Need by Mully Sculder Summary: Pure "XF2" speculation fic. based on a bit of a trailer that I got to see at the Paley center. Spoilers: Slight spoiler based on part of the "XF2" trailer, one line in particular that made me oh so curious and had me obsessing, hmmm, thinking a bit more than I should have been. So, if you're completely "XF2" spoiler free this won't give away that much. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Dana Scully or Fox Mulder they are the property and creation of Chris Carter and 1013/Done One Productions. No copyright infringement intended. I'm just borrowing them, I promise. Feedback: Yes, please! Send feedback to Need was on the surface a very simple word, two vowels and two consonants, four letters in all. Four little letters that meant so much. According to The Random House Webster's College Dictionary need could be defined as an "urgent want, as of something requisite." This was the third definition of the word the one that Scully found herself thinking of more and more the past few days. When Mulder came to her and told her that he "needed" her, Dana Scully, on something again it scared her more than she admitted to him at the time. She had begun to put it all behind her. Had tried to carve out a Mulderless life, as difficult and foreign as that seemed to her. They had finally reached their breaking point three years ago when Scully found out that the FBI had pardoned Mulder and dropped the charges. The charges that made them become fugitives from justice. Well, him really, she just went along on the ride. There had never been any formal charges brought against her, because there hadn't been anything to charge her with. When she found out that they no longer had a need to spend time on the run, it made her truly question their way of living and more importantly how she would choose to live in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Suburban Love Couple were just not her and Mulder as much as she wanted to pretend that that fit them. So, here she was living her Mulderless life when he came back into it and told her that he needed her. Scully agreed to look at the autopsy reports on the latest victim and if necessary order a new toxicology test, but that was as far as she was going to go on this. She wasn't going to go back into the field with him, she wasn't going to get drawn back into this, and she wasn't going to allow herself to care about this case in more than an objective manner. She would keep this on a professional, almost distant manner no matter what happened. These were the things she kept telling herself in order to keep from feeling too much, from becoming too concerned, from feeling like she had to have Mulder's back because somebody did and if it wasn't her who would? She knew he had a new partner and he was quite capable of watching out for Mulder, but. . . but what? *Scully it isn't your job to take care of him anymore, just read the reports and be done with it so you can go back to your simple, happy life.* Maybe that was part of the problem somehow it simply didn't have the appeal that it once had. Granted, when she was a fugitive she longed for this kind of life, a nine to five job, a stable home, her identity and reputation restored and now that she had all of those things she didn't want them anymore. She couldn't really explain it, this feeling that something was missing even though on the surface it looked like she had everything anyone could possibly want. Almost everything, she amended. She wasn't exactly a total social shut-in, though strange as it may seem, after her time with Mulder this seemed to make her more desirable to the other men at the Bureau. The same men who had labeled her as "Mrs. Spooky" or "Ice Queen" were now clamoring for her attention. She had been on a fair number of dates during the past three years and had enjoyed getting to know a few of the men she dated, but still something was lacking. There was something missing that she couldn't quite put her finger on. That feeling of intimacy that she shared with Mulder. Intimacy borne of many nights on stakeouts, of relying and trusting someone else more than you did yourself, of knowing that he was there for you no matter what. After a man told you that you were his "one in five billion" that was kind of a tough act to follow. She understood that that could not and would not be replicated with anyone else. So, here she was looking at the autopsy reports on the latest victim when she discovered something that warranted Mulder's immediate attention. She dialed his number without even really thinking of it, and found herself unconsciously responding to his "Mulder" with "Mulder, it's me." "Hey, Scully did you find out something interesting?" She paused, considered before answering, realizing just how easy it was to get back into old patterns. "Yeah, Mulder the toxicology on your last victim was a bit perplexing." "Perplexing how?" "Something doesn't add up, Mulder, but I think you knew that before I ordered the new tests, didn't you?" Mulder said nothing, trying to decide how much to share with Scully knowing how easy it would be to draw her back into old habits, into old patterns that had no place in her life anymore. "Scully, I don't want to talk about this over the phone, can we meet some place?" Scully paused before answering still trying to keep this distant and professional, "Well, I have two more classes today. I'll be done at 5:00 p.m. we can meet after, unless you want to come down here?" She knew that he wouldn't, Mulder hated Quantico because he viewed it as the reason Scully had left him and the basement office. As silly as it seemed, he hated Quantico almost as much as he would a suitor who was vying for Scully's affections. "Sure, I'll meet you after your last class." This was a surprise and for a minute Scully was taken aback. "OK Mulder, see you then." They hung up in their customary manner with neither one of them saying "good-bye" just pressing end and disconnecting the call.