In the Light of the Frozen Moon (10/?) by Decoyly Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully aren't mine, they belong to CC and Co. Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended! Feedback: Rating: PG-13 Classification: MSR Author's Notes: I know this has been a LONG time coming, and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to continue, but I'm finally back and I thank you ahead of time for not giving up on me! :) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Aunt Claire?" Cook just stared at Agent Dekker. He was seriously starting to worry her and need to get inside before he got frostbite or pneumonia. What was he thinking coming out into a blizzard without a coat? "I swear, she was right here!" Searching the whiteout that raged around her, the SAC took out her radio again, smacking it against her gloved hand until, to her great surprise and relief, if finally let out a squawk of static. She said a silent prayer of thanks and pressed the button to talk, keeping a careful eye on Agent Dekker as she said, "This is Cook, can anyone hear me? Over." Nothing. She tried again, shouting to be heard over the wind. After the third try, a crackling voice answered, "Hear you-- where--hello?" At least there was someone else still alive out there. Still staring out into the snow, Dekker started to take a few confused steps forward and Cook quickly grabbed his shirt to pull him back. She was notletting him out of her sight. "Cook?" "Yeah, I'm here. Has anyone seen Aunt Claire? Over." There was a lot of loud static and then suddenly a chorus of shouted words, only one of which she caught. "Shed!" She had no time to ask what was wrong because Agent Dekker chose that moment to pass out. ~*~*~ Mulder and Scully followed Kaya down another cool glowing- tracked tunnel, exchanging a look over the little girl's head. Had the missing Japanese diplomat's daughter really just wandered out of a secret underground maze perfectly fine after all this time? What was she doing down here? She sure seemed calm for a kidnapped six-year-old. "This is a pretty neat place," Mulder said easily, trying to keep his voice nonchalant. "I bet there are some good places for hide and seek." "Oh yes," Kaya said nodding. "There are." He glanced at Scully again and swallowed against a lump in his throat. Feeling the tiny cold hand in his pulling him forward, he had to resist the urge to pick the little girl up and promise her that she would never have to hide again. "Are we going to one of these hiding places?" Scully asked, matching Mulder's easy tone. "Yes," Kaya said, rounding another corner. That was it. She was a girl on a mission. "Is there something special about this hiding place?" Mulder asked, really missing his gun right about now. In all that shed chaos, both he and Scully had lost them. Since neither weapon had rained down around them with the foosball table, they were probably out laying in the snow aboveground right now. Maybe they'd get lucky and someone would find them and come looking for Mulder and Scully. If the shed even still existed anymore. "Yes," Kaya said again then suddenly stopped short. ~*~*~ Another glance was shared between adults and Scully knelt down next to Kaya. The little girl was frozen to the spot, face a mask ofpure terror. "It's okay," Scully said softly, drawing Kaya's attention. In a sudden jolt as she jumped, seeming to notice Scully for the first time. Glancing down the mostly dark tunnel ahead of them, Scully asked, "Is there something bad down there?" Kaya nodded sharply, valiantly trying to hold back her tears as she unconsciously started to inch towards Mulder. Scully glanced up at her partner and he knelt down next to them. "It's okay Kaya," he said softly. "We don't have to go down there if you don't--" His words were cut short as the little girl launched herself at him, wrapping her arms fiercely tight around his neck like she'd never let go. Scully swallowed hard, watching Mulder hug the little girl and sooth her back, promising her that he wasn't going to let anything bad happen to her. She looked so tiny in his big winter coat. "Shh, it's okay," he murmured to Kaya, meeting Scully's gaze over her shoulder. Scully nodded slightly. Kaya trusted him now and she had no problem with letting her partner take over. Whatever was down that tunnel wasn't something Scully wanted the little girl anywhere near. "I don't want you to die," Kaya suddenly said through the tears she couldn't hold back anymore. She turned to look at Scully. "Both of you." Scully quickly hid her surprise and offered what she hoped was a reassuring smile when she said, "Sweetie, what makes you think we're going to die?" Big tears welled up in Kaya's eyes but she bravely held them back this time even though her lip quivered when she answered, "Because the masked men just said so." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SAC Cook was finally standing back inside after what had felt like hours of dragging a poor, very confused, Agent Dekker back to the Inn. If she hadn't literally run into the missing agents on her way back, she wasn't sure she could have gotten him inside. Now she was standing in a room full of tired, angry, confused FBI agents all demanding to know what was going on. Unfortunately, she had no good answer for any of them. "You're insane!" Stern was shouting at another agent who looked like, well like he'd been out in a blizzard--cheeks red, nose running, hair all over the place. "I'm telling you, that's what I saw!" the other agent shouted back just as fiercely. If she didn't do something soon, Cook was going to have a full fledged brawl break out right here in Aunt Claire's cozy lobby. "Okay everybody just calm down," she said, holding up a hand to stop all the responses before they could come. She sighed internally, feeling like a mom trying to get all her kids to behave. Some days, like today, the analogy wasn't that far off. "He says the shed exploded," Stern said, letting his obvious disbelief show through his tone. "Not exploded so much as--" "Where's Aunt Claire?" Agent Dekker suddenly said, causing everyone to look at him as he stood up, letting the blanket he'd been huddling under fall to the floor. Cook sighed internally. "Agent Dekker, you really need to try and keep warm." "No!" he shouted, eyes wide. "If she's out there, we have to go find her!" "And where were you?" Stern asked, turning on the now not so missing agents. The arguing started up again. Closing her eyes and counting to ten, Cook opened her mouth to speak, but realized something. "Where are Agents Mulder and Scully?" ~*~*~ Neither Mulder nor Scully knew what to say to that. They were alone in the tunnels with Kaya, no "masked men" in sight. "You heard them talking?" Mulder asked carefully and Kaya nodded her head. She had stopped clinging to him, but was still staying close. "Just now?" She nodded again, biting back tears. "Kaya," Scully said quietly, taking the little girl's hand. "Do you know what a policeman is?" Another nod. "Well that's what we are, and I promise you that nobody is going to hurt anyone else down here, okay?" Kaya studied Scully a moment, then answered, "But you're a girl." Both agents had to grin at that and Mulder said, "Yes she is, and you know what? She's a better policeman than a lot of boys I know. She's even stronger than me." Kaya smiled shyly at that, looking down at her hands. "That's what my daddy says about me." "And I bet he's right," Mulder said, smiling. "Now what do you say we get out of here and find some ice cream?" Kaya perked up at the mention of ice cream and for a brief second she was just a sweet little six-year-old without a care in the world again. It didn't last long though, and his heart ached as he watched her face fall. "We can't go," she said so softly he almost didn't hear it. Looking up at him, she added a forlorn, "There's--" She stopped short and terror flew through her eyes so fast Mulder actually stood up, instinctively going for the gun he no longer had. ~*~*~ "What?" Scully asked, suddenly on alert too. Kaya was so scared she was almost hopping as she whispered, "They're coming!" ~*~*~ "We can't spend all our time looking for Spooky and his girlfriend," Stern shouted, glaring at Cook. "And why's everyone suddenly looking to them anyway, huh? It's not like they know what's happening any better than we do!" It took all of the Cook's patience not to send him to his room like the spoiled little brat he was acting like. Ignoring stern, Cook began splitting teams into thos looking for Aunt Claire, those looking for Mulder and Scully, and a few people to hang back and watch poor Agent Dekker. How had this mission gone from one missing little girl to two missing girls, two missing FBI Agents, and one missing host/Aunt? Not to mention the two dead bodies, one of which was also missing. At this rate, they weren't going to have anybody left to do the finding. Cook glanced out the window at the blowing snow. The blizzard looked even worse if that were possible. "Okay people, let's move!" "Wait," Agent Winkley suddenly spoke up, and everyone looked at him. Being the closest thing they had to a doctor now, he'd volunteered to stay behind with Agent Dekker. Now he was squinting at the far wall like he was trying to see something that wasn't quit there. "Do you hear that?" ~*~*~ Mulder didn't wait to ask who, scooping Kaya up in his arms. "Scully?" "Go," she agreed, and they quickly began heading back the way they'd come. Scully kept a lookout as Mulder led the way and suddenly an alarm sounded somewhere deep within the tunnels. She and Kaya grab for their ears. Mulder winced but didn't lose his hold on Kaya, who squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face into his chest, mumbling a scared, "No, no, no, no," over and over again. She didn't hear any running feet or shouting yet, but Scully had a very bad feeling that both would be coming soon. She half expected the tracks to start flashing on and off in some sort of emergency warning light, but everything stayed eerily the same minus the screaming alarm. The acoustics of the cave weren't helping, making the noise bounce around and echo so loud and chaotically it was giving her a serious headache. But that was the least of their problems right now. ~*~*~ They came to another fork in the road and Mulder was surprised when Kaya suddenly pointed to the left and said, "There!" He began heading towards the left tunnel but she struggled in his arms, pointing to the wall, "No, there." At first he thought she was just distressed by the alarm, but the closer he got, the clearer it became. What looked like a solid wall was actually another passageway, another wall hidden so well behind the first that you wouldn't see it if you didn't know where you were going. He thought about Kaya's sudden appearance and realized the girl had somehow figured out the hidden passageways, a subsystem in the maze that was this strange underground deathtrap. When the floor gave a slight tremble, he realized that he could hear a familiar low rumble underneath the blaring of the alarm. "Mulder--" Scully said at the same time and he grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the secret passage. The water was back and it was approaching fast. ~*~*~ "It's just the wind," someone said, but Agent Winkley shook his head. "No, it sounds more like...almost like a tornado siren," he said, brows furrowed as if that helped him hear better. There silence for a moment and another agent finally said, "Yeah, I can hear it too." Stern let out a disgusted huff, which lasted so long Cook finally turned to tell him to stop. That is, until she saw his face. "What the--" Caught up in a sudden coughing fit, Stern grabbed for the back of a chair. Without warning, the world seemed to go on mute for a moment. Even the blizzard paused for a second as, to everyone's shock, a sound so low it was more of a feeling deep in the chest whooshed through the room like an invisible mushroom cloud, knocking everyone off their feet. When Cook managed to regain her balance, the first thing she noticed was the ringing in her ears. The second was that Agent Stern was lying on the floor, passed out. ~*~*~ The secret tunnels weren't lit by tracks like the others, and Mulder only hoped that Kaya knew where they were--that she would warn him if he were about to step off into oblivion. He was trying to move as close to the wall as he could, Kaya in one arm, his other hand locked around Scully's. He wasn't about to let either of them go in the dark. The alarm wasn't quite so loud now, but it was getting harder to breathe. He could hear Scully struggling behind him. "Mulder?" "Yeah?" He stuck out his foot to test the ground around a sudden bend in the road, and satisfied that it was solid, he moved forward. "I not quite sure. I think--" Without warning Scully's hand tugged on his hard and Mulder tightened his grip, feeling his partner fall. "Scully?" There was no answer. "Scully?" Silence. Fear surging through his veins, Mulder forced himself to sound normal as he asked Kaya, "Are you ok if I set you down for just a second? I promise I won't leave." He felt her nod and set her down carefully, wishing he had some shoes to give her. "Is Miss Scully going to be okay?" she asked, taking hold of the back of Mulder's shirt to let him know she was still there. "She's going to be fine, she's just a little tired," Mulder answered, glad his voice sounded a lot steadier than he felt. "Scully?" he tried again, kneeling over his partner, simultaneously trying to find a pulse and feel if she was still breathing. "Mulder?" He was so relieved he was glad neither Scully nor Kaya could see his face. Not wanting to scare the little girl, he carefully said, "I'm right here." ~*~*~ "Miss Scully?" she heard Kaya asked in a small voice and Scully fought to sound stronger than she felt when she said, "I'm okay, sweetie." "Did you trip?" the little girl asked in that innocent way of children, and Scully said that she had, even though both she and Mulder knew that wasn't the case. It was getting harder and harder to breathe and Scully gripped Mulder's hand tighter. He squeezed right back, quietly asking, "Do you think you can sit up?" "I--" She couldn't finish her sentence because with a horribly dizzying moment, she was overcome with a coughing fit that made it feel like her lungs were trying to make a break for the outside world. "Scully?" Mulder helped her sit up, hitting her back the way you do to help someone who's coughing. It wasn't helping. Finally with one last violent cough, Scully could breathe again. "Scully?" Mulder tried again, and she could hear the worry in his voice, everything he wasn't asking because Kaya was there. She nodded even though he couldn't see it and made a move to stand up. Neither of them were saying what they both knew. That hadn't been a normal coughing fit. Scully had been coughing up blood. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To be continued... Author's Notes: If I still have any readers, I'd love to know. LoL I promise not to make you wait so long for the next part. :)