The Truth is Out There--Scene 48 from XF3 by Lolabeegood E-mail: Distribution: Archive freely with my name attached. Rating: R Categories: S, R Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance, Post-IWTB Spoilers: IWTB Summary: The truth is something Mulder & Scully may have to pay a steep price for. Author's Notes: Ever since I watched IWTB I have thought of the ideal way to start and storyline a third movie. So, after much thought and deliberation I have a series of scenes that I have written for the third XF movie. The scenes will not necessarily run right after each other but they are in sequence. They are more like scenes I would like to see in the XF3 that develop character, tie loose ends, and add plot interest. I do not own the characters and I don't make any money from this. Enjoy! ********************************** "I will get you Optimus Prime, you can't escape Megatron" Mulder said seriously as his action figure dove off the side of the bed. "You will never find me!" Patrick called to his father as he ran around the room flying his action figure. The door opened and Scully stood at the entry way watching the action with two people peering in from behind her. "Oh, hey Scully" Mulder acknowledged her presence. "I will get my army force to capture you and bring you back to me" Mulder said seriously as he ran around the bed after Patrick. "Your decepticons will never find me, the All Spark will be mine!" "Oh, hey mom" Patrick said as he lowered his figure. "Hi" Scully smiled at them "it looks like you two have been having fun." "Oh" said Mulder wrapping his arm around Patrick "just a little robot warfare." Scully stepped into the room followed by John Doggett and Monica Reyes. "Hi Patrick" Monica said as she entered the room. "You're my mom's friend" he said smiling at her. "I am" Monica smiled back "I've missed you." Patrick just looked down at his feet and shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, Patrick" John said trying to lighten the mood. "Hi John, long time no see" he smiled. "Uh, Skinner gave John a flash drive" Scully said uncomfortably, anxious to get to the information "is the computer on?" She walked over to Mulder and handed him the flash drive. "Yeah" Mulder sighed "Good to see you again John, Monica" he nodded towards them. "Not exactly a book promotion..." "No," he smirked, "not exactly." "Hey, Patrick?" she asked walking toward him "how do you feel about going for a swim with me? I hear the hotel has a great pool." "My mom says you got me a bathing suit" he smiled at her. Monica turned to look at Scully. "I told you" Scully looked at her "Patrick why don't you go and get changed and go swimming with Monica, it'd be boring sitting around here any longer." "Okay, but I want to find out everything, no hiding stuff from me." "How can I possibly do that?" Dana smiled down at her son. "Yeah, I guess that's true" he said as he walked past her into the washroom and shut the door. "He's beautiful Dana" Monica said as she touched her shoulder. "He is" Dana sighed as she looked toward the bathroom door. "We're up" Mulder said from across the room. All four people crowded around the laptop, anxious to read what secrets these files held. They were all numbered files, there were no names to indicate which ones were the most important. There was almost 8G of information on the drive, lots to sort through. "Just click on the first one" Scully said impatiently. Mulder opened the first file and it was William's birth certificate naming Mulder and Scully as his parents. "I didn't know his middle name was John" Doggett piped up. "It's Scully's grandfather's name" Mulder answered quickly. "Oh" John sounded disappointed. Mulder closed the file and clicked on the next one. It was William's medical records, every doctor's visit and immunization was catalogued. "These look like my pediatrician's notes" Scully said looking closely at the screen. "So, he was tracking William?" "I don't think so" Scully murmured as she placed her hand over Mulder's on the mouse to move down the documents "it looks like these are scanned versions of his notes. I don't see any indication that he was taking specific notes for anyone, or charting any particular progress William was making." "When do the notes end?" Monica asked. Scully moved the mouse down further and looked at the final date "just before he was adopted." "So he's been out of their range all these years?" Doggett asked. "Hopefully" Mulder sighed. "What about that psychologist the school had him see?" Doggett asked. "That wasn't too long ago, maybe they've just found him" Scully answered as she opened the next file. "More medical records" Monica said looking at the screen. "They pick up right after he was adopted" Scully said tersely. "They knew where he was the whole time" Doggett said what everyone else was thinking. "God damn it!" Scully yelled at the screen. "Scully" Mulder said turning in his seat to face her and hold her two hands "you couldn't have known, there was nothing..." "I should have kept him, Mulder. They knew where he was the whole time, they knew!" "Um, ready" Patrick said from across the room. All four people turned to face him. "I'll...I'll just get on my suit" said Monica brushing past him. "It's not your fault" Patrick said to his mother, who had turned to face away from him. "Patrick, right now your mom is just really upset about a decision she made, she's second-guessing herself, do you know what that means?" John asked as he kneeled in front of the boy. "She thinks that if she kept me, none of this would have happened" he said to John as he watched his dad gently rub his mother's back. "Yeah, that's what she's thinking" John acknowledged. 'You'd be dead' Patrick's voice said in her head 'so would dad'. Scully turned to face him. Her eyes were filled with tears. It was the first time she's heard Patrick refer to Mulder as 'dad'. "Would you have wanted that?" Patrick asked. Mulder and Doggett looked from her to Patrick, not sure what conversation was taking place. "No" she said sincerely. 'Neither would I' Patrick's voice said again 'I love both of you'. "Thank you" she smiled at him. "Ready to go!" Monica announced as she walked from the bathroom in a blue one-piece suit. "Ready" Patrick said as he grabbed a towel "See you in a while." "Be careful" Scully called after them "Monica..." "With my life" Monica interrupted, as she shut the door behind her. ********************************* The End of Scene 48