Home Is Where The Heart Is (4/8) by Amanda Hawthorn Feedback: amanda_shepherd@live.co.uk Rating: R Spoilers: Home Again (10 x 4) Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully do not belong to me unfortunately. Author's Notes: Thank you so much to everyone who has left reviews, PM's and favoured/followed this story. I am incredibly humbled by the response to this. As always thanks to my friends Purdy's Pal, JediSkysinger and DaisyDay for their support Chapter 4 Soft light emanated from the lamp on the desk, bathing the study in a warm glow. Mulder ushered Scully into the room first, his hand resting against her lower back as he guided her inside. This was one part of the Scully residence that he hadn't been into before but Mulder noted that all around the room, there was a huge presence of Scully's father. "My dad used to spend a lot of his time in here," Scully mused as a small smile crossed her lips. "This was his Aladdin's cave." "Really?" Mulder's gaze took in the array of various books that sat neatly on the many shelves, and he wished that he could have had a chance to meet the man in person. Maybe he wouldn't have been as bad tempered as the younger Bill Scully... and maybe, just maybe he would have found an ally in the older man. Lucy smiled warmly, beckoning them to join her by the large desk that sat in the middle of the room. She saw Mulder's eyes drop down onto the surface where various packages were placed in neat piles, each with a different name marked in black writing. As she watched the couple before her should couldn't help but feel a burst of affection towards the pair of them. Her sister had called their relationship a special kind of love...something that Lucy could plainly see for herself since the moment she had seen them together. As she focussed on Mulder she could plainly see that he was having an inner war. He wore his turmoil like a beacon, even though he thought he hid it from everyone around him. What he didn't realise was that Maggie had seen something in him that caused her to add him into her family...there was no other higher honour than that. Mulder suddenly felt like an intruder in what was a deeply personal family room. He loved Scully more than anything and he was here to support her in every possible way...but this felt like he was taking the place of Bill Scully jr...and lord knows that man didn't need any more reasons to hate him. "Are you sure you want me in here for this, Scully?" Mulder asked, keeping his voice soft as he spoke. "I can wait outside if-" "What?" Scully asked in confusion, already reaching out to grasp his hand. "Why wouldn't I want you here?" Mulder held onto her fingers and brought them up to press a tender kiss onto her knuckles before he brought their joined hands to his chest. "This was your father's study..." "And?" "You have family things to discuss," Mulder told her honestly as he ran his thumb across her fingers. "I'll-" "You are family, Mulder," Scully's voice rose slightly in volume as she grasped his hand tighter by way of cementing that fact. "You're my family." "Fox..." Lucy's soft utterance of his name tore his attention away from his partner to look across at the older woman who was holding out a small package towards him. His confusion gave way to curiosity as her unwavering smile caused him to release Scully's hand and take a tentative step towards her. "What's-" "My sister loved you, Fox," Lucy told him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "She left this here for you." The lump in Mulder's throat threatened to steal what little grasp he had on his already frayed emotions. The fact that Margaret Scully had left him anything spoke volumes and he found himself reaching out to take the package from her hand. Looking down at it, he saw his name written clearly in Mrs. Scully's unique scrawl and for a few moments he was torn between opening it now or taking it away to open it in private. He felt his partner step closer into his side, her presence filling him with the courage he needed to face his grief for the woman they both loved. So, with trembling fingers he pulled open the seal and peered inside. He felt his heart thumping wildly inside his chest when he realised just how significant this gift was for him. Tipping the package upright he held out his hand to catch the contents that spilled out into his palm. Scully gasped in a breath beside him and when he looked towards her he could already see her eyes swimming with tears. Blinking back the moisture in his own eyes, Mulder held up the object in his hand and took in all the details of the heavy Rolex watch between his fingers. "That was dad's favourite watch; mom gave it to him for his birthday..." Scully whispered shakily, her voice almost breaking as she spoke. "I know he would have really liked you." "I..." "Mom loved you, Mulder," she reassured him softly as she brought her hand to rest on his forearm. "Dad would have accepted you for that reason alone." "I...I don't know what to say," Mulder gasped out, his voice breaking a little when the significance if the watch spoke volumes to him. "I..." "She left something else," Lucy told them, her soft voice breaking through his. "Something for both of you." "Something else?" Scully asked, shaking her head as she spoke. "She changed her will and left this whole house to me... I... she shouldn't have..." "Wait, she left you this?" Mulder asked, holding his arm up to gesture the room. "But..." "That's what I was going to tell you," Scully told him, her eyes swimming with unshed tears. "Aunt Lucy gave me a letter from my mom...she wants...wanted...William...to have a real home...here, with us..." "But..." "I know," Scully gasped out as a single tear broke free to roll down her cheek. Clutching his hand she leaned into his shoulder and closed her eyes. This whole gesture from her mother only succeeded to make the past few weeks all the more confusing. "I don't know why either...I..." "Your mother had her reasons," Lucy told them, choosing her words carefully. "She had dreams of her grandson coming home here. I don't think she ever really believed he was gone from her life forever." "But he can't..." Scully managed through the ball of grief that welled constantly within her. "It doesn't matter how...desperately we need him...it's...impossible..." "Nothing is ever impossible, Dana," Lucy told her gently as she lifted a large flat box off of the table and held it out to the two of them. "Here." Scully eyed the box suspiciously before she slowly withdrew from Mulder's side to regard the item in her aunt's hand. "What is is?" "It's something your mother wanted you both to have," she smiled. "It belongs to you...it always did." Scully took the box from Lucy and watched in confusion when her aunt made her way towards the door. "Wait...where are you-" "I believe that you and Fox need to look at it in private," she said cryptically. "Call me when you're done...I'll make us some tea." Mulder's gaze flittered between the box in Scully's hand and her vacating aunt. This whole day hadn't turned out in any way that he'd thought it would. He was still reeling from Margaret's first gift to him and he hadn't even begun to process the prospect of Scully owning this house...and now...there was something else... Scully looked up at him and met his gaze. She didn't know if she could take any more surprises today, not after everything she'd learned since they had first arrived. Moving towards the desk she placed the box onto the flat surface before lifting off the lid. Inside was what looked like her parent's wedding album, a memento of a much happier day. Lifting it out of its protective box she pushed the outer package further towards the middle of the desk before laying the album onto the mahogany surface. She had no idea why her mother left her wedding album to both her and Mulder, maybe it was just her way of saying how much she approved of their relationship. Scully doubted that they would ever know her mother's motives but she pushed her questions to the back of her mind as she opened the album to look inside...and gasped in a breath. "What..." Mulder placed his watch back into its package and laid it on the desk before he stepped closer to Scully to see what had caused her to whole body to tremble. As he peered over her shoulder he felt his knees almost falter and he held onto the desk for support when he found his gaze locked onto the photographs laid out before him...photographs of their son... Scully's vision blurred with tears as she reached out blindly to trace her fingertip over the images placed neatly in the photo album. She didn't have any photos left apart from the one she and Mulder shared...but this...these precious photographs were worth more than anything she'd been given today...and with the photos came the memories, each one surging through her to bring an ache she never thought she could feel again. Beside her, she could feel the man she loved unable to hold onto his wavering emotions. He had been so strong for her, so supportive, but he was finding it just as difficult as she was right now. Lifting her head she looked up at him and gasped in a breath. She had seen him broken before, many times...but nothing could have prepared her for the complete devastation he openly displayed for her now. The tears that had been pooling in her eyes slowly spilled over onto her cheeks to carve wet tracks over her face. Grief and loss echoed those in her partners eyes...bonding them together in ways that only they could know...and as the man she loved more than anyone else in the world crumbled beside her, she knew that she had to be the strong one this time. Taking his hand in hers, she closed the album and picked it up with her free hand and guided him over towards the small love seat in the corner of the room, maneuvering him onto it. Releasing his hand, she sank down beside him and leaned into his trembling body, echoing the small sobs that emanated from his chest with her own as she placed the precious item onto their touching knees. "I thought..." her voice caught in her throat as she laid her hand over his once more, intertwining their fingers over their precious son. "I burnt them...all...everything...and at the time I thought it was to protect him..." "Scully..." "I told myself it was for his sake..." she managed, her voice cracking with every word. "But it was...for mine..." Unable to trust his own voice not to break if he spoke, Mulder just clutched her hand tighter as she opened the album once more. Memories filled him to bring a fresh onslaught of tears to his eyes. He should have been there with her...he should have taken both of them with him and disappeared...maybe if he had then they would have all been together today...but...there was no time for what if's any more. Leaning in closer he pressed his lips to her temple and swallowed hard against the lump in his throat. They were together and their son was alive and free, living a normal childhood because of the sacrifice she...they...had made. "He's safe..." he whispered into her hair; his tears falling onto the soft strands. "He's safe..." Scully broke into a sob and leant further into him as she took comfort from his forgiving words. They had fought their own battles and carried many scars, the deepest ones being the loss of the beautiful child, whose image looked back up at them from the album held beneath their joined hands. Focussing on one of the most precious images she thought she had lost forever... Scully allowed her sadness to flow freely as she gazed down onto a black and white photograph of Mulder with a sleeping William nestled on his chest. It was then that she knew she would never forget how much she loved them both. Bringing their joined hands to her lips, Scully placed a kiss onto his fingers before she turned up to face him. Their eyes met and it was all she needed for the words she hadn't spoken aloud for so long to tumble from her lips... "I love you, Mulder..." Continued in Chapter 5