toward the lake. As he reached the clearing, his eyes scanned the lake for signs of Scully in distress. All he could see at first was the light bouncing off the water. Then the quiet vision of red hair and blue silk floating across the surface.