Improvements Over Nostalgia by bibliodragon Email: Characters: Mulder/Scully Spoilers: Set sometime after the second movie. Rating: PG-13 Words: 402 In the end, he ends up dragging her back to that world sooner than he had thought. But as the reason did not involve aliens or mutants or giant mushrooms he thinks he can get away with it. When you are busy being the FBI'S most wanted unwanted, one of the first things you forget about is the paperwork. Or maybe they are just doing it to keep an eye on him. He is sure that in this day and age of email and the paperless office, or even couriers, they didn't need the pair of them to go in. Still, there is something reassuringly familiar, staring at reams of sharp black lettering and searching for the places in need of his signature while his mind wanders on more interesting topics. Aliens, crop circles, Scully's legs. Then she is giving him that look, the one where she knows full well what he is thinking, and then he is giving her his innocent face before going back to the paperwork and it starts all over again. So he's actually irritated when, with an arch of an eyebrow and a deceptively innocent glance she refuses to play ball, but only as long as it takes for his hormones to catch up and wrestle his sense of wounded nostalgia to the ground. Not very long at all. One thing about imagination is that he never had to bother with mundane mechanics such as location and their suitability. Their old office is out of bounds, no matter how many times he has dreamed of it in the past. He couldn't face seeing it filled to the brim with copiers where his life's work used to be. And she deserves more than a quick fumble in a broom closet or bathroom. "Skinner's old office, definitely Skinner's old office." "Mulder..." "What, on all those occasions when we had to sit in there getting our asses chewed out you never though about it?" "Well, he does have a certain attractiveness when he's angry." "What? You mean you've been imaginary cheating on me with Skinner?" "Sounds like you're the one who's been imaginary cheating with Skinner." "What? No, it's just he had that big desk, and all that office furniture." "There's a bathroom not far from here that used to be quite private. It'll do." "Wait, how do you know that?" As she leads him on she just smiles at him.