Dumnezeu permite razbunare (Epilogue) by Bonkersfm E-MAIL: bonkersfm@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: MSR casefile SUMMARY: When Mulder starts profiling again, Scully mysteriously disappears. When she is discovered it's a race against time to unravel the events that have taken place, to save the lives of others and salvage a relationship in the balance. RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: IWTB ARCHIVE: Yes just e-mail me please DISCLAIMERS: Not mine and making no money Epilogue "Aren't you ready yet?" Mulder put his head around the door. It was a post trial celebratory dinner that had been long awaited. Marsha had later confessed to Pheeny, much the same that she had said to Scully and, although Lines had been advised to keep quiet by psych, he had later broken down and confessed to knowing the girls. That had been enough for a charge, and later a conviction. Scully had not even had to take the stand to Mulder's relief. She turned to face him, noticing the clean shaven face and smoothed back hair. "Wow, you look gorgeous." She said, not meaning to sound surprised. "Don't sound so surprised, I always dress up for your mother. Anyway, you should be dressed by now we leave in about ten minutes. Okay?" His shoulder had cleared up without fuss, which she was thankful for considering the amount of dirty water that had washed through it. Marsha had not touched her that day at the lake. A panic attack, most likely brought on by the stress of the situation, had caused her collapse. Marsha had claimed later that it was the hand of God, taking revenge. Mulder had scoffed at her theory, remarking that if that were true, what kind of vengeance would he take on a killer and a rapist? He had been ordered to stay away from both Marsha and Lines after his outburst, although nothing else came of it. "Okay." She smiled, tucking the ipod under the towel she wore. She had visited Dr. Werber one last time before the trial, to try to recollect her escape. She'd had the session burned onto a disc and put onto an Ipod so that she could listen privately. Since Marsha's confession they had hardly spoken about her ordeal. They had both believed that she would have to take the stand, and why dredge up something that had been given the chance to let lie. But she knew Mulder wouldn't let it lie forever. She knew that on some level he wanted the last pieces put together, but was afraid to push her. Tonight she had finally felt ready to listen to the recording. The detail was startling. It recounted her last day at the house and her last conversation with Lines. She had put on the act for one last time, begging him to come and see her alone on the ferry, pleading with him how she was terrified of the water and how she could not swim. If the boat were to sink she would surely drown if tied up. If he were to untie her, she would be safer. She also recalled how she had asked Lines to bring her the knife at dinner time days before. She'd hidden the knife well, because Marsha hadn't found it when they drugged her to put her into the trunk of the car. She'd travelled quietly for the longest time, knowing that sooner or later Lines would want to see her and open the trunk. She would be ready when he did. Lines had been as good as his word. After about an hour or so he had returned alone and opened the trunk. She waited quietly whilst he untied her ankles and wrists. Keeping her wrists in her lap, she had reached into the small pocket she had cut in the inside of her shorts and pulled out the knife. Knowing that this was her only chance she stabbed wildly at his face, missing completely but striking him hard enough in the shoulder to send him flailing backwards. Suddenly panic set in. As she scampered out of the trunk, she saw not a soul around. These were experts at kidnap and would stop at nothing to ensure they caught up with her. And so she did what she thought was the safest thing. The thing that she had focussed on for the last month or so every time he came near her. Every time Marsha beat her. She scrambled up the first set of metal steps and flung herself into the water. A place they would not follow. She emerged just over twenty minutes later, looking immaculate as promised. Mulder was waiting impatiently, keys in hand, by the front door. "Wow." He only noticed her as she reached the bottom of the stairs. "Now I wish we were having our own party here." He did nothing to stifle the leer that he had perfected over the last eight or so years. "Yeah Mulder, because that's the excuse you want to give to my brother that we were late." She opened the front door. "It's only Charlie, he'd understand. Come on you've seen the skirt his son follows around. I'm, betting Charlie is a very tolerant man." He smiled, following her out. As they got in the car, Scully produced a disc and placed It on the dash board in front of Mulder. "What's this?" He asked, taking it between his fingers. "It's my last session with Werber. You can listen to it when you want." She said, not quite meeting his eye but sounding committed to her decision. He looked at her for a moment, nodding slowly. He knew what this meant, what it took for her to offer him this. He placed the disc in the back seat, before leaning toward her. "Tomorrow." He said. "Maybe we can listen to it together, to mark the end of all this." She nodded quickly, feeling suddenly sad. "What?" He asked, concerned he was the cause of this emotional rush. She shook her head, indicating that it wasn't him. "I love you." She said, carefully wiping stray tears from under her eyes. It was nothing new for her to say this, but in this context, it meant everything to him. So much, in fact, that it struck him for a moment, straight in the gut. In this context it meant, thank you. It meant I can't be without you. It meant together we're stronger. He needn't voice these things out loud now, it was enough that she knew them herself. "Back atcha." He tried to lighten the moment. She let out a half laugh and nodded quickly.He reached over and gently took her arm that was raised as she wiped away the moisture. "Let's go Scully. Let's start the next part "