Dumnezeu permite razbunare (30/30) by Bonkersfm E-MAIL: bonkersfm@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: MSR casefile SUMMARY: When Mulder starts profiling again, Scully mysteriously disappears. When she is discovered it's a race against time to unravel the events that have taken place, to save the lives of others and salvage a relationship in the balance. RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: IWTB ARCHIVE: Yes just e-mail me please DISCLAIMERS: Not mine and making no money Chapter 30 "Tell me about your husband Marsha." Mulder began gently, aware of the heavy presence behind the glass. He had been amazed that Skinner had allowed this. He had, however, reminded him and Pheeny of his profiling talents that they so quickly took advantage of in any other case. "He's a goot man." She said quietly, beneath her strong accent was good English. "Really?" Mulder opened a file and began to lie. "It must have upset you terribly when your husband started an affair with Alice Homer." "he dit no such thing. He woult not." She remained quiet. "Well I have a DNA report to say that he did." Mulder's voice began to rise as Marsha shook her head vehemently. "I also have DNA from three other bodies fingering your husband as a rapist. Your husband is a very bad man Marsha. " Silence fell. She obviously wasn't going to implicate her husband in anything. "Then why don't we talk about what you were doing this morning by the lake." "Gots work." She said plainly. "Sorry?" Mulder leaned forward. "Got sent me. Therein lies the defect of revenge: it's all in the anticipation; the thing itself is a pain, not a pleasure; at least the pain is the biggest end of it." "So you want to talk about revenge?" He leaned back in his chair. "Why would you want revenge on Dana Scully Marsha." There was no answer to that. He reached into the file and pulled out the photographs. Photographs of each victim, before their fate, happy and smiling. "What had they done Marsha? What had they done that was so terrible? So terrible that you let him do those things to them? What had they done to deserve it?" "Blesset are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blesset are they that mourn: for they shall be comfortet." "Did he do this to you Marsha?" He got up to stand behind her, laying out new photographs taken during the autopsies. "Did he do this to you at first? Is that why you took them?" "For they lovet men's praise more than Got's praise." "Look at the pictures Marsha! Look at them!" He yelled at her, spreading them out in front of her. He strode back around to stand with the desk between them. "You tell me what they did that they deserved this Marsha. Why would they deserve this?" His shouting had raised alarm behind the glass. Now Skinner stepped in, motioning Mulder outside. He left Marsha alone, staring at the photographs. Skinner began to speak, but Mulder pushed past him into the room opposite, where Lines sat. It took longer for the head psych to react then it did for Mulder fist to connect with Lines face, sending him flying off his chair. Again and again he hit him hard, drawing all attention to the tiny room as Skinner, Pheeny and two other agents hauled him away. During the commotion, no one noticed Scully slipping in to sit opposite Marsha Lines. It was the most emotion that Marsha had shown during her time at the station. Her eyes widened as Scully placed herself into the empty chair. What she was doing was completely unethical. The tape recorder continued to run. Pheeny would kill her if she got any kind of confession that was inadmissible in court. But then again, Pheeny hadn't been battered and raped and drowned, had he? She hadn't even had to speak, and Marsha began to talk. "When my husbant was small child, his father woult lock him in small room. He was different, you see. He dit not always understant what you and I understand. He woult do things that you and I woult not do. One day, he hit neighbours dog with stick until his leg broke. I dit not want to marry him, but our fathers, they were friends. John hit me often. He tried to be gut husband and I try to be gut Christian. Every day I see gurls, who are not gut Christians. Who have gut husbants. I am gut Christian but I have husband who hit me every night. Then he changed. For weeks he was nice. He was kind to me. Then I find he has that whore in a garage. He only tells me when he has killt her. I tell him, I have baby and he can have gurls. Gurls that do not follow Got. When Gurls get pregnant they must go. I have baby. I have the only baby" "What did I do Marsha?" Scully leaned across to face her now. "What did I do, that I didn't follow God?" "Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery." "Adultery? You think I committed adultery?" She leaned her face close now. " Marsha, you got the right guy, but you got the wrong woman. You tortured me for six months and tried to murder me. And all the time you had the wrong woman. You did these things to an innocent Christian." She reached down and pulled out her gold cross. "I wonder what your God thinks of you now." She left after this, meeting the men behind the glass, feeling somewhat relieved.