In the Light of the Frozen Moon (7/?) by Decoyly Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully aren't mine, they belong to CC and Co.Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended! Feedback: Rating: PG Classification: MSR Summary: Started out in response to DD's comment that Mulder takes off his shirt in the new movie (see part one), but has since become it's own non-movie related WIP. :D Hope you enjoy it! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The sky was falling. At least that's what it felt like. "Scully?" Mulder couldn't see his own hand in front of his face, much less his partner. The entire room was now filled with swirling snow and broken glass. The roar of the wind grew to an unnaturally loud howl, and Mulder called for his partner again. "Scully!" He managed to get to his feet, and by sheer luck his hand hit against hers. "Mulder?" More than a little relieved, Mulder grabbed hold of Scully, knowing it would be all too easy to lose her again in the escalating chaos. "You okay?" He had to shout over all the noise. He thought he heard her shout a yes and then, "You?" As far as he could tell he was. But then again he was so cold he probably wouldn't have been able to tell otherwise. All Mulder knew was that they had to get out of the shed before the entire thing collapsed and killed them both. "What's that noise?" Scully shouted, making her way over unseen debris to reach his side. "I don't know--" Whatever it was, it was getting louder and angrier, eating away the rest of his words. "Mulder we--" Scully's sentence was lost to the deafening rumble of crumbling wood and breaking concrete. The foosball table knocked into him and Mulder instinctively yanked Scully towards him, shielding her as best he could as the floor disappeared beneath their feet. There was nothing either of them could do but hang on as the shed collapsed, funneling them towards the gaping hole in the center. So much for taking the safe search route. ~*~*~ For a long moment Scully could only lay there trying to catch her breath. She could feel Mulder doing the same on top of her. After the floor had given out, they'd fallen through some sort of underground tunnel, making Scully feel like Alice falling through the rabbit hole. Plastic tubs, foosball players, snow, and shed scattered down with them in a whirlwind of confusion. By the time they finally hit the floor, Mulder took the brunt of the fall, arms still wrapped tightly around her as he rolled them over and out of the way of the falling snow blower. It landed with a painful clang of metal hitting metal. After all that noise, the sudden silence was unnerving. Scully felt like she'd fallen off the face of the Earth and landed in a black hole. Noteven the wind could be heard down here. Mulder finally lifted off her, grunting as he sat up. "You alright Scully?" She sat up too, wincing a little, but otherwise fine. "I think so." She could feel him moving around and asked, "Mulder?" "I'm fine." "Let me take a look at it." ~*~*~ He should have known even in pitch black darkness he couldn't hideanything from Scully. He didn't know how she was going to take a look at anything when he couldn't even see her, but Mulder knew better than to argue. He shifted his leg towards her, biting his lip at the sting of pain that shot up his calf. "It's nothing really." Scully's hands found the glass in his leg and even in the dark he could see her eyebrow rising. "Nothing?" She gently prodded around the wound, trying to feel her way around her diagnosis and Mulder held his breath. Okay, so it hurt a little more than he thought, but it still couldn't be that bad, right? Scully's hands left his leg and he could hear her taking off her coat. "Mulder hang on." "Scully it's too cold in here, you'll freeze," he told her, knowing what she was about to do. He quickly took off his jacket and his own sweater, handing it over. "Take mine." He could tell she wanted to argue, but knew he was right. Taking his offered sweater, Scully said, "Hand me your belt." He tugged it off, handing it over and wincing at the thought of what came next. Even in the dark they worked together flawlessly. He didn't need tosee his partner to trust that she knew exactly what she was doing, and she didn't need to sugar coat what was about to hurt. A lot. Scully grabbed either side of his jeans around the large shard of embedded glass, and Mulder gritted his teeth, anticipating the inevitable. ~*~*~ Scully worked quickly, carefully pulling out the shard of glass and wrapping Mulder's sweater around the wound. She used his belt to secure it firmly against the flow of blood, thankful that it hadn't severed an artery. "All in a day's work," Mulder mumbled, bending his leg to check his leg himself. "At least it wasn't the snow blower," Scully answered, handing over the piece of glass as large as her hand. ~*~*~ *Or you,* Mulder thought. He'd gladly take a bullet for Scully any day, one little piece of glass was nothing. Mulder tossed the piece of glass far enough away that they wouldn't run into it again and squinted around at their surroundings. His eyes were starting to get adjusted to the dark, but aside from Scully's outline he could see nothing but misshapen lumps of debris that had taken the fall with them. His eyes fell on the broken foosball table and he let out a sad noise. He was looking forward to trying it out. "Seems like we fell into some underground tunnel," Scully said, studying their surroundings as well. "Is it kind of hot in here to you?" Mulder asked, suddenly realizing that he was more than a little warm. "It does seem unusually warm." Scully helped Mulder to his feet and he took off is coat. They both glanced up at the ceiling, at the gaping hole stretching further than they could see in this light. Despite the fact that they should have been able to see swirling snow above, all Mulder could see was darkness. "You think we fell as far as it felt?" "Maybe even further," Scully answered, turning in a circle to stare at the cavernous room. Mulder tapped his good leg against the floor. "Metal." Clearly whatever they were standing in wasn't a naturally occurring cave. Was it manmade? Or something else? Scully began walking towards one of the walls and Mulder followed, not wanting to lose sight of her. She must have caught sight of something, because she made a sharp left and began heading towards the broken snow blower. Mulder followed. She stepped passed the snow blower and kept going, and Mulder wondered where she was going. Suddenly Scully stopped and Mulder made it to her side, finally seeing what she was looking at. Scully turned to look at him. "Mulder, where are we?" ~*~*~ She was looking down a dark tunnel that seemed to go on forever. Scully immediately thought 'Moth Men'. A glint of light caught her eye again and she remembered whathad drawn her attention in the first place. "Looks like a whole series of underground tunnels," Mulder said, following her towards a huge metal door a few yards in. Scully had the distinct impression that they were on the other side of a large vault. At least that's what the door reminded her of. Whoever had built it clearly didn't want anyone coming in. Or getting out. Scully traced her fingers lightly over the strange carving in the door. The metal glowed brighter at her touch, giving off a slight warmth as it illuminated their strange surroundings. "It's a key," Mulder said suddenly. Scully watched him hobble back to his coat and pick it up. He rustled through the pockets a second then came back carrying the two artifacts from before. "They started to warm up just before the floor gave out," he explained. "See?" Mulder handed over the stones and Scully stared at them. Not only were they growing warmer by the second, the symbols were growing lighter in a pulsating glow. Suddenly, as if an invisible hand had reached out and snatched them away, the locked artifacts flew across the empty space to the door, locking perfectly into place. "More magnets--" Scully was cut off as Mulder tackled her and a bright burst of light exploded from the metal door. With a tremendous *shink* and clank of metal, the door unlocked. As quickly as it had appeared, the light was gone. Mulder and Scully stared at the heavy door as it slowly swung open, revealing another long tunnel. This one looked like it had been carved out of the surrounding rock. The only thing metal now was two long tracks leading up to the door. They looked like a futuristic version of old mining tracks, smoother and rounder. Scully looked at Mulder. What now? He grabbed the two artifacts, which had separated and landed harmlessly on the floor, and slid them back into his pocket. "Looks like someone wants us to follow." Scully helped him back to his feet. "Too bad those things couldn't light back up." Right on cue, Mulder jumped, quickly digging the artifacts back out of his pocket. They were glowing again. Surprised, Mulder handed a stone over to his partner. "Ask and ye shall receive Scully." Scully stared at the artifact. "Any chance you could turn into a gun or a way out of here?" The stone merely glowed back silently. "It was a nice try." Together they headed down the new tunnel. ~*~*~ The artifacts didn't give off much light, but it was at least enough to keep from tripping over each other or the rails in the floor. Scully glanced over at Mulder, who was walking between the two metal tracks, brows furrowed slightly, deep in thought. What was he thinking about? She kept quiet, knowing he'd tell her when he wanted to. They walked for another fifteen minutes, and Mulder finally said, "I think these tracks are magnetic." Scully had thought as much. Knowing there was more to it than that, she waited patiently for Mulder to continue. "When the artifacts attached to the lock some sort of electromagnetic signal must have been sent down these tracks, through the metal in the door, and to the locking mechanism." He looked genuinely intrigued. "Whoever made this place knew what they were doing." "The question is, who exactly are we talking about?" Mulder nodded. "It makes you wonder what else these tracks are used for. I mean that's a lot of work to go to just to make sure your locks work." "You think they're transporting something on maglev trains?" Scully asked, knowing magnetic levitation was quickly replacing conventional trains this day and age. Mulder glanced at her as they made their way around a wide corner and down another long set of tracks. "No real need for a driver. One less person to have to keep quiet." Quiet about what? Scully didn't know if she wanted to know the answer to that question. They continued on down the tunnel, feeling the magnetic tug of the artifacts in their hands. The initial heat of the room they'd fallen into under the shed had diminished the further down the tunnel they'd gone. Scully put on her coat, trying not to think about the hundred, if not thousands of feet of dirt, snow, and ice overhead. "Any thoughts as to where this might lead?" Scully asked just to break the eerie silence growing around them as the tunnel sloped downward. "The Mad Hatter's tea party?" Mulder suggested, offering a crooked smile. "Now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind a nice cup of tea," Scully answered, stepping carefully over the uneven ground. At least there wasn't any snow. They tunnel continued to slope slightly downward until it finally evened out again in what could only be described as a cavernous fork in the road. Or maybe a three-way stop. Mulder and Scully stopped in the center of the room where the two tracks they had been following suddenly became six tracks, all leading to another huge metal door. Mulder walked up to the door on the left, fingering the circular lock. The symbol on this door did not match the ones on either of the artifacts they already had. He turned back to Scully. "Something tells me our luck just ran out." Before Scully could answer, a low rumble reverberated through the walls and floor, growing louder by the second. Mulder stepped back from the doorway to join his partner as she voiced his own thoughts. "Maybe. Maybe not." ~*~*~ Neither of them had any idea what was about to happen, but Scully and Mulder both stood ready to run if they had to. The rumbling grew louder and the ground shook them off-balance. Mulder grabbed Scully's arm to steady them both as they watched the center door suddenly slide open with a whoosh of cool air. As quickly as it had started, the rumbling stopped. Scully and Mulder exchanged a confused look. There was no train barreling down the tracks, no rocks falling around their heads. What had just happened? Scully glanced down at the artifact in her hand. It was no longer glowing, and the heat had left it completely. In fact, unless she was imagining it, the stone was getting colder. Mulder was frowning at his own stone and then shrugged and slipped it into his pocket. "Guess the batteries ran out." Scully slipped the artifact into her pocket and followed Mulder through the middle door. "Why do I have a feeling that we're walking into a trap?" she asked, squinting into the dark tunnel. Mulder simply grinned. "Because we probably are." Great. Thanks Mulder, that helps a lot. They continued to walk in silence for a while, only the walls and tracks to lead them onward, and Scully began to notice a heaviness pressing against her chest. How far beneath the surface where they? She'd never been particularly claustrophobic before, but the dark, coupled with the knowledge that they were surrounded by tons (literally) of rock and dirt was making it a little hard to breathe. The pathway began to twist and turn more often, and Scully was beginning to think they were going in circles. At one point her hand had reached out for a wall and found nothing but dead air. Thankfully Mulder was close enough to catch her before she could fall into yet another pitch black tunnel. The tunnels became so confusing that they'd taken to walking only a few inches apart just to keep from losing each other. Scully could feel Mulder at her back, and was very thankful that she wasn't down here alone. They came to another tunnel and Scully stopped, gingerly tapping her foot into the darkness to make sure there was solid ground to continue on. "How many different directions you think this goes?" Mulder asked, his hand resting against the small of her back as he too tested the unseen ground. "I don't know, but there's got to be some source of light down here," Scully said, moving forward once she was convinced that she wouldn't fall off the edge of the earth. "How else could someone maintain such a complicated maze?" ~*~*~ Mulder suddenly stopped. Maze? "Mulder?" He fingered the artifact in his pocket. "I was just thinking about the labyrinth on the artifact." "But you said yourself that a labyrinth is one-way. So far we know that there are at least three different branches of tunnels down here." True...Still he couldn't help thinking that wherever they were going there was only one way in and one way out. As they continued to walk, Mulder visualized the layout of the forest above. If he remembered correctly, they were headed in the direction of the lake. He slid his fingers along the rock wall, thinking that it felt a little more damp than usual. As they passed into what felt like a cave, Scully suddenly stopped. "What is it?" "Do you hear that?" "Hear what?" Mulder strained his ears but could hear nothing but dead air. "I don't know it sounds..." Scully drifted off for a moment, listening again. Suddenly Mulder heard it too and his stomach dropped. They looked at each other and said it at the same time. "Water." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX