Home Is Where The Heart Is (2/8) by Amanda Hawthorn Feedback: amanda_shepherd@live.co.uk Rating: R Spoilers: Home Again (10 x 4) Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully do not belong to me unfortunately. Author's Note: This is for my daughter who was only 2 when X Files first aired. Since the reboot she's started watching from the pilot. Yesterday I had a text from her saying..."Mum I'm totally shipping Mulder and Scully!" I am so proud! Chapter 2 Scully grasped Mulder's hand tighter as they approached the main door to the house and the fellow mourners awaiting their arrival. She had no idea what kind of welcome, if any, that she would receive from some members of the small group. After all, she had caused her mother no amount of grief and heartache without even meaning to. She didn't know how much the extended Scully family knew about her life with Mulder or the fact that she had given their precious child away. She hadn't exactly been close to her family after that. Every step caused another wedge of guilt to crash into her heart. Had her mother ever forgiven her for the grief she had caused to her and the family? Had she understood the reasons why they had to give William up? Did her mother die hating her for it? She hadn't made any secret of the fact that she was very disappointed with their decision and Dana knew that her mother had mourned his loss just as much as they did. Her legs felt like lead and she could feel Mulder's concerned gaze upon her even without looking up at him. She felt his comforting presence in every fibre of her being, and that alone gave her the courage that she needed to keep moving one foot in front of the other. She had always been the strong one, or so Margaret Scully had proclaimed on more than one occasion... Dana just hoped that she had been right. Swallowing the lump that seemed to be permanently in her throat she took a deep breath and felt Mulder squeeze her hand in reassurance. Scully lifted her head and caught his gaze and found the strength he was giving her to get through this awful day. She was forever thankful for the day he came into her life, despite all the heartache along the way. He was her rock and the other half of her heart... that would never change. "Are you ready?" he asked her, his voice breaking through her reverie. "Because if you're not..." "I'll never be ready," she whispered hoarsely. "But, I'm fine." "Okay..." His graveled voice caught her heart... how could so much love be projected in just one word? In any other instance she would have melted into his embrace, but not right now... not yet... She held his eyes for a few moments longer, hoping that he could feel the love she poured into her gaze, before the click of a door opening shattered the moment as she moved to follow her brother when he pushed open the front door, never once letting go of her partner's hand. 000 Once inside, Scully was struck by a flurry of memories that seemed to hit her all at the same time and for a moment she was engulfed in grief once again. Her father had lived in this house... so had her sister... and her mother... every single one of them had left their own echo within these walls... but as she looked around the familiar room she couldn't shake the emptiness that swam around her senses. She felt so... lost. Beside her Mulder could feel her tighten her hold on his hand and he found himself tugging her closer towards his side, shielding her from her family and this devastating situation. She had been there for him when he was left alone and desolate after his mother died. She had helped him pack up the family home and never once left his side when he crumbled beneath the weight of his grief... just how he wouldn't leave her. Acting on instinct, he unclasped their hands to glide his arm around her back and over her shoulder, providing a sort of united front for anyone who decided to bombard her with questions. He wasn't about to let anyone hurt her, even her family. He would fight to keep her safe... "Dana," a woman's voice called and they both turned to see a petite blonde rushing in their direction. Tara Scully, Bill's wife, came towards them in one swift movement and tore her sister in law away from Mulder's grasp. Her arms were around Scully in seconds, engulfing her in an emotional hug, leaving both FBI agents in a state of surprise. "I'm so sorry," Tara blurted against Scully's shoulder, already crumbling in tears. "I'm so sorry." Scully's flaccid arms slowly started to move and embrace her in a brief tight hug before she slowly pulled herself away to take hold of Tara's hands. "I...," Scully's voice cracked a little as she spoke,. "She's with dad and Missy now... I know she is... I... I have to believe that..." Tara wiped at her eyes and smiled through her tears. Nodding fiercely she squeezed Scully's hands tight before she turned to look at the man standing protectively just behind her sister in law. "Mr. Mulder," she gasped out, instantly releasing Dana to move towards him to take one of his hands in between hers. "It's really good to see you again... I'm sorry I didn't get to speak to you at the funeral but... I just wanted to thank you for being here... for taking care of Dana like you do." Her words caused Scully to turn around and regard the other woman with a fondness that she hadn't felt in a very long time. Catching Mulder's gaze she smiled her first real smile since this nightmare had begun and felt her worries slowly begin to dissipate a little. "Always," Mulder told her honestly, as he dropped his eyes to focus on the woman standing before him. "It's nice to see you again too." Tara smiled brightly and released his hand before she stepped back to gesture towards Dana again. "Would you mind if I steal Dana for a little while?" Glancing over to his partner he watched for any kind of sign that she was uncomfortable with this but when she nodded that she would be fine without him for a little while, he turned back to Tara and smiled. "Sure." Scully kept her gaze focused on Mulder even as Tara was ushering her away from his side, and drawing her into family conversations regarding old memories to which he couldn't be a part of. He continue to watch her worriedly as she glanced back towards him briefly to offer him a reassuring smile that for now at least, she really was okay. He continued to watch her for a few more moments before he started to feel a little like an intruder, but when someone called his name he tore his gaze away from his partner to look into the face of a man with Scully's eyes. "I'm Charlie," the man nodded in greeting as he shoved a glass of brandy towards him. "From one outsider to another!" "Sorry," Mulder eyed the amber liquid before shaking his head apologetically. "I promised Dana I'd drive us home tonight... but thank you anyway." Charlie grinned and shrugged nonchalantly and downed first his brandy in one gulp, followed by the glass he'd brought for Mulder. "She's got you whipped," he chuckled mirthlessly as he gazed down into the now empty glasses. "Never thought she had it in her!" "She doesn't have me-" "Whatever," Charlie waved his hands in Mulder's direction, a glass held between both sets of fingers. "So, you're like... looking out for her right?" "You could say that," Mulder told him as he lifted his eyes to check that the only Scully he was really interested in was still within his sight. "She'll be okay," Charlie told him dully as he followed his gaze. "She's with Aunt Lucy. She's my mom's sister." Mulder could hear the regret in the other man's voice, a feeling he was all too familiar with since his own mother's passing. He too had chosen to remove himself from the remaining member of his family for reasons that had become confused and insignificant as time wore on. "I'm sorry about your mother." Charlie nodded solemnly and Mulder could see that he was just as uncomfortable to be here as he was. He wasn't really sure why the Scully family had shattered to leave them just as broken as his own, but whatever it was he didn't intend to pry. He found his eyes seeking out the woman he loved once more but instead he found the cool, brooding eyes of Bill Scully... but for once that anger was not directed at him. "Bill being an asshole to ya huh," Charlie nodded knowingly. "Me too... He's got it down to a fine art..." Mulder didn't really know what to say to that. He thought frantically to find an excuse to move away but before he could speak the man beside him nodded towards his brother and spoke again. "After our father died I decided I liked this stuff too much," he mused as he held one of the empty tumblers up to look through the frosted glass. "Bill decided it was his duty to be the one to pull me back in line and mom never stopped him... so I packed up my stuff and left." "I'm sorry," Mulder offered again, not really knowing if there was anything else he could say to the youngest Scully who seemed to be staring at the ingrained patterns of the object in his hand. "When Missy died... I came home for her funeral..." Charlie lifted his eyes from the glass and towards his older brother. "...and got this damn lecture of how I was a disappointment to the family name, so I said goodbye to this place and my family for good." "I-" "Do you love my sister Mr. Mulder?" Charlie asked him suddenly, catching Mulder off guard for a moment. "To hear my brother speak of you you're like satan himself." "Yeah... well your brother has his own reasons to hate me," Mulder sighed regretfully. "But, in answer to your question... yes... I love your sister." Charlie nodded slightly, considering his words carefully before he regarded Mulder for a moment. "More than your job? Cuz according to Bill you live the damn thing and you drag our sister down with ya... his words, not mine... just saying." "I love her more than anything..." Mulder told him with as much conviction as he could muster. "She is... she's... everything..." Charlie watched him closely, scrutinizing his every move before he obviously saw something that he recognized. "Then take her and get her the hell away from here," Charlie told him as he shot his older brother an angry glare. "Some of the people here are damn toxic." Mulder turned to stare at Charlie Scully with a mixture of shock and surprise but before he could respond, Charlie turned and walked away from him to leave him standing alone once more. Sighing heavily, Mulder looked for Scully but she was no longer in his line of sight. Feeling a little like a pariah, he looked around the room for some kind of distraction. When his eyes caught sight of something interesting, he turned to walk towards a large fireplace that held an array of family photographs displayed on and around it. He found his gaze drifting over the various poses of a family that had obviously once had some happier occasions, each of which was marked by smiling faces looking back at him. A wave of sadness suddenly caught him unawares forcing him to realise that this family's loss had affected him more than he cared to admit. Yes he was here for Scully, to support and comfort her... but he also had a lot of affection for the incredible lady that they had come together to mourn. She had shown him care when he was lost... compassion when he didn't deserve it and love when he had crumbled to his knees beside Scully's hospital bed. She had been the light in the darkness when he'd lost his way... and he had loved her for all of those reasons. As he gazed across the multiple images of childhood memories, he found himself wishing that he'd had more than just one tiny photograph of his son. He'd held that photo at least once a day, all the while knowing that William would forever be his one and only child. He'd been a miracle for both him and Scully and even though he had the ability father another child, without Scully as its mother... the possibility wasn't worth a thing... There was always this inner monologue that told him over and over that he needed to let go but he couldn't... he'd had no idea until he'd set his eyes on his baby son, that it was possible to feel so much love towards another person. His child... his flesh and blood... Sudden tears stung his eyes and he frantically tried to blink them away. He couldn't give way to his own loss even though it threatened to swallow him whole on a daily basis. Margaret Scully's passing had dredged up more than grief for both himself and Dana. They were forced to confront every single chaotic emotion that attributed to William, but where Dana could show her feelings openly to him, he had tried to be strong for her... one of them had to be and he had assigned himself to the task... No... he grieved his own loss in private... Scully didn't need to see him crumble, not when she felt that same pain and more every single day. He needed a distraction but when his eyes settled on a small framed photograph of a tiny baby, his heart suddenly caught inside his chest. Reaching across he picked up the wooden frame and held it in his hands with trembling fingers as he gazed down into the grainy image. If this photograph wasn't so old he could almost swear it was William smiling up at him. Images bombarded his senses faster than he could stop them... a mixture of love, grief and loss filled his mind to transport him into memories that he had tried to bury for so long... "Hey..." he cooed as he reached down to carefully lift his son out of his crib. "Enough of that... mommy's sleeping." William's eyes opened wide to look up at him and he could feel himself falling in deeper. He'd heard parents say how their lives had changed when they held their children in their arms, but he'd never really understood until now. This tiny little person had turned his world on its head and he couldn't have been happier. "So, what's got you up this time hmm?" He asked hummingly as he rocked the baby from side to side. "Now I know you can't be hungry already." William smacked his lips together and continued to look up at him with eyes that were the same as his own and he knew he would quite happily give up everything right in this moment if it meant he could stay like this forever... "So, if you're not hungry then it's gotta be time for a diaper change?" Lifting the baby higher he placed a soft kiss onto his smooth brow and held him close for a few precious seconds before placing him down onto the changing mat and began to unfasten the buttons on his onesie. "Whew..." Mulder crinkled his nose and grinned down at his tiny son as he cautiously unfastened the diaper like it was some kind of chemical weapon. "How can so much come out of something so small?" William gurgled and kicked his legs in the air when Mulder removed and discarded the offending diaper before cleaning him up and putting a new one on him. "I know Buddy," Mulder chuckled when he started to rebutton the tiny onesie. "I hear ya... but we can't have you peeing up the walls! We'll both be in trouble if we let you do that. I'd be sleeping on the couch for the next year!" Picking up the infant once more, Mulder adjusted his hold to nestle Willian against his shoulder and gently patted his back as he rocked him. This was how he wanted to spend the rest of his life... being a father to his son... "That's Dana," a woman's voice spoke beside him and he lifted his eyes to find himself facing an older version of the woman he had come to mourn. "She was barely three months old there." "She was a good looking baby," he told her with a tight smile as he moved to replace the frame back in the spot where he'd found it. "She was beautiful," she nodded and patted his arms affectionately. "I'm Lucy, Dana's aunt.." Mulder couldn't help but smile when he looked at her. She looked so much like Scully's mother and she had the same kind eyes. Holding his hand out to her he nodded in greeting. "I'm-" "Mulder, not Fox," she told him with a wide smile as she took his offered hand to clasp it in between both of hers. "I've heard a lot about you over the years. You're Dana's young man." "Well not so young anymore," he chuckled, already feeling his mood lighten a little. "It's very nice to meet you... I just wish it was in happier circumstances though." "Yes," Lucy agreed sadly. "As do I..." "Mrs. Scully was..." Mulder's voice died away when Lucy stepped closer to pat his cheek affectionately "Maggie loved you, you know," her voice softened affectionately as she continued to hold his gaze. "Despite what Bill or anyone else in this family says... she always thought of you as one of hers." Mulder was finding it increasingly difficult to keep a reign on his fraying emotions. He had always held a certain affection for Scully's mother ever since their first meeting... but to think she had regarded him in the same respect sent a sheen of tears to gather in his eyes. "I... she was a special lady." "Yes, she was," Lucy swiped a shaky hand across her face before she regained her composure and gestured to the photograph of Dana that he had been so interested in before she'd approached him. "Maggie told me how alike Dana and William were. She often said she could see a lot of her in him... and you... he had your eyes." Mulder felt his face flush a little when memories he'd tried to quash refused to be silenced. He had no idea how much Dana's aunt knew of William but just talking about him... hurt... "He was... perfect," he croaked. "And beautiful... like his mother." Lucy smiled kindly, the wrinkles beside her eyes crinkling in exactly the same way as Scully's mother. "She told me what happened to yours and Dana's little boy... I'm really sorry... giving up a child you love is the worst pain any parent can go through... believe me, I know first hand how much it hurts." "You?" Mulder asked in a mixture of sadness and surprise. "I'm sorry." "Well I was only eighteen, no husband... and I had to choose between my love for my son or giving him a better life..." "And did he?" Mulder asked hopefully. "Have a better life?" Lucy regarded him sadly and smiled despite her obvious loss. "Yes, he did... and so will your son... you have to believe in your heart that he is living a happy and full life and that one day, he'll come and find you." Mulder nodded slightly, he knew she was right, but knowing that their son was out there living a life without them did nothing to ease the ache of loss... he just hoped that William was happy, that he was loved... and he was safe. "Now," Lucy cleared her throat and stepped closer towards him. "How about you and me go and find something to eat?" Before he could reply she slid her hand around his arm and guided him away from the Scully family gallery. He was more than a little apprehensive to follow her but when he caught sight of a familiar red head he felt himself relax and allowed her to lead him towards the large spread of sandwiches laid out neatly on the dining room table. Scully caught his eye and immediately excused herself from the conversation with her cousin to make her way towards him. She wanted to be by his side now more than ever, especially after learning from various family members that her mother had made changes to her will that no one but a select few had known about. As she approached she took his offered hand in hers and moved closer to melt into his side. She could almost hear him exhale in relief and she didn't think there was any way she could possibly love him even more than she did right now. "Your young man has been keeping me company," Lucy told her with a smile as she slowly released his arm before gesturing the table of food. "I'll leave you two to chat... I'm going to take some sandwiches to your brother." When Lucy was out of earshot, Mulder smiled down at the woman beside him, forever grateful to have her by his side. "Are you doing okay?" "I think I am," she told him honestly as she wrapped an arm around his waist. "I have something to tell you..." Continued in Chapter 3