Words by Susan Email: touchstone98@tx.rr.com Classification: vignette Episode: Home Again Archive: No archive without permission. Disclaimer: Though these characters don't belong to me, I will continue to be fascinated by them no matter how many years go by. Summary: What happened after Scully's mom died and she pleaded with Mulder to go back to work? Maybe something like this... ******************************************************** She drove in silence. It wasn't the comfortable silence they often shared, but a silence that had him on edge. Earlier she'd begged him, literally begged him to go back to work, and he'd just stood there, too stunned to say anything. And then she was in her rental car, already putting it in reverse by the time he caught up to her and banged on her window. She looked up at him then, her expression a mixture of grief and determination, and for a moment, he was certain she was going to change gears and leave him behind. But she didn't, biting her lip, then slowly reaching over to the gear and shifting it back into park. She didn't say anything when he got in and neither did he. ~~~~ After a quick stop to retrieve their luggage, she drove to the airport in record time, expertly weaving in and out of traffic, yet somehow managing to maintain the speed limit. He wanted to reach over, touch her arm, stroke her hair, say something to comfort her, but he knew that right now it would only serve to shut her down even more. And so he said nothing, and neither did she. ~~~~ Sitting beside her now on the plane, waiting for takeoff, he watched as the other passengers got comfortable in their seats, excitedly talked about their plans once they got to Philadelphia, and discussed what the weather was like there. And that's when he saw him. A little boy with copper hair gently held by his mother, his wide eyes peeking over her shoulder as she sat down in the aisle seat about three rows in front of him. His right hand gripped the armrest as he sat there watching the baby's curious eyes take in the surroundings and try to make sense of it all. And he couldn't help but wonder if that's what William would've been like on his first airplane flight, his big blue eyes filled with wonder as he tried to figure everything out while they quietly explained it all to him. He knew it wasn't right to think of such things now, but Margaret's last words had stirred up emotions he'd tried to keep buried, and before he knew it, his left hand was reaching over. Gently threading his fingers through hers, he looked into her watery eyes, then leaned back in his seat as she let her head rest against his shoulder. And still, neither of them said a word. ~~~~ Once the flight was over, they quickly picked up their luggage and headed to the rental car agency. The agent had given him the keys, but he knew she needed to be the one driving, the one in control of where they were going so he handed them to her and walked over to the passenger side. He buckled himself in first, then watched as she pulled on her own seatbelt, struggling to find the bottom part to attach it to. Digging down into the seat, he pulled it up out of the cushion and snapped the metal into place, then took hold of her hand before she could put the key in the ignition. "Whatever you need, I'm here, Scully," he said softly, squeezing her fingers. She looked into his eyes, her lips briefly curving into a slight smile as she squeezed his hand back, then let go. "I know," she whispered, turning away from him and starting the car. Pulling out of the parking lot, she merged onto the highway and said nothing else the rest of the way. He didn't need her to. ~end~ Thanks for reading. possibilities http://possibilities98.wordpress.com/ Originally posted February 2016.