Dumnezeu permite razbunare (20/30) by Bonkersfm E-MAIL: bonkersfm@yahoo.com CLASSIFICATION: MSR casefile SUMMARY: When Mulder starts profiling again, Scully mysteriously disappears. When she is discovered it's a race against time to unravel the events that have taken place, to save the lives of others and salvage a relationship in the balance. RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: IWTB ARCHIVE: Yes just e-mail me please DISCLAIMERS: Not mine and making no money Chapter 20 They met Pheeny outside the Greenberg memorial building at just after one o'clock. As he approached, he lowered his sunglasses. "Dana Scully?" He said, cautiously. Their disguise had obviously worked. Mulder had piled her hair under a brunette wig and made her wear her glasses. If this was the guy it would seriously harm their chances if he recognised her. The offices buzzed with people of all varieties going about their daily business, unsuspecting that there could be a serial abductor, rapist and murderer working beside them. As they approached the front desk, a man appeared out of another doorway. " Agent Pheeny?" He asked. He himself looked around forty years old with a pale complexion and thin frame. He was immaculate in dress, but his skin seemed pasty and his palms sweaty. "Forgive me, I thought I'd best meet you here." As they sat inside the office now, Mulder glanced sideways at Scully, looking for signs that she remembered something. "Just why is it that you thought it best to meet in here?" Pheeny asked, already suspicious of the man who's nervousness was evident to all. "I thought it would be in my best interests that my colleagues didn't realise that I had two," He glanced at Scully, "Three police officers coming to see me." "Do you know what we've come to talk to you about Lloyd?" Mulder asked, leaning foward in his chair. The man shook his head quickly. "Two of your clients have been murdered under the same circumstances. We want to know everything about Ellen Fairview and Sally Rays." He sucked a deep breath in, before burying his head in his hands. "I had heard of their disappearance. Ellen was a very troubled young woman. She craved attention and her husband found it very difficult to cope. Much of our session time was spent talking about her co- dependency. During our final sessions, she told me that she and her husband could not reconcile their differences. She was to leave him for someone else and she would not be attending anymore sessions. Perhaps you might want to speak to him?" "We already did."Pheeny interrupted. "What about Sally Rays?" "Sally had very different problems to Ellen. She was being treated for sex addiction. A few years ago her addiction cost her her marriage and her children. She came to me to be treated. It was the stipulation of her husband who would only let her back into the family home if she agreed. The sessions stopped when Sally went missing. I can get you their records." He quickly pushed a button that got him through to a woman. Whilst he requested the information, Mulder leaned in to Pheeny. "I didn't see him being so forthcoming." Mulder remarked. "I've seen this before." Pheeny answered. "They think that pure good will can throw us off their trail. 'Couldn't possibly be him, he was so helpful'." They were briefly interrupted by a middle aged lady, who shuffled in with an arm full of files. "Here you go Mr Vincent." She said kindly, setting the files down. "Will there be anything else?" "Thank you Marsha." He said, handing the files over to Mulder. "This is everything on the two women. Now, I have an appointment in twenty minutes, but If you have any more questions, please feel free to make an appointment." As they got up to go, Mulder noticed Scully's hands shaking. "Scully? What is it?" He whispered, knowing how much she wanted to hide her vulnerability from Pheeny. "I need to get out of here..." She said, her voice shaking. "Mulder get me out of here now." Scully sat in the corner booth, anxious that Mulder had also listened to the voice mail on her phone. She knew that was impossible, as she had listened to the message on the way home and deleted it straight away. The call had been from Kretski, who said he had something urgent to show her. She hated keeping this from Mulder, but she wanted to hear the answers first, and then decide what to do with them. "Hey" Kretski slid into the booth to sit opposite her, sliding a black coffee her way. "Sorry, for the short notice but I think I have something you'll be interested in. " She nodded, and he continued. "Well, I listened to the tapes. In fact I listened a few times and there was something that really stood out for me. You talked about this one phrase that was said by him over and over again. It's Romanian I know that much, although I haven't managed to get it translated yet because I haven't seen it in writing. But I recognised it from somewhere. Dumay something or other..." "I remember that." She said. "You should, you said it on the tape." "No." She said, taking a scrap of paper from her pocket. "Dumnezeu ?tie toate Dumnezeu vede toate, Dumnezeu permite razbunare." "Where'd you get that?" "It was on the last body." He reached forward and took the paper, reading it carefully. "Guess we got our lead then. Can I borrow this? See if I can find where I know this from?" She nodded. "You look disappointed." He said. "I was hoping for a little more then what you've given me if I'm honest. We're currently following a lead to do with two of the victims having the same therapist." "Sounds good. But just in case your guys are barking up the wrong tree...." He waved the paper at her. She gave him a sad smile, and got up to leave. "Dana." He said, catching her arm as she turned to leave. "I'm sorry that this happened to you. I want this bastard's ass." "You and me both." She called out, leaving.