softly slowly by Susan E-mail: Classification: moment-in-time prose thingie Rating: PG Spoiler: I Want to Believe Archive: No archive without permission. Disclaimer: On paper, these characters aren't mine. In my head, they are. Summary: i don't want to sleep, she whispers neither do i, he whispers back ~~~~ moonlight shines through their bedroom window its glow casting shadows on his bare chest softly slowly her fingers trace a path over his scars lines now thinned and faded but still there always there do you ever think about it anymore, she asks her fingers now tickling the hairs on his belly sometimes, he replies breathing in, breathing out sometimes it's all i think about and sometimes i don't ever want to think about it again he adds as he turns towards her rests his hand on her smooth stomach softly slowly his fingers trace their own path over her scar the bullet hole imprinted on her skin lighter and smaller than it used to be but still there always there does it ever hurt anymore, he asks his fingers now moving down and over the curve of her hip sometimes when it gets cold outside i can feel it, she replies breathing out, breathing in sometimes it tingles and burns and sometimes i forget it's even there she adds as she turns towards him slides her arm beneath his he moves closer then wrapping his long leg around her thigh rubbing his foot against her shin and she moves closer too her breasts pressed against his chest her nose almost touching his you should probably get some rest, he says kissing her one two three four times here there and here again and though she knows she has to be at the hospital early tomorrow she doesn't want him to stop doing what he's doing doesn't want herself to stop feeling so warm so safe so alive i don't want to sleep, she whispers neither do i, he whispers back and so he doesn't his lips softly slowly trickling over her scar again over every line every crease every part of her that is his and she doesn't either her fingers softly slowly moving over his hardened body over every scar every muscle every part of him that is hers that will always be hers later when the moonlight has faded from their bedroom window and her eyes finally drift shut he thinks about what they have now not what they lost then and watches her sleep in his arms in their bed in the place they call home and he is content ~end~ Thanks for reading. possibilities