Redemption (7/26) by GeorgeHale Rating: R Feedback: Classification: Colonization/Mythology/MSR/William, post I.W.T.B. Canon. Spoilers: Left, right, & center. This is best served if you REALLY know your X-Files. Disclaimer: I wish I made this. This has been my catharsis, five years in the making. Maybe it can be one for you, too. Warning: Violence, Gratuitous employment of the 'Our little sailor' clause (swearing,) Fluff with two 'f's, Cheesy dialogue, Friendly Ghosts, Melodramatics, Plot devices, Fiji Mermen (no, not really,) Angst, Blasphemy, Dehydration via crying, Scientific Whammies, Plams, Lots & Lots & Lots of...Bees, Magical Growing Scully Cross Chain, Red Herrings. It's going to get strange and ugly before the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------ VII ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Sometimes we must come full circle to find the truth. Why does that surprise you?" - Priest, Revelations ------------------------------------------------------------------ Three days later, four weeks had passed since William's symptoms disappeared and their time in isolation was finished. They were finally able to leave the confining prison that had been the quarantine chambers. A young soldier guided them through the complex before stopping near an unmarked area. Scully had never realized how far the complex reached - it was disorienting after being so confined. "These will be your quarters, sir. I hope you find them satisfactory." The soldier posted himself by the doorway. Mulder was unsure why the young man was not leaving. "That will be all, lieutenant." "I've been assigned to guard the boy, Captain. This is my new post." Mulder shared a glance with a bemused Scully before he turned his attention back to the guard. "By whose authority?" "The Overseer's, sir." The orders spoke volumes. Mulder noted to question it later, as it had never been a part of his negotiations, unlike the upgraded quarters. Ducking to enter behind Scully and William, Mulder closed the door and beheld their new home. Four small interconnected rooms, with most features and military-grade furniture designed to have more than one use were all theirs. By the standards of the bunkrooms they had passed and in which Mulder had resided previously, it was spacious. Still, Mulder noticed how Scully's face fell as she examined the dimly light closets that were their new rooms, despite her attempts to look enthused. She was hiding it well, but he knew this would be a difficult adjustment for her. He had always been comfortable in close quarters, but knew her better than to think the same applied for her. Fingering the symbol of the eagle emblazoned on a fold-down desk, he coaxed his brain to generate something comforting. "C'mon Scully, nothing a few throw pillows can't fix, right? This is bunker luxury at its finest. The Senate majority leader would have resided in these quarters." William smiled but Scully did not. The humor did not appeal to him as much as the affectionate gesture had. While the drug in his system had limited the thoughts he sensed, one did not have to have a supernatural affliction to understand the love evident between these two. It was awkward, confusing and embarrassing for him to think about. Scully smiled for Mulder's sake, but knew he saw past it. A narrow hallway connected a bathroom, bedroom, smaller bunkroom, and kitchen. Set out on the bed in the main bedroom were three bags of simple green fatigues labeled with their names. Mulder's pile included gear that had been transported from his bunk while Scully received several lab jackets and a medic's pack, along with her suitcases that had been brought from the garage. William's pile included an oversized protective vest. Gathering his pile, William set to transforming the smaller bunkroom into his own. He was curious about the vest and somewhat apprehensive. Mulder changed into his officers' uniform as Scully continued exploring their new home. Scully didn't notice him until he wrapped his arms around her from behind after he had emerged from the head clean-shaven and transformed from the scruffy lay-about who had kept her company through the last month. "Why don't you both get comfortable and settle in? I need to check in. I'll be back in a bit and we can get something to eat." He nuzzled her cheek affectionately and planted a kiss there before he withdrew knowing she preferred him clean-shaven, but Scully reached out and laced her hands behind his back before he could turn around. "Hey Ahab, look at you." She traced the outline of his jaw that his beard had concealed and straightened the collar on his jacket as she checked him out in his uniform. "I must say I could get used to this look on you, *Captain.*" Mulder grinned down at her as he debated the wisdom of an Oedipalian wisecrack but decided against the intellectual browbeating and kissed her instead. He never wanted to waste another opportunity. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Director's form stood silhouetted against a large backlight display of the geographic country. Political boundaries meant nothing in the new life they were taking on. He turned as he heard Mulder identify himself to the guard posted outside the door. "It's good to see you, Mulder. Shut the door." Mulder did as he was directed and slid into a chair at the desk behind where the man stood. "Thanks. It's good to be back, considering." Walter Skinner joined him at the desk and took the seat behind it. "Glad to hear you found them and got them both back here safely. You had us worried. The Over had a whole battalion ready to send out if you didn't report in. Are they adjusting okay?" "I think it's going to take time, but Scully's always been one of the most resilient people I know. And's hard to tell. I think he'll be all right...Listen, I've been meaning to thank you for your support when I requested to be released and allowed to go for them alone. Did the Overseer speak to you at any point about posting a guard to Will?" Walter smiled, realizing he had pegged unpredictable Mulder after all these years. He had known Mulder would question him regarding the sentry. "I'm surprised, Mulder. I thought you would have realized who he was. He requested the assignment from me, and when I told him I didn't want to spare him, he went over my head. Somehow, he convinced him to override me. You'll understand once you speak to him, and if that's not enough, ask him to remove his gloves. That will jog your memory." Mulder tilted his head canvassing every mental image he had of the young soldier, finally recalling that he had never seen the young man without gloves on and dressed in his fatigues. "Go speak to him, Mulder, I'm not going to give it away. I'm sure you'll be as shocked as I was. I'll stop by later, if you don't mind." Mulder nodded absently as he stood up to leave, consumed now in chasing the breadcrumb trail that Skinner had set before him regarding the mysterious guard. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mulder hailed the guard as he returned to his quarters, mulling over why Skinner mentioned the gloves being removed. "Can I speak with you, lieutenant?" The officer remained standing at his post, but focused his attention on Mulder. "Yes, Sir." "Director Skinner tells me you requested this duty and went to the Overseer to obtain it. Tell me why. I don't even know you. Why are you concerned with my son's safety? Convince me you're not a spy or an assassin before I decide to kick your sorry ass." The young soldier smiled at the provocation, wondering if the former F.B.I. agent might have recognized him without his beard. "Agent Mulder, I know you don't remember me, but I had hoped you might." Mulder compared the man to the database in his head from his days as a federal agent, trying to gauge the young man's age and how he might have appeared in the past. "Should I?" Carefully, the lieutenant removed the gloves from his hands and held them palm-up before Mulder where the defining marks of a stigmatic were clearly present. "My name is Kevin Kryder. We met last when I was a boy. You and Agent Scully kept me safe and now I've come to return the favor." Mulder was shocked as the face before him took on elements of recognition. "Kevin...That's why I didn't recognize you! How did you get here?" "The same way you did, Sir. I joined the militia. I've been a part of the group for the past three years. The director wasn't happy when I requested guard duty. He said my medical experience was too valuable to waste." "He's right. Why appear now? I've been here nearly ten months and you've never approached me until now." Kryder didn't hesitate as he met Mulder's scrutiny. "I know what's coming, Mr. Mulder. I've seen it. Now is the right time and my place is here now. Even in the corps amongst friends, you have enemies who would bring you harm terrible things. I *will* guard Ms. Scully and William with my life, make no mistake. They're not able to protect themselves the way you can." They regarded each other silently, and Kevin lifted his chin slightly. "You know I'm right, even if you won't believe me." Mulder assessed the guard, hoping he was an honest man. "I'll tear you limb from limb if you're not." Mulder considered the value of having a bodyguard and weighed the possibility that Kevin had been sent as a spy or worse. Skinner seemed to trust the young man and that would have to satisfy him for now. He would need to investigate further and knew exactly who to ask. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Inside, Mulder found Dana and William combing slowly through one of the photo albums she had packed in her suitcase. These were William's baby pictures and Fox hadn't seen Dana look at them for several years. Mulder joined them on the empty bunk in William's room where they sat as Scully narrated. "Most of these were taken at my apartment in Georgetown, but a few were taken at your father's. Scully pointed to one of Mulder holding William atop a basketball. "Like this one." She smiled, remembering happier times. "No basketball at my house. Your father had high hopes before you could even hold your head up." "She never got sports." Mulder stood up extending his hands to his family. "I hate to cut the trip down memory lane short, but the mess only serves lunch until fourteen hundred." He pulled them both to their feet. In their rush out of quarantine that morning, they had skipped breakfast, and it was already after one. Mulder led them toward the mess hall. "Know how to tell military time, Will?" William shook his head, grateful they were finally going to eat. He still didn't feel comfortable imposing on his new-found guardians but he had been hungry for hours. "It's not extremely difficult, but takes a while to get used to. Instead of the numbers going back to one after noon, they keep going up until twenty-four. One becomes thirteen hundred; two is fourteen hundred, and so on. Understand?" William nodded and Mulder continued. "I'll be able to give you both the complete tour after lunch." Mulder ruffled William's hair amicably, and William was reminded of his dream. "Skinner says he'll come by later and the Gunmen want us to join them for dinner. I didn't tell th-" "Mulder, stop." He looked at Scully posed with a question and paused, realizing by the conflicted and incredulous expression on her face that he had never told her they had been alive and well here. He cursed himself for being so thoughtless. "How?" she demanded. "The Gunmen staged their death after their operation was compromised by associates they had trusted." Mulder threw his hands up in defense as Scully leveled him with a terrible look. "No. Not us...I didn't know at the time, either. Remember the source with no proof? The encrypted messages I had been receiving before I was them. I didn't even know that before I left. They run security and surveillance here and hacked the records that allowed us to find William, so don't strangle them when you see them. They had contacted Skinner too, not long after they contacted me. He directs Special Forces here and that includes the unit I told you about." Mulder continued down the hallway, prepared for the heckling Scully was entitled to. She reflected on Skinner's sudden retirement shortly after Mulder left and had always wondered if the two events had been related. "It's all remarkable, Mulder. Too remarkable, really. If I didn't know you better, I'd say it was unbelievable." They entered the mess hall and proceeded through the line as Mulder scanned the faces of the servers behind the counter. As it was nearly the end of serving time, there was no one ahead to wait behind. They sat by themselves at a small table and Mulder pointed out the painted landscapes and murals of the Capitol that had been painted in great detail onto the surrounding walls with his fork as he picked at his food with caution. "They thought it would help the Congressmen cope better. I just think it makes it worse." Scully grimaced at her Jell-O and agreed. The food was edible if not delectable. She noticed Mulder had been closely watching the guard who was quietly eating his lunch several tables over. "You don't trust him." "No, not yet." He decided against telling Scully the man's supposed identity until he confirmed it himself. "You shouldn't worry about him. He means what he said." William spoke nonchalantly as he broke an over baked cookie in half. "Mulder won't tell you until he talks to the other man, but he's one of the good guys." Mulder quieted him with a glare as he set his hand on his arm. "You need to learn to mind your own business." *'I will not tell her until I know for sure. It's not worth upsetting her if it turns out to be another lie.'* William's eyes went wide as he realized the man had spoken to him without moving his lips. *'Do you understand?'* William nodded and Scully rubbed his shoulder, not realizing what was transpiring between the two. "Stop Mulder, you're scaring him. You had better come clean later. I don't like being kept in the dark." She was more concerned that the Phenytoin was beginning to lose its grip on the boy's brain. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Once they were finished, they continued through different sections of the bunker, Mulder explaining what he knew and what protocols needed to be followed in each section. Scully marveled at the complexity of the bunker's layout and capabilities and thought it humorous they had ended up as ants in a colony. The thought of providing clean water, sustainable food resources, power, clothing, and quarters for 2,000 people was overwhelming. She wondered how long could it be maintained without contact to the outside world. Their final stop brought them to a vast underground cavern that had been converted into a vertical garden and Mulder had deliberately saved it for last. Suspended platforms of foliage silhouetted in artificial sunlight and water vapor blocked the ceiling from view. A large, natural fast-flowing stream divided the cavern in half and green moss covered nearly every exposed rock face. "This is my favorite area. You can almost forget that you're eight stories down. Though most of the food in the bunker is C rations, the garden's purpose is to supplement as much as possible with fresh produce. This water reservoir was part of the original layout and is actually one of the reasons this location was first chosen, but the gardens weren't. The expansion that has been completed here in the last fifteen years is remarkable. The horticulturist in charge has been on staff since the bunker transferred ownership." "It's beautiful..." "I do a lot of reading here. The library is right over there." Mulder lead them through an opened cavern passage into a sealed area filled with individual workstations. Several workstations were sealed in separate rooms toward the back. A few modest seating areas were scattered throughout. Mulder led them to one of the separated workstations and had William sit down. "It's not your typical school, but everyone's allowed to work at their own pace." Mulder walked William through the registration procedure as he continued to explain. Diagnostic tests diagnose your strengths and weaknesses and a teacher adjusts the curriculum as needed to keep you on track." William put his palm flat to the screen to finish setting up a new account, and wondered what he might learn as the computer finished scanning his hand.