Kelly--Part 6 Author: Lolabeegood E-mail: Distribution: Anywhere as long as my name stays attached. Rating: R Category: S Keywords: Mulder/Other (discussed), Mulder/Scully, Post-Col Spoilers: The whole series and all movies Summary: Life on a commune after the alien invasion is very different. Author's Notes: This idea just popped into my brain one day and it's been brewing there ever since. The story will not be everyone's cup of tea, and despite some recent fan-fiction, I am a diehard MSR fan but, sometimes other evil thoughts lurk and they won't leave me until they are written out. Here is one of those thoughts. **************************** Kelly O'Connor sat on the examination table and rubbed her back. This sixth baby was a heavy one and it was taking it's toll on her lower back. She couldn't wait to get home and fall into her soft bed with a heating pad pressed firmly against her. Then, when he got home from work, Borut would rub her back and she would feel better. She had some news for Dr. Scully today and she figured it would be well-received. She was taking herself out of the Program after this birth. Borut was going to do the same. They were going to have their own children, raise their own family, and she was very excited about the idea. She had met Borut almost two years ago when he came to the Commune. He still didn't talk much about what it was like on the 'outside' but from what he did say, on occasion, she knew he had been traumatized by it. The stories of mass suicides, torture, rape, starvation, and brutality that she had heard about for years all seemed true. Borut's eyes almost glazed over whenever he mentioned life on the 'outside'. He seemed eternally grateful to be accepted into this commune and there seemed to be a spring in his step when he left for work everyday. They had met by accident when Kelly was newly pregnant with the fifth baby and Borut had injured his hand repairing a machine. They had been in the waiting room of Dr. Scully's clinic and something sparked instantly between them. She appreciated the kindness Borut showed her from the beginning, and his ability to see who she was separate from the pregnancies and the post-colonization world they lived in. She liked how he separated their life together from their participation in The Program and never once seemed upset about her 'job' as child-bearer. But now that they were ready to have a family of their own, Kelly wanted nothing more to do with the Procreation Program. Despite the fact that, with an influx of money their Commune had received from the sale of specialty equipment Borut and his fellow mechanics had made, half the babies born were the result of IVF, Kelly still didn't want to have other people's children. And, she didn't want Borut fathering any other children, besides their own. The Procreation Program had advanced and transformed a lot in recent years. The introduction of IVF in the last year had really changed the way things operated. Despite the risks associated with hormone therapy, many women were more interested in signing up to help when it didn't involve having sex with multiple partners. Kelly could appreciate that. The door opened slowly and Dr. Scully walked inside while reading her file. Kelly remained quiet until Dr. Scully was done. "How are you today, Kelly?" She asked gently as she put the file down on the desk in the examination room. "This one is killing my back," Kelly said as she kneaded at her sore muscles. "This is the biggest you've ever been," Dr. Scully smiled as she warmed her hands before touching Kelly's belly. "You don't have to tell me that," Kelly groaned as she followed their routine and lay on the examining table and lifted her shirt. As Dr. Scully felt around and asked her questions Kelly grew a little sad. She had been used to seeing this woman so regularly over the years. If she and Borut had trouble getting pregnant for a while, it might be a long time before she saw her again. "Only another week or two to go," Dr. Scully said as she made a note in her chart. "This is the last one," Kelly said as she sat up on the examination table. "Pardon?" Dr. Scully asked, not understanding what she had said. "Borut and I want to start our own family...we're both pulling out of the Program," Kelly said as she straightened her shirt. "I'm so happy for you," Dr. Scully smiled over at her. "So, you want to start your own family?" "It's time," Kelly said with a smile. "You're going to be a great mom," Dr. Scully said as she patted Kelly's knee. "I hope so," Kelly said nervously. "I know it's a lot of work..." "It's sort of trial by fire," Dr. Scully chuckled. "You have to figure everything out very quickly and you'll feel overwhelmed everyday but then your child will look at you and..." "It will all be worth it," Kelly interrupted her. "Yeah," Dr. Scully smiled at her wistfully. "Well, hopefully, I'm as good at being a mom as you are," Kelly said as she lowered herself from the table. "Borut seems like a great need one of those so you can be the best parents possible," Dr. Scully said as she closed Kelly's file. "I'll see you here next week, or in a delivery room before then." "I'm crossing my fingers for the delivery room," Kelly said with a smile. "Sandy will be in with your post-natal kit in a couple of minutes," Dr. Scully said as she reached for the door handle. "Thanks, Dr. Scully," Kelly said as she rubbed circles on her tight belly. "And Kelly," Dr. Scully said before she opened the door. "I'm happy you are going to start your own family outside of the Program but...but thanks for being involved in it when you were, I'll always be grateful for what you did for my family." "You''re welcome," Kelly stammered, caught off guard by her emotions in the moment. Pregnancy hormones were wreaking havoc on her system. "I just did my part." Dr. Scully smiled slowly and then walked from the room. Kelly took a moment to compose herself. She had been told over the years how important her work was, how the Procreation Program was the human race's chance against the invaders, that they needed to re-populate the earth. But, it wasn't until the moment that Katherine was born, four years ago, that she really felt that what she was doing had a greater purpose beyond The Program. In some ways, leaving the Program felt like a bit of a desertion. There were other families that she could make as happy as Dr. Scully's. But, she also knew for their family to work, she and Borut needed to commit to it fully, just like they had committed to the Program the first two years of their relationship. It was now time for her to make her own family instead of supplying others with theirs. Sandy arrived and gave Kelly her kit and Kelly began her slow waddle out of the office. As she walked down the street she saw a familiar figure standing outside the school waiting with the other parents. Mulder laughed jovially with another father as the bell rang and children started to run in every direction around them. Little girls and boys with backpacks, lunch pails, and art flailing in the wind, ran to their parents or were taken by an older sibling from the playground and onto the sidewalks home for the day. A little girl with long brown hair that was falling out of two pig tails ran excitedly into Mulder's waiting arms and was hoisted high in the air above his head. She giggled as she flung her arms out to the side and pretended to be an airplane soaring above her father's head. Mulder laughed below her and his eyes shone with love. Kelly watched as he slowly lowered Katherine to the ground and righted her skirt. She lifted up her artwork to show her father and they talked at length, despite the whirlwind of activity that surrounded them, about the picture she was showing him. Just then, Katherine looked up and dropped the picture into her father's hands and bolted for a woman walking onto the playground. Her little body smacked aggressively into Dr. Scully's and her little legs spidered around her mothers as she attempted to scale her. Dr. Scully grabbed hold of her under her armpits and pulled her up to place a kiss on her lips. Katherine did a raspberry on her mother's cheek and they both dissolved into fits of laughter. Mulder soon appeared at their side with artwork in his hand, and leaned down to kiss both of them. Dr. Scully lowered Katherine to the ground and both parents held Katherine's hands; walking her home and swinging her between them as they did. Kelly laid a hand carefully on her hard belly and smiled. She hoped this child would make another family as happy as Katherine had made them. ************************************** The end.