Dumnezeu permite razbunare (29/30) by Bonkersfm E-MAIL: bonkersfm@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: MSR casefile SUMMARY: When Mulder starts profiling again, Scully mysteriously disappears. When she is discovered it's a race against time to unravel the events that have taken place, to save the lives of others and salvage a relationship in the balance. RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: IWTB ARCHIVE: Yes just e-mail me please DISCLAIMERS: Not mine and making no money Chapter 29 Watching her lifeless body float across the water, suddenly the gaping shoulder wound seemed nothing in comparison and finding some kind of higher strength, he began to wade across the dark water. Agonisingly slow was his progress and the harder he worked, the further the waves drove her away. "Scully!" He yelled, hoping that somehow he might wake her. Soon his feet no longer touched the bottom of the lake, and he was forced to swim. Even as the water stung his wound, his strong arms made light work of the water and soon he was able to reach out and grab her arms. Hooking her under his bad arm, his good one pulled at the water, hauling them both to the safety of the shore. "Scully, can you hear me?" He moved an errant strand of strawberry blonde hair from her face as she stirred. "Mulder? Mulder what am I doing here... What time is it?" She tried to push herself up, confused. "You may have a sense of Deja Vu." He helped her up. She looked at him with incredulity, before realising what he meant. The breathlessness and pain in her lungs was the same as when she'd last time she ended up in the hospital. This time however, she remembered. "Marsha..."She began. "Marsha was in the house..." "I know." He pulled his T-shirt across to reveal a white gauze patch strapped across his shoulder. "Oh my God Mulder..." She reached out to touch it. He pulled away. "It doesn't matter." He said, taking her hand and putting it back on the bed. "And you're gonna be fine." She stared at him for a moment longer, before forcing herself to ask, "What happened to Marsha?" "Oh they have her in custody and they're waiting to interview her..." "Waiting for what?" "For me." He said uncomfortably. "I said I wanted to be there, but that I wanted to wait for you to wake up first." He looked down, reaching out and taking her hand. "Then this is over." She said, blinking the tears back. "Hopefully. A confession would seal it. I'm hoping she'll crack. " "What about Lines." "Psych have been down to Lines and have pronounced him not of sound mind. Scully he's been certified unable to testify. I need to ask you something." He proceeded with caution. "When Lines.... when Lines used to..visit you... did he ever give you any indication that he thought what he was doing was wrong, that it was unusual..." She pulled her and away sharply. "Why are you asking me this? Why would you even want to ask me this?" "Because whether I do or not, a grand jury will. Scully they're gonna put you on the stand, and any decent lawyer is going to try to pull the insanity plea. And when they do they'll ask you these questions." She pushed the blankets back and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Wait here Mulder, I'm coming with you." She disappeared into the adjoining bathroom, leaving little time for him to disagree. Skinner caught up with Mulder as he strode toward the interrogation room. "How's it going with Lines?" Mulder asked. As Skinner began to talk, his surprise at seeing Scully in tow was evident. "Psych are on the verge of certifying him. They claim he has little conception of right from wrong. I know I know..." Skinner tried to placate the two of them. "He was treated once when he was younger, for 'Significant social and occupational disorder.' Whatever that means..." "It's schizophrenia." Scully answered. "So..."Mulder breathed. "Our best chance is getting Marsha to talk for both of them." "Exactly." Skinner replied.