In the Light of the Frozen Moon (9/?) by Decoyly Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully aren't mine, they belong to CC and Co. Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended! Feedback: Rating: PG Classification: MSR XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Agent Cook had never seen such a terrible blizzard in all her life. Andthat was saying a lot seeing as how she'd grown up in Colorado. Shehad no idea how much time had passed between the sudden powersurge and now, but she did know that it was nearly impossible to see anything whether they had light or not. The SAC had given up trying to decipher human shouts from the roaring wind, and was now just trying to find any of her agents before they were all blown away in the whiteout. A flash of black appeared in the midst of the swirling white for only a moment before it was swept away again. She brought up her now dead radio and hit it against her gloved hand. "Hello!" She tightened her scarf, squinting against the blowing snow. She really didn't expect a response from the radio, and jumped when a burst of static hit her frozen ears. Agent Cook stared at the radio in surprise. "Guys? Can anyone hear me?" The radio continued to crackle with static and Cook knocked it against her hand. "Hello?" The static cleared for half a second before a strange beep sounded, and suddenly her entire screen was taken up by short jagged line. Cook frowned, tapping the screen. The jagged line pulsed on and off for another three seconds until it disappeared completely. The radio was dead again. Great. She stared out into swirling blizzard, wondering why she had ever thought it was a good idea to come out here. Clearly they weren't going to find anyone else when they couldn't even find each other! "Cook!" She spun around to find someone stumbling towards her, knocked off balance by the wind. Cook quickly stepped forward to steady the figure, wondering why on earth they weren't wearing a coat. "I couldn't--it took me forever to--" The man was struggling to talk through heaving breaths, and SAC Cook finally saw his face. "Agent Dekker?" The poor man looked half frozen and completely panicked. He looked up at her, eyes wide. "I thought I'd never find you!" "How *did* you find me?" she had to shout to be heard over the wind that was trying very hard to knock them to the snowy ground. "I saw her!" "What? Who?" The wind caught her hood and blew it off, and Cook had to let go of Agent Dekker to pull it back on. She stared at the man in front of her. He wasn't wearing a coat, but he didn't seem the least bit bothered by the raging storm. In fact, he seemed to be completely oblivious to it. What was he doing out here? The last she'd seen him, he'd been heading up to his room to get some sleep after swearing he'd just seen-- "Kaya?" Cook answered her own question. "Did you just say you saw Kaya?" Was he hallucinating again? "I can't--she--I don't--" Agent Dekker stammered, grabbing her shoulders. His expression looked all the more crazy thanks to the wind whipping his hair into an unruly mess. Finally he managed to get a hold of himself long enough to shout, "She asked to come! Begged me to bring her!" "Who?" Cook shouted back. What was he talking about? And how had he ever managed to find her out here when she couldn't even find the agents who were supposed to be standing right next to her? Agent Dekker turned and gestured wildly towards the storm. He shouted something but the wind caught his words. "What!" Cook leaned forward, squinting in an effort to hear better. Agent Dekker started trudging back through the snow, still shouting, and Cook trudged after him. "Agent Dekker wait, I can't hear you!" He disappeared into the whiteout, and for a moment she thought she'd los him. Then suddenly, she took another step and nearly ran right into the back of him. "Agent Dekker?" He was standing ramrod straight, staring off into the distance. He whispered something and Cook leaned in closer to hear. "She was right here," Dekker said in a pained voice. "Who?" For the first time the FBI Agent actually looked at her. He stared at her a long moment, fear in his eyes, before finally answering, "Aunt Claire." ~*~*~ Mulder felt like he'd been walking for miles and getting nowhere. One step forward, fifty steps back. Not to mention that it was getting colder by the minute, and he somehow didn't think his impromptu swim was all to blame. After managing to get at least warm enough to stand up again, he and Scully had spent precious time trying to find a way back to the ground level. Now there was some illumination in the cave, thanks to the glowing tracks and walls, they were able to find what could only be described as a back entrance in a crudely carved stone ladder. Mulder had followed his partner down through the dark tunnel until they finally found themselves back in the main cave, which from now on he was referring to as the giant toilet. Watching Scully continue to shiver, Mulder had picked the tunnel between the one they'd come through and the one the water had come through to continue down. Now that they'd been walking for so long though, he was beginning to think they were going in circles. "You'd think with all the secrecy they'd have more security down here," Scully said wearily, running her hands over her arms and stepping around a protruding section of rock. "Makes you wonder what they're really hiding down here," he answered, thinking, and how much further we have to go to reach it. "Well you'd think by now they'd know we were coming," Scully said, stepping onto the track as the tunnel narrowed. Mulder stepped up behind her, absently following the glowing lines at his feet. "Maybe they're just too lazy to come looking for us, seeing as how these tunnels seem to go on forever." He'd lost track a long time ago where they were in location to the geography above. ~*~*~ Scully started following the curving wall, wishing for something to break the monotony of the strange glowing tunnels. Were they just going to wander forever until they froze to death? Or starved? She stared at the glowing tracks, wondering what they were really being used for other than lights and locks. Something was being transported down here, but what? And by who? Scully ducked to avoid running into an outcropping on the wall, and was completely taken off guard when, out of nowhere, a hand reached out and grabbed her arm, yanking her hard to the right. She knew immediately that the hand was not Mulder's. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The glowing light from the tracks didn't quite reach into the alcove she'd been pulled into, but Scully knew immediately who she was standing next to. The hand on her arm was much too small to be anyone else. "Kaya?" "We don't have much time," the six-year-old replied in perfect English. Her tiny cold fingers wrapped around Scully's hand and pulled her further into the dark. "They don't know I'm gone yet." "Who?" Scully asked gently, trying to get the girl to stop for a second. "Kaya, who's been keeping you here?" "The men in the masks," Kaya replied hastily, still trying to get Scully to move. "Scully?" Kaya froze at the sound of Mulder's voice, obviously afraid. "It's okay," Scully assured. "He's here to help." Kaya hesitated, rocking back and forth on her feet for a moment, then whispered, "Okay. But nobody else." Scully had so many more questions for her, needed to get Kaya out of here, but the girl seemed dead set on getting them to follow her. Scully squeezed Kaya's hand and said, "I'm just going to let my friend know where we're at, okay?" "Okay..." Keeping hold of Kaya's hand, Scully let her back towards the blue-green glow. "Mulder?" ~*~*~ Relieved to hear his partner's voice, Mulder turned around. He was shocked to see Scully rounding the corner holding a little girl's hand. There was no mistaking that this was the little girl they'd been called in to find. Kaya had long black hair that hung in two braids and dark almond-shaped eyes. She was wearing a hospital gown, no shoes, and had to be freezing. Scully met his gaze as she led Kaya over to meet Mulder. "Mulder, I'd like you to meet Kaya. Kaya, this is Mulder." "Hello," Kaya said bowing politely. She still hung back slightly, as if she was afraid to trust him. "Hi Kaya." Mulder got down on his knees, smiling. "I like your braids." She studied him a moment, then broke into a shy smile, walking out from behind Scully to say, "Thank you, I did them myself!" "Well you did a great job," Mulder answered, grinning. He glanced up at Scully, who smiled too. Kaya was one of the cutest kids he'd ever met. Although she seemed mature beyond her years, the sparkle in her eye reminded him she was just a little girl. Kaya shivered suddenly, and Mulder frowned. "You know what? All this walking has made me pretty hot." He stood up and took off his now dry coat. "Kaya would you mind keeping track of this for me for a while?" "Of course Mr. Mulder," Kaya said politely, smiling again. Mulder helped her into the coat, which went all the way down to her ankles, but at least she would be warm. He zipped it up all the way, and the little girl giggled when it covered her mouth and nose. "Whoops, too far!" Mulder lowered the zipper. "That better?" Kaya nodded, her smile broadening. Mulder stood up, and was surprised when she took his hand. "Come on," Kaya said, tugging him forward. "I want to show you something." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sorry for the delay on this one. Hope I still have some readers! :)