Redemption (6/26) by GeorgeHale Rating: R Feedback: Classification: Colonization/Mythology/MSR/William, post I.W.T.B. Canon. Spoilers: Left, right, & center. This is best served if you REALLY know your X-Files. Disclaimer: I wish I made this. This has been my catharsis, five years in the making. Maybe it can be one for you, too. Warning: Violence, Gratuitous employment of the 'Our little sailor' clause (swearing,) Fluff with two 'f's, Cheesy dialogue, Friendly Ghosts, Melodramatics, Plot devices, Fiji Mermen (no, not really,) Angst, Blasphemy, Dehydration via crying, Scientific Whammies, Plams, Lots & Lots & Lots of...Bees, Magical Growing Scully Cross Chain, Red Herrings. It's going to get strange and ugly before the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------ VI ------------------------------------------------------------------ "In one word, Queequeg, said I, rather digressively; hell is an ideafirst born on an undigested apple-dumpling; and since then perpetuated through the hereditary dyspepsias nurtured by Ramadans." - Herman Melville, Moby Dick ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mulder sat on their improvised bed beside Scully and gently kissed her cheek. "Hey, I'm sorry to wake you up." Scully murmured something unintelligible but turned and looked at Mulder with sleep-glazed eyes. "Hmm? What is it?" Mulder found her beautiful in her rumpled state and couldn't help but brush a stray lock from her forehead back behind her ear. "Kid has a headache. He didn't feel it was anything major, but I wanted to let you know." Scully thought a moment before sitting up. This cot was killing her and she longed for a real bed. "How long have I been asleep?" She hastily reached for her hair tie and pulled her hair back. "A few hours...Scully, do you think his brain is reacting to the lack of Phenytoin? What if he ends up like I was?" "After you were exposed to the ship artifact?" Scully seemed very much more aware. Mulder nodded, and Scully thought about the possibility. She had been so busy seeing that the virus was eradicated from his system that she hadn't thought much about the effects of removing the drug. She chastised herself for losing track of it in the midst of everything else. "I'll have to see." She started to stand up, but Mulder caught her hand. "Dana, wait." Scully looked at him quizzically, wondering why he was holding her up and changing the tone of their interaction by using her first name. "What is it?" "I told William. He knows now. We don't have to lie to him anymore and...his ability is returning." Scully paused, unsure whether to sigh with relief or berate Mulder for revealing the truth without her. "How did he take it?" "He threw a glass against the wall when I lied to him. He's not sure what to think right now, and that's normal. I think he believed me once I finally broke down and told him the truth. I showed him the bloodwork." "He shouldn't be throwing anything." "He didn't use his arm." Scully didn't want to think of the implications in Mulder's last quip, not in light of what might be happening. "First things first. Let's see about this headache." ------------------------------------------------------------------ Returning to the room, Scully studied the brain monitor in the dark and sent the most recent data to the lab to be printed. William lay motionless with his eyes screwed shut and his hands clenched tightly at his sides, illuminated only by the dim lights of the machinery in the room. The migraine had deepened. Noises in his head had become louder and increased in frequency. He didn't recognize the added voices of the man and woman at first. "His brain activity has increased since earlier. Mulder, this is way above baseline." There was a shared look of fear between them as Scully paged Dr. Threadgoode. "William, can you hear me?" Scully moved to the head of the bed, grabbing a doctor's pen light from the table. "Can you open your eyes?" In William's head, the woman's voice was stronger now, closer. It was becoming difficult to respond, but he finally forced his eyes open and stuttered. "Feel weird... never had a migraine like this...hear weird noises." He winced as Scully checked the dilation of his pupils. The light was blinding. Mulder stepped closer now, concern etched deeply into the lines that creased his forehead. "Do they sound like voices?" "I don't know. Yes...loud. Body won't..." Mulder's fears regarding William's experience relating to his own were confirmed. His temporal activity was increasing as the Phenytoin worked its way out of his system. William's body would eventually shut down if they didn't find a way to slow his brain down. Mulder felt his gut churn and tried to keep his voice calm. "Listen, William, I've experienced what's happening to you. You're going to feel like you're trapped in your body, but it's just your brain taking over. We're going to solve the problem and help you feel alright." Mulder grabbed the boy's hand and squeezed it lightly. Theo came through the door, sound and bristled fury in a bathrobe. "What happened?" Scully indicated the E.E.G. monitor. "Look at this." Theo, older than he appeared, removed his bifocals and examined the display. "Doesn't seem possible. And what the hell is this glass doing all over the floor?" ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Mulder?" Scully nodded, indicating they should step outside the medical chamber. In the adjoining room, she leaned against the wall. "Until we can figure out a better solution, I think we need to put him back on the Phenytoin." "I thought it had long-term side effects." "Potentially, but he's certainly not showing any signs or symptoms of that, which I admit is odd. The faster we get it back into his system, the better. Don't get me wrong, I don't like it at all, but it's better than the alternative. I never experienced what he's dealing with, Mulder, but you have. I just can't think of any better options right now. What do you think?" Scully yawned and stretched her arms over her head, still feeling the effects of being woken suddenly. "If you think it's the best course for now then do it. I trust you." "Alright." ------------------------------------------------------------------ *William's view of the world turned white as dreams replaced his vision of reality and the pain that throbbed in his skull. Upon a hill, he walked through knee-high grey grass toward the apex, compelled by curiosity to see what might lie on the horizon. As he neared and his hands skimmed over the tall sleek blades, he marveled at a lone bold dandelion that stood defiant against the wind, outlined against the sky and a single ancient oak tree, bathed in golden sunset light. The grass circled around it circumspectly in geometric formations, defining its place. Finally standing beside it, out of breath, William gave it a wide berth and beheld the land below him. The plain was overcast, the sun now having set all the sunsets of his life. Dark shadows shifted over the land. A storm was on the horizon, lightning and thunder disrupting the calm. Scanning the landscape, his eyes were drawn to the ocean in the distance and the beach that met the surf. Squinting, he noticed a man on the beach and the vision suddenly zoomed closer. The strange sensation made William lose his balance and step back, but strong arms caught his shoulders behind him and helped him regain his balance. "Hey, I've been trying to find you." It was the man. Fox Mulder. The man who claimed to be his father. "Where have you been?" William spun, disoriented, searching for the hill he had just been standing on. He pointed far into the distance to where he viewed the lone oak high on a cliff, but Mulder seemed unable to follow his gaze. William noticed the high mounds that surrounded them now, elaborately crafted sand ships that stretched down both sides of the beach as far as the eye could see. Mulder reached down and started shoveling at the base of one, destroying its foundation. "Help me?" William regarded the ships with awe and bent down to help Mulder dig. They worked together for hours, silently, and William was discouraged that their effort seemed in vain. The mound they had attacked still stood and the boy felt tired. A hand ruffled his hair and William met Mulder's eyes, disheartened. "Don't despair. This quest is not ours alone. We are only the first, not the last." From the sea, Scully rose and joined them with a pail and after meeting their glances and smiling as if she were joining them for a picnic, set to work. A bald man in eyeglasses came next carrying a shovel, also from the sea. Then a trio of gentlemen came bearing their arms as martial artists. With the exception of the woman, he did not know any of the individuals. It was then he saw the wave of people coming from the sea, bearing instruments to assist in the destruction of the great sand ships. He did not recognize any of these people either, but Mulder seemed to know them all. A boy just older than him who seemed to bring the tide with him. A solemn, quiet girl, not quite his age. He nodded to each gratefully as they set upon the ships with zeal. The wind was stronger now, the dark storm clouds in the sky set to break. The distant roll of thunder sent gulls fluttering and calling. "Hope is faith extending its hand in the dark." The hand that extended to him was Dana's. William considered and searched for meaning in her fiery countenance, the blue eyes that seemed to match his own, but felt none would be forthcoming unless he accepted her offer. Their darkest, deepest fears were here, rising below the waves. They were coming to engulf the Earth in the depths of their secrets. Grabbing Dana's hand, he completed the circuit and Mulder's hand came to rest on his shoulder as lightning cracked and filled the sky with blinding flashes in rapid succession.* ------------------------------------------------------------------ William's eyes flew open as the drug tore his thoughts away from his subconscious. The pain was terrible, but the boy could move voluntarily albeit slowly, and he was dazed, unsure where he was. Jaw clenching, he tested each toe and every finger. His eyes shifted as the signals from the outside world conflicted with the images of his subconscious mind. "Mom?" Scully's heart skipped a beat as she shut off her penlight and gripped his hand tighter. She knew he hadn't been thinking of her as he came out of the fog, but didn't care. "I'm here, William." William's vision cleared and he focused on the woman, who sighed in relief. Her voice had a comforting, unique timbre against the others mixing now in the background. "Hey...welcome back." Her voice betrayed her and she hurriedly wiped a few tears from her eyes. "You really had us worried there." He still had her worried, but at least he was conscious again. It had been several hours before the drug had the desired effect, and Scully was deeply troubled by the high dosage it had required. She sat down beside him in the chair Mulder had occupied earlier, though she pulled it closer to the bedside. "How are you feeling?" William sat up slowly, rubbing his temples. "Like Abraham Lincoln." Scully ducked her head and smiled, realizing now that William had developed his Father's dark sense of humor. "You think so?" William thought the voices would drive him mad but he heard hers clearly and it made him ache when he realized how beautiful she was inside and how much she was secretly hurting on his behalf. Scully looked at him, full of questions and despair as William considered her. Had he realized that he had questioned something she hadn't said out loud? "I can tell you're worried about me, the drug, that I won't be able to accept many things. Try not to worry. I know you're just trying to help me...It will be okay." Scully's baffled expression portrayed her question. "I can feel you thinking. I know you know what I'm talking about. It's finally beginning to make sense." William closed his eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------ As Scully and the other doctors continued working on a solution for William's condition, he continued to regain his strength as the treatment stabilized his immune system and the Phenytoin stabilized his brain, suppressing his abilities. He was able to eat again as the swelling decreased and was back to walking, if only to pace the short hallway that separated the quarantine unit from the rest of the bunker. He was exceptionally tall for his age, and Scully hadn't realized this until she saw, depressingly, that he already stood taller than her if only by a smug inch. The reunited family bonded and Mulder and Scully came to know their son for the young teenager he was developing into. Mulder and William seemed to share a natural affinity that Scully was nearly jealous of, but she could not help but smile when she noticed a new similarity between the two. After Scully inspired him in telling her Father's old Navy stories to William, Mulder had a novel brought from his pack that made Scully laugh aloud when revealed. As they sat passing time, William intoned the characters of Moby Dick as he read to them the opening chapters of the tragic story of the white whale and one man's obsession. *"...Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off - then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, sometime or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me..."*