The Shortest Ever Re-write of IWTB (Probably. Not that I've checked or anything) by Little Grey Girl Rating: PG-13 Classification: MSR of course. Disclaimer: If they were mine, I'd be rich. As they're not, I have to work for a living. Spoilers: IWTB bed-snuggle scene Summary: Changing just one line would give the whole film a different feel. *** 'I don't know Mulder. I've got such a connection to this boy,' 'How old is he?' Mulder asked gently. Scully was quiet for a long moment. 'You think it's because of William' she said softly. It wasn't really a question; their son was on both their minds that night. 'Oh. Honey.' Mulder replied, but very quietly so it could easily be mistaken for a sigh. 'I think our son left us both with an emptiness that can't be filled - until he gets back from Indian Guide camp next Friday. So let's make the most of it while he's gone and have lots and lots of sex in every room of the house. ' 'Okay' said Scully happily. So they did. And the scratchy beard didn't bother her a bit. *** Now wouldn't you rather have seen THAT version of the movie? :) Feedback is worth more than gold. Make me rich!