In the Light of the Frozen Moon (5/?) by Decoyly Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully aren't mine, they belong to CC and Co.Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended! Feedback: Rating: PG Classification: MSR Summary: Started out in response to DD's comment that Mulder takes off his shirt in the new movie (see part one), but has since become it's own non-movie related WIP. :D Hope you enjoy it! Author's Note: Sorry it's taken me so long to post, my internet decided to take a long vacation without asking first! Hope I stil have some readers...:) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX As Scully joined the group downstairs, Agent Stern asked, "Where's your partner?" "Taking a shower," Scully answered, adding, "Which is what you really should be doing Agent Stern." "I still don't understand why--" "I wasn't joking before," Scully cut in, too tired to wait for his excuse. "I don't know what Agent Michaels was exposed to before he died, but all four of us were in that water at some point or another." Stern's eyes widened in alarm. It's about time, Scully thought, but kept her mouth shut. "Well," Agent Cook said, turning to Stern. "What are you waiting for?" Grumbling, Agent Stern grabbed a candlestick and headed back up towards his room. Agent Cook caught Scully's gaze and rolled her eyes, Men...Scully suddenly decided SAC Cook wasn't so bad after all. It was nice to have another woman around for once, especially one in charge. "So," Cook said, turning back to the group of tired agents gathered in the candlelit lobby. "We have two dead bodies, one which is missing, and two missing girls, one of which happens to be the daughter of a visiting diplomat." In all the recent chaos, Scully had almost forgotten why they were here in the first place. The six-year-old daughter of a visiting Japanese diplomat had been missing for two days. The president himself had asked the FBI to place her recovery as their number one priority. Scully had hesitated in bringing Mulder out of hiding, but the second he'd heard missing girl, there was no stopping him. The FBI had promised to forgive all past debts, stating it as a mistrial in a corrupt military court. Neither Mulder nor Scully truly believed it, but Skinner and Doggett had secretly been calling in favors from military higher-ups for the past few years, and so far it had kept Mulder safe. In any case, for the time being everyone was choosing not to talk about it. "It's late," Cook said, interrupting Scully's thoughts. "I suggest everyone gets at least a few hours of sleep." She checked her watch. "It's almost four o'clock, and without any light we're just going to end up doing more harm than good. We'll work in teams of three to keep watch until we can reconvene again at eight." As everyone tried to work out a night-watch schedule, Cook ushered Scully aside. "I talked to Aunt Claire, and there is another room you can use for the night. It's up in the tower on the other side of the Inn. She says she normally doesn't rent it out because she keeps it ready for visiting family members, but she's changed the sheets and it's ready to go." Agent Cook handed over the key. "Thank you," Scully said, amazed that Aunt Claire could focus on being a good host even with her niece missing. "There's only one bed," Cook said, meeting Scully's gaze. "But I trust that won't be a problem?" "I'm sorry?" "Since we have no idea if the dead man in your room has been exposed to some deadly contagion or not, I'm pulling everyone out of that area. Since Mulder's room is right next to yours..." Cook drifted off. "No, that's fine," Scully said absently, glancing up as Mulder came down the stairs. He'd put on a black turtleneck and his hair was still wet and disheveled. Clearly he'd tried to hurry. "And a good idea. I should really have a look at the body again." "I've got Agent Winkley on it," Cook answered, nodding to a short man with graying brown hair and glasses. "His background is in forensic medicine as well." Agent Cook's gaze followed Mulder down the stairs and she said, "You two can have the last shift," before excusing herself. ~*~*~ "What'd I miss?" Mulder asked, joining Scully at the bottom of the stairs. Everyone seemed to be leaving except for two agents who were positioning themselves by the fire and another who was headed back upstairs. "We get to sleep until seven. Then it's our turn to keep watch." Mulder studied the emptying room, running a hand through his wet hair. "Still no luck with Ivy?" "Without any light, it's pointless to send anyone back out. At least until the weather dies down." She was right, but still Mulder hated just sitting around. Scully held up a key. "But we do have a new room. One without dead bodies or sheets that need to be burned," she added dryly. Mulder gave her a rueful look. "Burned huh?" Scully only shook her head tiredly and headed down the hallway. Mulder grabbed a few more candles off the front desk, started to follow, then turned towards the stairs instead. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Scully had to admit, the room was beautiful. Large and rounded, it was one of two rooms in the eastern tower of the old Inn. A large bay window overlooked the lake and surrounding forest, and through the draped burgundy and black lace curtains snow could be seen still swirling around outside. She shivered just looking at it. A small dollhouse and toy kitchen was set up on the other side of the room, next to a very large walk-in closet and an antique dresser. The full length mirror in the corner was topped with half a dozen old hats and scarves and Scully smiled, wondering how many nieces Aunt Claire had. Scully turned her attention to the large four-poster bed and nearly sighed. Aunt Claire had already left a good supply of candles around, and had even taken the time to turn down the bed and place the traditional chocolate mints on the pillows. "I don't know how she does it," Mulder said, entering the room with their bags and walking over to set the candles down next to the bed. "I don't either Mulder," Scully said, eyeing the dollhouse. "But I really hope we can find Ivy soon." ~*~*~ "And Kaya..." he added, thinking of the young girl who'd gotten them involved in the first place. The thought of a six-year-old being held captive somewhere out in this weather made him want to forego his much needed rest and head back outside, lights or not. "Mulder..." "You don't have to say it Scully. I know it's unlikely that she's still alive, but I refuse to give up on that hope until we're sure." "I know." She took his hand and gave it a squeeze. He knew she was silently thinking, I just hope you don't set your hopes too high, but all she said was, "We will find her. Both of them." He nodded, grateful that she left it at that. "We should get some sleep." The wind rattled the outside walls and Mulder handed Scully her bag. They took turns using the bathroom then slid under the soft down comforter. ~*~*~ Scully pulled the blankets up to her chin, shivering in the cold sheets. Mulder blew out the last candle then slid over to wrap his arm around her waist, offering both heat and comfort. As she slowly drifted off to sleep, Scully was struck with how normal all of this felt. Not just having Mulder there (that she'd gotten used to), but being back out in the field again, investigating, helping people. She hadn't realized how much she missed it. They'd both sworn never to have anything to do with the FBI ever again, but much as she hated to admit it, it just felt right. They could both deny it all they wanted to, but this was where they were meant to be. Attributing her sudden change of heart to lack of sleep, Scully forced herself to shrug it off. Now was certainly not the time to be thinking about it anyway. Mulder's hand found hers under the blankets and Scully relaxed, finally falling asleep to the steady sound of her partner's breathing. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *thunk, thunk, thunk!* Mulder jumped awake at the same time Scully did. He squinted at his watch. It wasn't even 6:30 yet. *thunk, thunk, thunk!* "Mulder? Scully?" SAC Cook's muffled voice followed the knocks, and they both got out of bed. "Agent Cook?" Scully asked, opening the door as Mulder came to stand behind her. "What's wrong?" "I'm sorry to wake you, but you really need to come see this." Without further explanation, Cook hurried down the hall. Scully caught Mulder's eye. Now what? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder heard the commotion in the lobby before he saw it. "I'm telling you I saw her!" "Well I certainly don't see her now, do you?" "Saw who?" Scully asked as they joined the group of bleary-eyed, half-dressed agents. The sun had yet to rise and the dying fire gave off just enough light to cast ominous, flickering shadows on the other side of the room. "The girl," the agent who Mulder hadn't been introduced to answered, his eyes wide. "Ivy?" "Not that girl, the little one." "Oh here we go again," someone muttered but they ignored him. "Kaya?" Mulder glanced at Scully. She was as surprised as he was at the agent's words. If he'd seen the little girl, where was she now? "Are you sure Agent Dekker?" Cook asked, surveying the man with a practiced eye. "I swear it was her." Mulder studied the dark haired Agent Dekker and knew he was telling the truth. Whether he'd actually seen Kaya or not, Agent Dekker clearly believed that he had. And for some reason that fact had shaken him up. Dekker turned to Mulder. "You believe me right? That I'm not crazy?" "We don't think you're crazy Agent Dekker," Mulder answered, sharing a quick look with Scully before adding, "But why don't you tell us exactly what you saw." The agent who had complained before, the one Mulder guessed had been keeping watch with Agent Dekker at the time, let out an exasperated noise. "He didn't see anything! I was sitting right here, if he saw her, I would have seen her too." "She was inside?" Scully asked, keeping her tone calm and directing her question at Agent Dekker. "Right over there. By the door." Dekker pointed to the doorway and everyone turned to look. The door was closed, still locked. Outside, the blizzard still raged and through the small window in the large oak door they could see nothing but occasional dark bursts of snow. Pretty soon those dark bursts would become white ones in the early morning sunlight. Mulder glanced at his watch. They still had half an hour before sunrise. "There was no one in this room except us," Dekker's partner insisted, pacing back and forth in front of the check-in desk. "I was sitting right over there--" he pointed to the large overstuffed armchair next to Cook. "And that door never opened. No one came in or out all night." He stopped for a second then added, "Well no one until Dekker suddenly took off into the night without warning." Scully's eyes narrowed. "You went outside?" "Of course not!" Agent Dekker looked at her as if she was crazy. "I stood up, couldn't believe my eyes, rubbed 'em to make sure I wasn't dreaming, then took one step and she was gone." "One step?" the other agent scoffed. "You tore outta here like your feet were on fire!" He glanced at Dekker's disheveled appearance, orange-red hair splayed in all directions and mumbled, "Or maybe your hair..." Dekker glared at his partner but once again insisted he'd seen the little girl. As the conversation continued behind him, Mulder wandered over to the front door. It looked like a normal front door to him. He tried the handle, testing the locks. Everything seemed to be in order. Except...wait a second, what was that? Scully was trying to keep Agent Dekker calmed down. The poor man was about ready to tear his hair out trying to convince them that he'd seen Kaya. Scully noticed that his clothes were ruffled and his hair looked windblown. If she had to guess she would say he'd just come in from the storm outside. Mulder had wandered over to the door but she knew he was still paying attention. Glancing at Cook, Scully asked, "Agent Dekker, when was the last time you slept?" She kept her tone conversational, not wanting to sound like she was accusing the man. Dekker let out a defeated sigh and sank to the overstuffed couch in the center of the room. "I don't even know." "No one's gotten much sleep since this case started," Cook said, sounding genuinely apologetic. "But before you got here I made sure everyone worked in shifts." Scully nodded, understanding. Even if they had worked in shifts, these agents were trained to go like crazy without sleep. She knew how exhausting the job was, but she also knew that the adrenaline rush helped keep you awake. Time was precious in a missing persons case, especially when it involved children. "Agent Dekker, why don't you go get some sleep?" Cook asked. From the look on her face it wasn't a suggestion but an order. "That little girl is still out there," Dekker insisted fiercely. "And still alive. We have to find her, have you looked outside? She won't last another five minutes." He was right. If Kaya really was outside, they had to find her. Scully glanced at Mulder to see how he was taking Dekker's story, but saw him slip something into his pocket instead. She caught his eye, raising an eyebrow, and Mulder shook his head slightly. He'd tell her later. "Agent Dekker," Mulder said, rejoining the group by the couch. "I think sleep is a good idea. If Kaya's out there, we'll find her." Dekker stared at Mulder a few seconds, then once again seemed to deflate. Scully felt sorry for him. She knew exactly how it felt to try and convince everyone else you were right when they thought you were crazy. No one knew that feeling better than Mulder, and when he came to a stop next to Scully, he said, "You're not crazy Agent Dekker." The man looked genuinely surprised. "So you do believe me then." "I think you did see her," Mulder said carefully. Scully knew there was more he wasn't saying, but didn't pressure him. SAC Cook asked, "You think she's really out there?" She sent the window a weary look as the wind rushed the side of the Inn, making wood creak and the fire flicker. "I think we'll find her," was all Mulder answered. "In any case, I think we could both use some sleep," Dekker's partner said, glancing at Cook. She nodded and after another minute of convincing Agent Dekker that everyone else would look for Kaya, the two agents headed back upstairs. When only Cook, Scully, and Mulder were alone, Cook turned to them, hands on hips. "So what do you think? Do I need to tell these guys to suite up again?" She glanced outside at the slowly growing sunrise. "It wouldn't hurt," Mulder said, fingering the object in his pocket. "But I don't think we're going to find her out there." He was expecting Cook to ask why, but she simply nodded. "This search has been hard on everybody. Sleep deprivation has brought on more than a few hallucinations." "This has happened before?" Scully asked, sharing a look with Mulder. He knew what she was thinking, why hadn't anyone told them this before? "Just a few times, but that's to be expected in this type of situation." Cook waved it off. "I'll go get everyone up. If we're going to search, we're going to need all the light we can get before this storm really hits." Really hits? Scully watched the snow swirl against the wind and wondered just how much worse it was going to get. Even though the sun was beginning to rise, she still couldn't make out the forest through the blizzard. The search outside was going to be more than just uncomfortable, it was going to be dangerous to everyone involved. Cook headed for the stairs, and Scully turned to Mulder. He was still in his sweats and a grey t-shirt and she was still in her flannel pajama. The sweatshirt she'd grabbed on the way out the door was beginning to get hot from the heat of the fireplace. They needed to change if they were going to search for Kaya. "What did you find?" Scully asked, keeping her voice low as she glanced at Mulder's pocket. He met her gaze with a hint of a smile, pulling the object out for her to see. "Another piece of the puzzle." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dun, dun, duuuuun...haha Thanks for reading! I'll post more once I hear that I still have readers...*hint hint? :P*