jigsaw by Susan E-mail: touchstone98@tx.rr.com Classification: prose thingie References: The Truth, I Want to Believe Rating: G Archive: No archive without permission. Disclaimer: On paper, these characters aren't mine. In my head, they are. You can read all of my prose thingies here: http://possibilities.bravehost.com/apocketfulofprose.html Summary: things were more complicated then and yet so much simpler ~~~ the stars above him he sits on the porch alone ponders the pieces of his life that no longer fit things were more complicated then and yet so much simpler work eighty hours a week sleep on the couch with the television on keep only the bare essentials in his refrigerator he still misses it sometimes misses the last minute flights in the middle of the night misses the distinctive curve in her eyebrow as he tries to convince her that the perpetrator was indeed a man who could walk through walls and yet it feels like the pieces he has now fit together more easily than they ever have it was so hard those first few years a different city a different motel every night and the pain of missing their son and then there were the years after that watching her go back to work without him while he stayed hidden away in his cluttered room of books and newspaper clippings but now it's different he's different he still enjoys a good debate still believes that the truth is out there and that someday he'll see his son again but they're with each other completely now and that's all he needs and although there are still nights like these when he sits beneath the stars and ponders how the pieces fit together the way they do he is certain of one thing the puzzle isn't finished yet ~end~ Thanks for reading. possibilities http://possibilities.bravehost.com/ Originally posted July 2009.