The Lambs: Part 3 (9/11) by Lamia (AKA so kiss me goodbye) Rating: PG-13 (violence, strong language) Category: S Spoilers: Seasons 1-9, Fight the Future Keywords: William; Colonization Summary: Liam van de Kamp's life changes the day two FBI agents kidnap him and his parents. Chapter 40 December 22, 2012 New Mexico Darkness held him down. Distant voices sailed far overhead - "*fan out*" ... "*scour the site*" ... "*over here*." The lines floated above him. He tried snatching at one, but it floated off into a pool of murmurs. His body ached all over. A bulky layer with hard lumps held him down; it also cushioned him and wrapped him in warmth. He guessed it was a coat and he snuggled deeper, ignoring a tickle around his collar. "There's nothing on the back of his neck -" "Marie - your hand! Let me see." "It's nothing, Dana. Stop fussing." "At least let me -" "No, I said. It's not important right now." "Liam's going to be okay -" "He was barely breathing!" "His breathing is back to normal - he just needed -" "What if they did something to him on the ship?" "Nothing hap -" "I know who he is." The truth sank like a pebble dropped in a still pond. Only the crackle of the fire dared sound. That and the faraway susurration of low voices. *Susurration ... Is that a word? Do I know it? Ellie will know ...* "I know about him, about you," Marie said. "For goodness sake! We're surrounded by supersoldiers. I *know* why." His Wyoming mother was a farmer. A teacher. An excellent cake baker. She was no fool. Liam filled with pride. And fear. *She knows what I am.* He squeezed his eyelids tighter. She was his mother. She would love him in spite of everything, wouldn't she? But Dr Scully had been his mother once, too. The doctor drew in a breath. "Marie -" His mother made a noise of disgust. "What does it matter? It's over. We have him back." "There may still -" "Don't, Dana. I don't want to hear it. Not from you. Not now." "You know you have questions - and I know you're angry -" "Oh, I'm angry" - Marie wasn't softening any emotion - "I'm wild as hell. But right now, I'm so angry I don't want to talk about it." As good as her word, she fell silent and Dr Scully didn't push. It was like the day they met, after Dr Scully pulled the gun out. Liam remembered the discomfort of the hours they spent together in the car. Maybe his mother was remembering too. She sighed as if she was giving in. "*Why* was he on that ship?" A beat passed. "You know why." "I need to hear you say it." A branch snapped and Dr Scully's tone became brisk. "There you are. Sit down, Mulder. I can't look at your ankle while you keep hobbling around." Clothes rustled as someone (presumably Mulder) sat. "Where is Harry, Marie? We have to be ready -" "The swelling's not too bad -" "Jeez, Scully, was that necessary? It was fine until you poked it -" "Harry went with Rudi to join the search," Marie said, answering his question. "That flash in the sky won't have been missed. It's best if" - Mulder paused - "*certain* people aren't found here." "But the ship is gone. Everyone made it off, even the supersoldiers are free - Doggett said. It's over. Isn't it?" "We don't know for sure. Not yet," Mulder said. "There's a vehicle waiting about half a mile west, but we'll have to walk to reach it -" "What? Everyone?" "That's not possible, unfortunately. But with just a few of us, we ought to be able to get Liam out before the military turns up." "Just - just stop." Marie's voice grew steady as she collected herself. "We can't keep going on like this. It's no way to raise a child. Nobody needs to know about Liam. Gibson used him to get the nanobots on the ship is all. They don't have to find out about - about the rest of it -" Mulder cut her off. "Please be careful saying that aloud. There are still people who -" Hesitation carried the weight of his warning. "It's safest if no one links Liam to the nanobots ... I don't know if we can keep his connection to the supersoldiers secret." "What connection? There is no connection. It's over. He's free. Doggett told me." "Do you want to take the chance?" "This again," Marie said in frustration. "How can we protect him if you won't tell us everything?" Relief poured into Liam's heart. It was the best feeling in the world. She knew who he was and she still loved him. Marie waited for Mulder's answer. When she got nothing, she drew a metaphorical line in the sand. "It stops here. No more running." There was no mention of Esther; his mother couldn't know the name. Liam had always wondered who Mulder's mysterious contact was. Now it seemed the real question should be *what* was she? She wasn't a nanobot - but she could live in nanobots. What could live in nanobots? Mulder didn't mention her, but she was somehow key to Gibson's plan. If she had been in the nanobots, where was she now? "Gibson put a virus in my son," Marie said. "How could he do something so reckless? How can you not be wild about this?" Her emphasis was impossible to miss. Mulder said quietly, "Gibson knew it wouldn't hurt Liam." "That's it? That's your defence? And you, Dana! We've spent months together - you never said a word. You treated my son without permission. How dare you?" After a moment, Marie regained some of her calm. "What was the virus for? To destroy the ship? Destroy them?" "We discussed that possibility," Mulder said. "Even after all they've done, it didn't seem right." "One genocide is no better than another?" "Gibson believed we could take control of the ship. From there we hoped they could be reasoned with." "But the ship is gone. Where did it go? And what happened to Gibson?" There was little point staying quiet anymore - although Liam didn't like what he had to say. He struggled to sit up. "He's gone too." He resurfaced to dancing flames and, beyond them, the worried faces his mother and Dr Scully and Mulder. High in the sky a silvery half moon shone. It lit up shimmering smoke rising off the gray scape of the desert. The air tasted of hot metal. Dr Scully went back to binding a white bandage around Mulder's ankle. "You don't have to tell us everything, Liam." He knew why she said it, yet she was wrong. As awful as it was, he *did* have to say it. He had one way to honor Gibson: the truth. He pushed himself up, straining with the effort and shivering when his coat shifted and cold air rushed in. His body had never felt so beaten. Yet the pain was satisfying. It took only a glance to see how rejuvenated Dr Scully looked to know he had no regrets. The sickness in her was gone - and it would never return. Light from the fire reflected on both of them - Mulder and Dr Scully, their faces tinged orange by the flames. There was almost something peaceful about Dr Scully's smile. Liam didn't have her red hair or his dark brown, there was something in the shape of his eyes and jaw and her ears. Shock derailed his thoughts and he had to blink and pull himself back. "Gibson was trying to transfer the nanobots into the ship. He was trying to communicate with them. He reached out to them. One second he was there, then it got too hot. I think he was incinerated -" Marie gasped. "Did you see this, Liam?' Dr Scully *did* jump in this time. "No one could have seen anything - it was too bright. That's when the ship started coming apart. We grabbed Liam and escaped." Liam shot her a look. She was cutting out a chunk of the story. His mother knelt beside him. "How are you feeling, Lee? You gave us a scare. Can you tell us what else happened?" It wasn't his abduction or the escape which had tired him. Curing Dr Scully had left him exhausted, but he wasn't sure how to explain what he had done - and he wasn't the one they needed to talk about. "They burnt Gibson's face, Mom. He couldn't see. We used the nanobots to heal his arms, but then he needed to get somewhere in the ship. I had to help him." Dr Scully looked around. "Maybe it would be best if we talked about this when we get away from this place?" Liam twisted in surprise. A long chain of people had washed up on a low slope. He couldn't count them all. They huddled along a broken line of flames, on the edge of a giant scorched circle. They were keeping themselves warm with fire dragged from the desert. Within the circle, where haphazard dots burned like coals in a fire pit, figures combed between glowing pockets. The air stank and the ground was scarred ... but something was missing and it tugged at Liam's subconscious, drawing his gaze to a group of people he hadn't immediately noticed, just down slope from him. In two crisply formed blocks, men and women sat with hands laced at the backs of their heads. There was no fire for them. The light of the moon betrayed the camouflage patterns on their uniforms. The sound of static made Liam's head spin. A detuned TV buzzing in his ears. He blinked several times, calling on the inner silence he had learned on the ship. It seemed to work, and the white noise faded into the background. It wasn't completely gone - if he pushed himself to his limits the buzzing was just on the other side. Just waiting for him to let them in again. Several guides Liam recognized from the camp were posted around the edges of the supersoldier group. They stood, shotguns at the ready. Only two broke the line. A woman and a man. The woman's hair was pulled back in a braid and the legs of the man's fatigues were shredded. The man circled the two blocks and spoke to the guards. Then he moved towards Liam, stopping just yards in front of him. Doggett dipped his head in a formal nod, the intensity of his hawkish stare forcing Liam to look away. Liam found himself studying the other people. Had they all been on the ship? Who had rescued them? Under the strong moonlight he could see rumples in suits, women in t-shirts and skirts clutching at their arms for warmth. Even some in nightwear. Few were dressed for a night outdoors. There was no snow on the ground, but it was chilly. Liam was pressed into his coat, which had a fluffy lining. Not everyone was so lucky. He watched Mrs Scully, Mrs Fawbert and Shu weave their way through the groups handing out items: blankets, sweaters, towels - whatever might work for an extra layer. A woman he didn't recognise with a phone, a notepad and a pen bobbed through the crowd, pausing briefly to speak to people. As he watched he became aware of an uncomfortable sensation. He stood up, feeling the cold through his sneakers. "Liam -" "Nature calls, Mom." Two old friends emerged from the field. "We'll keep him out of trouble, Marie," Toby said. "Don't let him out of your sight." Alan grinned at him and as they led him over the hill, he nudged Liam. "Rumor says you've been off playing space invaders." Toby laughed. "You always did have the best adventures." They stopped on the other side of a clump of bushes. "Sorry about the facilities," Alan said. Liam turned his back. "Compared to the ship this is pretty good." "You say that now. Try it again in a couple of hours ... this may make me a traitor, but I can't wait for the army to get here." Toby blew on his fingers to ward off the cold. "We didn't exactly plan on hosting a rescue party." His business finished, it took Liam several moments to get what they were saying. "Who are all these people?" "They came off the ship," Alan said. "Supersoldiers started leading them out a few hours ago. Most of them don't remember how they got there." They stopped at the top to study the crowds. "How *did* everyone get here?" Liam asked. "You don't know?" "No one's told me anything - I just woke up." Toby took over. "Six days ago your dad came rushing back into camp warning us that shapeshifters were on the way. Somehow Doggett already knew what was happening. He freed himself from the pit." Liam flashed back to one of the more disturbing images he had had. "I think I know how." "He calls it, euphemistically, reducing his body mass ..." Alan shuddered. "I guess it's a neat party trick - but I'm still not one hundred percent on how he hauled himself out with just one arm." "He saved us," Toby said. "Four shapeshifters nearly made it in. Doggett reached the outskirts of camp, reassembled and took them all out. Then he had Mulder and Scully drive him here." Toby sized Liam up with a knowing glance. "They didn't find you, but your dog led them to your mom." "Wow." Liam felt another seismic shift in his world. "So the supersoldiers are helping us now? Why are they being guarded?" "We trust Doggett. Don't know what to make of the others. Doggett seems to think they're all free of the hive mind now. That only means they can think for themselves. Who knows what they're all thinking." As if she had heard them, a supersoldier turned and locked eyes with Liam. Like the others, her expression was impassive. Yet there was something in her glance, a familiarity. *I know you.* Liam had to bring himself back to the hillside. Toby was still talking. "Doggett didn't find you at the ship, but he did meet another soldier. That's how he found out about the rebellion. The supersoldier they set free took the virus back to the ship, but it could only be spread by direct contact and because of the effect it had she had to work slowly to avoid being discovered -" Alan broke in. "When Doggett told us what they were planning ... you know, camp's been fun, but like all good things ..." "We decided it was time to disband. Any families left got sent off two days ago. The rest of us offered to stick around." "Why?" "Just a feeling. Some of us camped out in the hills. We knew the ship would uncloak at some point. It did - briefly. Made the Major go nuts. Grabbed a shotgun and fired at it. I've never seen a man so happy. Or so sad. He sat down and bawled his eyes out." "The ship made Major Drummond cry?" Liam asked, screwing his face up. "Where is he now?" The young scientists pointed to a lone figure on the edge of a group. It sat with its head in its hands. "The rebellion started at sundown last night. At first we couldn't see anything. We stayed hidden in the hills. The noise told us it was starting. Not long after that, strange lights flared in the desert and supersoldiers started leading the first abductees out. "Are they okay?" "Some of them have very little memory of their experience. Others say they remember parking their cars months ago. We've managed to get some of them away - but there's far more than we could accommodate." "What are they looking for?" Liam had turned his attention to the searchers in the field. "Survivors - in case there are any more. I don't believe they've found anyone ..." "Where is the ship?" Liam asked, suddenly realizing what seemed odd about the scene. "Gone. One moment it was there, the next ..." "It flew away?" "I don't think so. Eric has people looking for debris. But there doesn't appear to be any. It's like the ship just ceased to exist." Liam's father and Sal were out there, looking for wreckage and survivors. "What happens now -" The question disappeared from his thoughts as he spied a familiar face. "It's Aaron!" "Hey. Slow down." Liam twisted to see why Alan had grabbed his coat. "What's wrong?" Alan's brow creased. "Be careful. His sister is missing." "What? No! Gibson said it was just a trick." Liam broke free. "Jeremiah made it look like Ellie was taken just to get me ..." The puzzled expression on Alan's face became concern. "I don't know what to tell you, Liam. She disappeared on the walk out. She hasn't been seen for nearly a week. Her parents have been searching ... they were hoping she was on board - like you. If she was, there's no sign of her -" Liam couldn't stay to hear anymore. He tore down the slope towards the nearest group. She had to be here. But as he looked, the truth started to sink in. There were no children among the abductees. He cringed when he ran into Ellie and Aaron's mother. Her face lit up with hope - then fell almost immediately. He backed away. He didn't know what to say to her. He passed the woman he had seen earlier. She was holding her phone out on a stick and talking to it. "Witnesses are describing it as the proverbial flying saucer. Call it what you will, a large, bright object lit up the sky and rained fire down in the Chihuahuan Desert in the early hours of this morning. More than two hundred people claim to have seen it for about ten seconds before it was gone." "Liam?" A tap on his shoulder startled him. "Your mother is looking for you." He reeled about and stared at Mrs Scully. "You're my grandmother." She nodded with a half smile. He placed his hand in hers and they slipped back into the circle around their campfire. His mother must have been looking for him. She pushed her way back into the group. "Please don't wander off like that, Lee. My heart can't take any more." Doggett approached Mulder, who was on his feet testing out his bandaged ankle. "All those who wish to be here are," Doggett said. "That means -" "Those that don't wish to be have gone. None of them are bound to the hive mind anymore. They're essentially free ... unless -" Tight-lipped, both men glanced at Liam. "Will they cause any trouble?" "For the time being? No. But who knows -" Whatever else he said was drowned out by a deep and sudden roar of jet thunder. At the sound everyone sat a little straighter. Danger always came from above - that had been Major Drummond's first lesson. "They won't be long now," Doggett said. "If you don't leave soon, they'll find you here." A shout and barking rose from the crash site. Seconds later Liam's dad and Rudi emerged with Eric and Mr Skinner. They walked at a quick pace up the hillside, passing between the corralled supersoldiers. Rudi made a beeline to Mulder, holding an object in his hand. "I knew I'd find some." Catching sight of it, Liam felt his head spin again and he had to work extra hard to maintain the calm space in his head. "It's like the other one," Rudi said. It was a piece of carved pottery, fitting perfectly in Rudi's palm - only this time Liam knew where it was from. He had been standing on it when the ship began to tear itself to pieces. "It wanted to be found by me. I can't tell you how I know." "What does it want?" Mr Skinner asked. "If it *is* alive, as you believe, there's no guarantee its intentions are benign." Rudi held the artifact in front of him like it was a divining rod. "It still wants to go this way." Harry rubbed his chin. "West, do you reckon?" "Yes." "Wouldn't that be where we found you in the desert? Why there?" Mulder studied the object. "On our side or not, they'll take it off you if they find it. We're about to leave. Are you coming with us?" "All I know is that it's telling me to go that way." Rudi pointed to the hill behind them. Liam couldn't be sure, but it looked like the way back to the base. "If you leave now, I can prevent them finding you," Doggett said. "You're staying?" Mulder said in surprise to Doggett. "You're taking a risk." "Someone needs to keep the troops in line. You know the pisser in all this?" Doggett gave a half smile. "They made me sign up for this. Technically I'm legal property of the US Army." Toby's jaw dropped. "Man, that's fu -" Marie put her hands over Liam's ears. "I told you before, Mulder. It's finished." Harry turned to her. "Honey, I'm not so sure that -" "Where does it end, Harry? If we keep giving into fears of something that *might* happen, someone who *might* be bad -" "We'll never have any choice, Marie. They know it. The only way we can protect -" "What if that protection is as dangerous as -" Liam had never heard his parents so at odds. He didn't need his mother to cover his ears. He'd do it himself. He turned his back on the group, wishing he could block out the sound of their voices. He dove into his inner peace to escape. The argument attracted a few curious looks, but most people were polite enough to avoid looking their way. He found himself on the edge of the group, looking out. Rudi stepped up beside him, the artifact in his clasp. "Mulder said Gibson is gone." Liam looked up in surprise and Rudi went on. "I don't want to believe it." It was funny thinking of Gibson having friends. Mulder had been Gibson's friend, although Liam always had the impression it was not the easiest relationship in the world. By his own admission, that friendship hadn't stopped Gibson using Mulder - and all of them - as pawns in his own plan. Rudi had spent a lot of time with Gibson when they were studying the extractor. Perhaps he had mistaken Gibson's usery for friendship. Perhaps he didn't care. "He said my thoughts were hard to understand - maybe because in my head I'm speaking my own language. "We worked together. He didn't understand my thoughts very well - but I think he knew exactly what I was feeling because that's the way he felt. He wanted what I wanted." "Revenge?" Rudi tucked the artifact into a large pocket in his coat. "An end." Liam was at a loss to known what to tell him. Looking at all these people freed from the ship, it seemed Gibson may have achieved something. The woman with the notepad was nibbling on the end of a pencil as she talked with a guard over by the supersoldiers. A few survivors made aimless tracks between bonfires. A shoe-less man squatted next to some flames. The fire was low but none of the man's companions seemed to have the energy to rise and stoke it. In bare arms and a thin shirt, he must have been freezing. Liam looked down at his own over-sized coat as if he was noticing it for the first time. Only Rudi was watching when he walked toward the man. "Here," he said, sliding the coat off. "You look like you could use this." The man stumbled to his feet. As he rose, a fleeting figure up the hill on the very edge of the survivors caught Liam's eye. All the unpleasantness of the fighting disappeared. He knew that figure. Liam felt a surge of exultation. They were wrong. They were all wrong. *Ellie.* She put a finger to her lips and beckoned him. She turned and made her way to the top of the hill. "Ellie, wait!" "Over here, Liam," he heard her call. "Come quick. You have to see this!" When he reached the crest, he stopped to work out where she had gone. She wasn't behind the bushes (which he was somewhat grateful for). The only place she might be was behind a boulder a short walk away. Behind him, back with his parents, Sal started howling. "Come on," Ellie called again. In his excitement, Liam ran, but when he skidded around the boulder, his legs locked up and he toppled on his face. "We don't have much time." Liam felt himself be rolled over. A man he had known his whole life stared down. Jeremiah.