in here by Susan E-mail: Classification: a moment-in-time prose thingie Spoiler: I Want to Believe Archive: No archive without permission. Disclaimer: On paper, these characters aren't mine. In my head, they are. Summary: in here she knows he's safely tucked beneath the covers next to her ~~~~ in here in this quiet room for two he slips into bed behind her stop it that's cold, she giggles as he runs his bare toes along the tops of her feet but she doesn't really mind that his feet are cold just as she doesn't mind the stubble on his chin now scraping across her cheek in here she knows he's safely tucked beneath the covers next to her not trapped in a car tumbling down a hill covered in snow not dizzy and bleeding and wandering alone in the woods not draped over the trunk of a tree with an axe looming above his head no, in here on this night in this quiet room for two she can feel the arch of his foot sliding down her leg feel his warm body gently pressed against her back and the soft touch of his lips on the curve of her neck and it is just what she needs ~end~ Thanks for reading. possibilities