From a Distance by Susan E-mail: Classification: vignette, third party POV Spoilers: I Want to Believe, references to past episodes Archive: No archive without permission. Disclaimer: On paper, these characters aren't mine. In my head, they are. Author's notes at the end. Summary: If I walked towards them, would she acknowledge me, or would she pretend she didn't see me, preferring instead to keep our past in the past? ~~~~ The last time I saw Agent Scully was thirteen years ago. She was working on a case at the time that had left her feeling very vulnerable and unable to deal with her emotions, and she needed to talk to someone about it. When she first walked in, I didn't realize who she was, but then she introduced herself, and I immediately understood why she was standing in my office. I'd read her file before, and not only had she recently lost her father, but she herself had also nearly died due to some unusual circumstances I still don't quite understand to this day. At the time she'd talked to me about herself in the second person, and although I knew it was a way for her to detach herself from the inner turmoil she was experiencing, I couldn't help but be impressed by just how well she carried herself and how strong she was. It was also obvious to me that she felt close to Agent Mulder in a way that went beyond just being FBI partners, and after she left my office that night, I couldn't help wondering if he felt the same way about her. It was two years later when I saw her the second time. She was distraught about another case she was working on and struggling with the fact that she'd recently been diagnosed with cancer. At the time we talked about how important it was to her to continue working despite her illness, and although she never came right out and said it, she was clearly afraid that the vision she'd seen while working on the case was connected to her own mortality. She also brought up the topic of Agent Mulder again and spoke of him with such tenderness and reverence, I just knew that I was right in my assessment of her after our first meeting. Of course, I never told her that. I did, however, tell her that I hoped she'd be able to beat her cancer and to keep on fighting. It was six months later when I found out that she'd gone into remission, and though I know I'm not supposed to let myself get emotionally involved with my patients, I have to admit I got a little teary-eyed when I heard the news. Her demeanor was completely different the next time I saw her. It was a few years after her previous visit to my office, and unlike the other two times I saw her, it wasn't fear I saw in her eyes. It was guilt. She talked about how she'd killed a man at point blank range and how afterwards she didn't even remember pulling the trigger. And she talked about her faith. She felt as if she'd lost sight of her beliefs, and she questioned her actions that night, wondering if maybe there was an evil hidden inside of her that she had no control over. After sharing such an emotional conversation, I was certain that she'd stop by my office again so that we could talk some more, but she never came back, and I never saw her again. Until now. I was on my way to a consult on the second floor when I noticed two people standing down at the end of the hallway by Agent Drummy's office. At first I thought they were a couple of agents simply hanging around outside his door waiting for a meeting to start, but as I got a little closer, I knew exactly who they were. After the Donnie Pfaster incident, I'd heard all the rumors about Agent Mulder's abduction, her pregnancy, and the new partner who'd been assigned to work with her, but I'd never followed up on any of it, preferring instead to simply be available if she needed to come talk to me. And when I'd heard that she'd given up her baby for adoption, I was saddened by the news, but not as surprised as I thought I'd be. After all, I knew about the extremely dangerous situations she often faced while working on the X-Files. But giving up everything she'd worked so hard for here, then disappearing for years? Now *that* I didn't expect at all. And I didn't expect to see her in this building again either, yet there she was, standing beside Agent Mulder about thirty feet away from where I was standing. Although she was wearing a coat, she looked thinner than she used to be, and her hair was much longer. As for Agent Mulder, he looked completely different from the sharply dressed man I'd last seen walking down these halls. He seemed thinner than before too, his hair was shaggier, and he'd grown a beard. Even though they were far away from where I was, I could see how close they were standing to each other and how he'd lean in even closer to her face whenever they spoke. I also couldn't help noticing the way he touched her hair, tenderly brushing it away from her cheek, then squeezing her shoulder as he brought his hand back down by his side. It was a simple gesture, really, but an intimate one that touched me in a way I wasn't expecting. Not sure what I should do next, I walked over to the drinking fountain, took a sip of water, and tried to decide whether I should say something to them or not. If I walked towards them, would she acknowledge me, or would she pretend she didn't see me, preferring instead to keep our past in the past? And if by some chance, she'd already seen me standing here and I didn't go over and say something to her, would she be offended or relieved? I honestly didn't know, but watching them for the past few minutes and seeing how they were with each other now, I knew one thing. They were together now in a way that was right for them, and it wasn't my place to intrude on that. And so I didn't, choosing instead to turn around and walk in the other direction. Glancing back at them one last time as I left, I watched him open the door for her and gently put his hand on her back as they stepped inside Agent Drummy's office. Then I kept on walking, knowing that the decision I'd made was the right one. ~end~ In case you hadn't already figured it out, the episodes that were referred to in this story were Irresistible, Elegy, and Orison, and the narrator was Karen Kosseff, the FBI counselor who appeared in two out of three of those episodes. Having recently re-watched Elegy, I was struck by just how open Scully was with her, and I wondered how she would react if she saw Scully (and Mulder too) at the FBI again after all these years. Thanks for reading.:) possibilities