The Heart of a Girl
By Christine Leigh

Summary: Season seven - Missing scene from The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati. Written for Haven's Camp 155 Words of Quoting Challenge.
Rating: G
Category: Vignette
Spoilers: None.

Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.
Epictetus (55 AD - 135 AD)

Every few minutes she opens the card and reads the quote written in her father's handsome scrawl beneath the generic greeting of 'Congratulations Graduate!' and this comforts her as she waits. It had been just the two of them on that long past day when she left high school, and he'd been so proud of her. She can hear his voice and see his smile if she closes her eyes and concentrates.

She is the least sentimental person she knows, but tonight is glad she saved this. She'd considered drinking, but instead unearthed the card from the box in her dresser, telling herself that she wouldn't shed a tear tonight. So, it is a dry-eyed Diana who is remembering the heart of a girl, while around a woman, the shadows grow darker.

~ End ~

Archiving: If you would like to archive anywhere, I'd appreciate a quick note first. E-mail:

Feedback: Always happy to receive it.

This story is (c) Copyright 2004 by Christine Leigh. "The X-Files" and its characters are the property of the Fox Network and Ten-Thirteen Productions and are borrowed here without profit or intent for profit.