Rocking the Boat by ValZ EMAIL: CATEGORY: MSR. Vignette. RATING: PG SUMMARY: Row, row, row that boat. SPOILERS: post I Want to Believe. Irresistible. DISCLAIMER: X-Files characters belong to FOX Corporation and 1013. FEEDBACK: Yes, please. Please come and visit me at: AUTHOR'S NOTES: My anticipation for the New Moon trailer tonight was only a mere fraction of the anticipation I experienced waiting for this movie. This is sheer fluff I wrote while I should have been preparing for work tomorrow. No beta on this one, any mistakes are my own. This is a little experiment in all dialogue for me. Grab an umbrella drink and enjoy. "Were you waving to be rescued?" "Mulder, I think you've greatly underestimated the proximity of that island and overestimated the brawn of your muscle." "You wound me Scully. Here I thought this boyish display of agility was turning you on." "You should know by now it doesn't take strength to turn me on." "Oh, really. What does it take? Brains? Charm? Missing sister?" "You wound me Mulder. If you don't know by now I'm afraid you'll never know. So, can I help you now?" "Nope." "Why not? I can see the sweat trickling down your chest. I think you need more sunscreen." "Wow, Scully way to amp up the romance." "I can see moisture glistening down your sculpted pecs." "That's more like it. Let me tell you then, because a few weeks ago I saw you sporting an impossibly massive coat, boots, gloves and now..." "And now?" "And now I can not only see your naked fingers and toes, but if you lean a little to the left I can almost see right up your..." "Mulder." "What? I'm just enjoying the view. You should wear that at home." "I'll keep that in mind when I'm shoveling snow off the driveway next year." "You should. Maybe it would melt faster. Umm, what are you doing?" "It looks like your calf is getting a little tired there." "Yeah, well if you keep that up we are going to be oarless." "Would that be so bad?" "What's gotten into you?" "Do you really want me to answer that?" "Who are you and what have you done with my Doc?" "Oh, she's here." "I'll say. If I would have known that all it took to get you to loosen up was a few umbrella libations, sunscreen, and too much sand in all the wrong places I would have kidnapped you before Pfaster." "Ouch." "What too much darkness?" "No. Splinter." "If you don't stop that, I'm going to seriously lose it here." "Mulder, you have no idea how much I wanted to play footsies with you like this during one of those quarterly meetings in Skinner's office." "Oh really? Any other fantasies involving Skinner's office." "Involving you?" "Ouch." "So are you going to tell me what surprises await me on this island?" "Nope. But I can tell you it might involve a certain Assistant Director you fantasize about." "Well if that's the case why don't you row a little faster." "Weren't you mentioning something about rubbing more sunscreen on me?"