The Return (9/12) by charvill Email: Genre: MSR Spoilers: Post-IWTB Summary: There are some things you just can't escape. "Yeah, okay," he sighs, glancing at me for the one hundred and fifty-third time since he answered the phone three minutes and twenty-two seconds before. "Just keep an eye out for anything-" he stops, realizing how ridiculous it is to remind the man on the phone not let his guard down. *The most paranoid man in history,* his thoughts chide. "Just give me a three-minute warning so I can prep the doorman." He clicks the phone off and his shoulders droop. I know it has nothing to do with the four hours of sleep he's had in the last three days. My breath quickens. "He's bringing her." *Yes. He told her you were here.* I don't know how to feel about this revelation. I lean back on the couch and remember my father's reaction to seeing me for the first time since I was but a few days old. Seeing his initial shock and then feeling the overwhelming happiness from him is something I will never forget. I had no idea what to expect, but it was better than any of the meaningless dreams I'd had since I learned about my origins some years before. Relief yearns to break through my melancholy mood, but ...he didn't know I was here. She does. He didn't send me away to live with strangers. She did. *William?* I turn to look at the man who has fallen into the role of my caretaker since he picked me up a few days ago in Wisconsin. It is dark outside, and his living room is lit only by the tall, chrome floor lamp just behind me. The concern is evident both from his thoughts and in his features, the way he leans just slightly towards me with his elbows resting atop his thighs. "Does she know why you brought me here?" I try not to shudder as I picture the cancer patients I saw on the computer just hours before: emaciated and hollow from the radiation treatments that were their only hope of survival. My father assured me that she still looks much the same as she does in the picture I shared with him from the day I was born Walter's gift to me. *No. Mulder only told her that you were staying with me. They were on the road within half an hour. They should be here soon. Just outside of DC now,* he said without moving his lips. It took him two days before he fell into the habit of communicating with me this way. I want to beg for more details but, if he had any, I would have already heard them in his head. We sit there in relative silence, his thoughts providing nothing more than mundane speculation that mirrors my own. Would I look much different than she has pictured over the last seven years? Is she glad I'm here? Does she wish I was still with the Van de Kamps? Will her presence be the signal the bad man - Krycek, Walter unwittingly provided me in his thoughts the first hour I was with him - has been waiting for? Are they in danger? Am *I* in danger? Walter shifts suddenly. *The phone. Mulder just texted. I have to call the people downstairs.* He stands and walks into the hallway and his deep voice fades into the background of my internal panic. She is really coming. My mom. Oh, God... I see the hazy memory I still have of her in my mind: blurs of red and blue on and around her face. She is crying, singing softly to me, and holding me so tightly.... *William?* "William!" His outburst takes me by surprise and I hear a strange sound, like the rustling of leaves mixed with a sharp wind. He is kneeling before me and, through his eyes, I see the tear tracks on my face and realize the sound is coming from me. "It's okay, William," he says, awkwardly rubbing his hands up and down my arms. *Shit, shit, shit...* "Can you hear me?" I look at him without answering, focusing solely on my uncharacteristic reaction. I have never felt this way before...never lost control of my emotions. It is a bad way to feel. Very bad. *You've got to stop this, Will! I scold myself. What will she think if she sees you this way? She needs you to be strong!* There is a soft knocking on the door. And that's when I hear it. *What do I say to him? What if he hates me? I shouldn't have come here. I don't deserve to have him back. Oh God, oh God...* And then I see her tiny self through the eyes of my father. She is...beautiful? No. That word strikes me as being very, very wrong. Her strawberry hair falls around her face as she chews her thumbnail, waiting for Walter to answer the door, and her clear, blue eyes shift from Mulder's face down to the hardwood floor. I know she is deathly ill, but it is almost as if she is glowing... Walter squeezes my hand, no longer clenched into a tight ball. "William?" *Are you going to be alright?* I feel my mouth pull itself into a smile and I am filled with a strange calm. "Yeah," I reply. He stands and walks to the door. I move further inside the high-ceilinged room so that I will see them, but they won't be able to see me. One of the things my ability has taught me is that people often appear very different through other's points of view. Someone who looks very attractive to one may appear the opposite to someone else. It is so extraordinary but, the more I experience it, the more it makes perfect sense. And, I can't wait to see her for myself. Walter says nothing as he opens the door just wide enough to let them in before shutting and locking it. Mulder places his hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the entry and into the hall. No words are exchanged aloud as she looks up at him with something like fear. *Mulder, I don't know if I can do this! What if he hates me?* He beams down at her before taking her hand in his, and she closes her eyes for the briefest of seconds. *It's going to be fine. He will love you he couldn't possibly not.* Her mouth twists into a shy grin and she drops her head just enough. *You make this seem so easy...* Mulder looks at Walter then and he nods toward the living room. My father glances at her again with raised eyebrows. *Do you want me to go first?* *No.* She shakes her head and gently removes her hand from his grip. *I* need to do this. I am shocked by the unspoken sentiments that pass between them and am left wondering if this is the reason behind my seemingly supernatural gift. My mind quickly takes off in a different direction as I begin to wonder if he filled her in on my ability to hear thoughts or any of the other things my father discovered about me today. The sound of her boots on the wooden floor sends my heart rate back up as I wait for her approach; I look at the light switch on the wall across from me and suddenly regret not flipping it on. She emerges from behind the partition and my breath catches in my throat; I was wrong. My mother looks just the same as she did through my father's eyes. If anything, she is more beatific as she stands there, scanning the room for me. She is tiny - shorter than me, in fact. Despite her earlier strength, her mind is now filled with anxiety and second-guesses. I feel my feet moving towards her of their own accord, and all I can think is how she needs me to wrap my arms around her. God, I want to hug her so badly! My movement surprises her, and she gasps, her hands flying to cover her mouth. *Oh, William! Is that really him? He's so...* Her thoughts stop as my arms encase her in a hug so fierce that I doubt she can even breathe. To hold her, this woman who risked everything to bring me into this world and then sent me away despite the fact that it nearly killed her to do so, is surreal; I keep waiting to hear the familiar ranch sounds that always signal the dawning of another day. But I can feel the suede of her jacket, hear her sobs of joy and relief, and I know: this is no dream. Finally I release her and she takes my face in both her hands - having to look up just a little to meet my eyes - wiping away tears that I hadn't even known were there. Her lips part slightly and I keep waiting for her to say something, to voice any one of the thousand questions that are currently running through her brain. But she remains silent. A heavy sigh escapes me as the sound of heavy footsteps in the hall signals the end of our reunion. There is work to be done. END PART 9/?