Hole in the Black by PD ARCHIVAL: Gossamer, no thanks. Stories will be housed at my site only. If you'd like to link, I'd love it, but please drop me note with a heads up. DISCLAIMER: Can I borrow the keys to the franchise, Chris? I won't go to any FBI balls, I promise to make a full stop at most clichés, and I will try not to dangle my participles at the nice couple in the unremarkable house. CLASSIFICATION: SRA, MSR, IWTB, TMI, ASAP RATING: R SPOILERS: Through The X Files: I Want To Believe SUMMARY: "I wasn't in the group, Mr. Mulder. I was a tangential part of the project - in league with those few who were adamant on the subject of developing an antidote and a vaccine. He was our man on the inside, but we were not on the side of complicity with the colonists and that meant we were on the outside. Fringe element. We were not highly regarded. We weren't even invited to the group barbecues." He caught himself and smiled. "Ah. No pun intended." ~ Chapter 7 ~ "If you can call it a bright side," Mulder said around a mouthful of fried potatoes and onions, "the food here is really good." Scully was alternating between picking and actually eating, an act she knew she had to perform in order to keep her strength up. It wouldn't do for her to allow her blood sugar to drop and pass out. She had to agree with Mulder. The bites she took and paid attention to were delicious. "Of course it's good, Mulder. It's fried, it's comfort food - God knows we needed some comfort food." Mulder shrugged his agreement and dove back into his eggs and spicy sausage. Scully picked up the Navajo fry bread, dipped it into her egg yolk and savored the flavor. "When is he going to call?" Mulder knew it was rhetorical, but answered anyway. "He may not call until tonight, Scully. We have to be prepared to stick it out all day. Or as long as it takes." She nodded, dejected. "Hey, we've done this before - this waiting. We know how to do this." She smiled at him, correcting his perception with a cock of her head. "We've never done *this* before, Mulder," and he sighed in understanding. She returned her attention to her plate, rearranging the food, counting the stars in her head, counting the mornings with William at two months, five months, nine months. The waitress came back to their table and wordlessly refilled their cups. Two months, five months, nine months. Scully stirred cream into her coffee and lost herself in the swirls. ~:~:~ 3:30 pm Holiday Inn, Kayenta Mulder was stretched out on the bed in their room, his big, bare feet hanging off the end. He was staring up at the ceiling. Scully was tapping on her laptop at the little table. A word here and a word there occasionally gave way to bursts of thought as fast as she could type. Mulder glanced over at her. "You're not online." "No," she said. "Still no connection." "What are you doing?" Scully glanced up at him, looking a little guilty. "Um - it's personal?" Not a question, but a plea: *Please let me have this to myself.* "Okay," he said, not in the least bit bothered, yet she pushed on, compelled to explain. "I'm doing it for myself, first. It's a letter. It's for myself now, maybe for William later. Maybe for you. For now, it's for me." He smiled at her. "Okay." She sighed and closed the laptop. "This is killing me." "No, it's not. Watch TV." "I don't want to," she said. She came dangerously close to sounding petulant - allowing her level of frustration to show through her otherwise stoic veneer. "Want to play cards?" She shook her head and stood up. She began pacing, another visible fracture in the Scully Armor. Mulder followed her progress around the room with his eyes. Eventually, she stopped at the edge of the bed and looked down at his still, seemingly relaxed form. "Why aren't you going off the deep end with me?" she asked, not without a tinge of humor. He half chuckled and closed his eyes. "You have an occasional and disquieting tendency towards complete apathy at the oddest times, Mulder." "I'm feeling torpor-ific, Scully," he said wiggling his toes. His smile reached the corners of his closed eyes. "Somebody in this operation's got to stay out of the deep end. Guess it's my turn to do that." He opened his eyes and took her hand, pulling her down to sit next to him on the bed. "And you know what else?" he whispered. She shook her head. "I'm going to see my son." He beamed when he said it. Scully crawled over him and laid herself down, resting her head on his shoulder. Her palm to his chest, she was soothed by the thud of his heartbeat. ~:~:~ They'd talked about it plenty - William. In Mulder's mind, it had been talked about to death and resolved - inasmuch as an irresolvable situation can be resolved; the deed had been done. And as much as he might have wished for overruling power over the physics of the time/space continuum, he couldn't turn back the clock. Not without fucking something up even worse, he was sure. Was he angry? Yes. Was Scully to blame? No. Would things have turned out differently had Mulder been there? Yes. Would he have let William go? Never. *Was* he angry? Damn right. Was he angry at Scully? Scully was Their mechanism. She wasn't the brains of the operation that forced her hand to give William away "for his safety." She was used. She was convinced. Somehow, he was sure, giving William up for adoption was exactly what They wanted. Whoever "They" were now. Was he angry at Scully? Unlike Mulder, Scully was not under the impression that the issue had been resolved between them. She claimed to, but Mulder was certain that she wouldn't see it as over until Mulder killed her or left her or both. This, he knew, is how guilty she was. It was consuming her. Was he angry at Scully? Mulder shook his head, staring up at the ceiling of the hotel room. Scully had dropped off and her fingers were lightly kneading at his chest. Was he? Mulder closed his own eyes and drifted into unconsciousness.