Redemption (8/26) by GeorgeHale Rating: R Feedback: Classification: Colonization/Mythology/MSR/William, post I.W.T.B. Canon. Spoilers: Left, right, & center. This is best served if you REALLY know your X-Files. Disclaimer: I wish I made this. This has been my catharsis, five years in the making. Maybe it can be one for you, too. Warning: Violence, Gratuitous employment of the 'Our little sailor' clause (swearing,) Fluff with two 'f's, Cheesy dialogue, Friendly Ghosts, Melodramatics, Plot devices, Fiji Mermen (no, not really,) Angst, Blasphemy, Dehydration via crying, Scientific Whammies, Plams, Lots & Lots & Lots of...Bees, Magical Growing Scully Cross Chain, Red Herrings. It's going to get strange and ugly before the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII ------------------------------------------------------------------ "You are prepared to accept the truth aren't you, to sacrifice yourself to it?" - Albert Hosteen, Anasazi ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mulder led them back through the winding corridors toward their quarters but detoured and led them up several levels until they stood beside a secured bulkhead layered with numerous sensors and cameras. The young lieutenant trailed a polite distance behind. Before Mulder could even enter a key code, a video screen activated on the opposing door and Melvin Frohike looked at them from behind horn-rimmed spectacles. Time had never been kind to the older man and he looked no less bedraggled than before. William was reminded of Benjamin Franklin. "Mulder! It sure in Hell took you long enough! Dana, it's so lovely to see you again! We've been deprived of the pleasure of your inspiring company far too long." From the edge of the screen, Langly tilted his head sideways to view the monitor behind Frohike and Byers crowded in behind them both. "Is that the bullfrog behind you? Who's the suit in the back?" Mulder finally looked at Kevin, frowning. "He's staying out here. Can we come in already?" Byers reached for a lever. "Of course, just a minute - wait for the blue light special!" A series of hisses and pops ensued as numerous traps disarmed themselves and the bulkhead door swung open beneath a flashing blue light. Inside the tightly crammed compartment, surveillance equipment of every make and model lined shelves and labeled boxes. Monitors connected to cameras outside and in filled the entire western wall. Mulder and Scully both found themselves distracted by the cameras to the outside that showed utter destruction of the areas surrounding the former resort. What had been a lush pine forest had been turned into a veritable wasteland. It was hard to accept as reality. Byers flipped a switch and the external camera monitors turned off. "Sorry, I guess we've grown callous to it." "Who was the soldier following you?" Langly had never trusted anyone in authority. "Actually, I'm hoping you fellas can help answer that question, or at least confirm the information I've already been given." Melvin cracked his fingers eagerly as he moved to a console with security access. "Shake the eight ball, Mulder." "I need you to find anything you may have on a Kevin Kryder here in the base. Scully and I investigated an X-file surrounding his status as a stigmatic when he was a boy and now he's purportedly serving as a soldier here. Specifically, that man in the hallway claims it's him and has convinced the Overseer to allow him to serve as a bodyguard for Will. I need to know it's not a setup." Scully stood flabbergasted as she remembered the kind boy who had such a tortured soul. "Mulder?" "It won't surprise me if he's actually just a spy sent to keep tabs on Will...and us." Frohike accessed the mainframe computer and had Kryder's personnel file on screen in a matter of moments. Scanning it quickly, nothing seemed out of place. "According to this, he's a combat medic, he's been in three years, had just finished a tour in Afghanistan when he joined - former Special Forces. That's surprising, given what you said about his...condition." "So far he checks out. Is there a way you can tell this isn't planted information, too recent?" At times like this, Mulder craved sunflower seeds. Better than the cigarettes he used to crave in their stead. "Sure, just give us some time, Mulder. Meanwhile, we'll watch him like a hawk." A fingerless-gloved hand indicated the wall of monitors. "He won't be able to take a shit without it being on film." Frohike paused, remembering he was now in more refined company. "Sorry. We'll dig back a ways too and check up on him." Byers cleared his throat with a bit too much force. "How about an introduction?" William had been looking at all the electronic equipment in awe, but Mulder placed his hands on his shoulders and turned him to face the Gunmen. "Will, allow me to introduce the Lone Gunmen. They're old friends of ours and we all owe them our lives. They used to run an underground newspaper before they came here, hence the name. John Byers, Ringo Langly, and Melvin Frohike. Bastions of truth, justice, and the American way." Byers smiled and shook William's hand before the other two. "We haven't seen you since you were very little. Look at how big you've got!" William groaned and rolled his eyes before he thought better of it. Frohike couldn't help but laugh. "Looks like he's a chip off the old block. You'll fit right in. Say, if your old man ever gives you grief, I've got dirt." Frohike winked. "Stay for dinner? We're making huevos rancheros with the last of the eggs!" Melvin disappeared into a closet that was apparently doubling as a kitchen. Mulder and Scully shared a look of indecision before Scully bumped William's shoulder. "Hungry?" William nodded enthusiastically and that settled it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ If anything, it was better than the mess food, if only for the sake of Tobasco sauce and for the benefit of good company. In honor of the reunion, several computers had been cleared from a table in the largest of the Gunmen's limited quarters and a makeshift dinner table had been assembled. As Frohike had prepared dinner, the others sorted through weeks of tape and Langly combed over server data looking for evidence of forgery. It was a fruitless search, but the meal was good and the Gunmen reveled in sharing stories from their early days as associates of Mulder's to his embarrassment and William's amusement. "He was curled up in a ball on the cement," Langly added. The door sounded and Frohike was the first up to see who it was. "Now it's a party." He released the door controls and manual deadbolts to allow Walter Skinner and Gibson Praise to enter the room. They joined the others around the table. Gibson had changed little through the years surprisingly, and stood no taller than he had the last Scully had seen him. Though much of his hair had grown back and he appeared gaunt, his coke bottle glasses remained the same. She wondered at the medical nature of his stature and if it was related to the horrible surgery that had been performed on him. While Gibson had heard her questions upon entering the room, it was the boy he was interested in. This is the one the Overseer had intended as his replacement. The boy who had no idea what he was capable of. Mulder and Scully's son. Skinner smiled as he laid eyes on William for the first time, and a secret part of him panged with regret for love unrequited just as another was full of pride for being one of the reasons this child was able to come to be. The boy was the compact image of his parents, through and through, and he was happy that Dana could finally be reunited with the child that had meant so much to her. They deserved happiness, in whatever form or shape it could take in this post-Apocalyptic wasteland. He felt sorry for William as well, for the stress and expectation he knew would come to be placed on the boy as he matured into a man. The Mulder name was not an easy one to bear. "Will," Mulder pointed with his finger between bites, "meet Walter Skinner and Gibson Praise. Gibson is an old friend and Director Skinner used to be our boss when we were feds on the X-Files. He directs special forces here in the bunker, so technically I guess he's still my boss - him and your Mother, anyway." Mulder winked at Scully and she gave him that look of absurd amusement he enjoyed eliciting. William shook hands with Skinner, though he appeared lost in thought. "It's a pleasure to meet you after all this time, William. Last I saw you, you were about this big." Skinner held his hands for effect. "Your parents were my best agents, even if I felt like throttling them on occasion." "The X-Files?" Skinner smiled and looked to his former colleagues to see if he was sharing something they preferred he didn't. "I'll let you ask them about that later. Anyway, it's why we're here now." "Gibson, do you know Kevin Kryder? He's a young soldier here." Mulder was impatient. "I know you're worried about him, but you're more of a replacement than he is. He's telling the truth." Scully sighed with relief though she didn't care for Gibson's phrasing. The paranoia was taxing. Mulder noticed William yawning and nudged to Scully to look. William had been easily fatigued as his body dealt with his hyperactive brain. "I'm afraid you'll have to excuse us, gentlemen, but it's been a long day." Scully made her rounds hugging her old friends and they all smiled at one another as they parted for the evening with the promise to gather again soon. Lights dimmed in the hallway as artificial night fell and Kryder joined their party silently as they returned to their cabin. Mulder and Scully remained in the hall with Kryder while William went to get ready for bed. "Kevin, I had no idea it was you...I just can't believe you're here. You should have said something, you're so hard to recognize beneath a beard like that." She hugged him as she had when he was a boy, squeezing him tight. "I've wondered about you many times through the years and how you wound up. I'm glad you're here." Kevin smiled at her as he broke their embrace. He had remembered looking up to the woman. Now he towered over her. "I told you I'd see you again. I didn't want to impose; it's not why I'm here. I knew you'd find out eventually. Leave it up to Mr. Mulder here to uncover the truth." Mulder shook hands with the man he had treated so rudely. "Just Mulder's fine. I'm sorry I was such an ass. It's just that they mean everything to me, and I value their safety above anything else. When I acted paranoid, it's because I am. Far too many people have tried to murder us through the years for me to be anything else. I hope you can understand." "I do, sir. It's why I'm here." "Thank you, Kevin. We're grateful. We'll have to catch up better when it's not so late. Please excuse us." Scully smiled as she gripped Mulder's arm and led them inside their quarters. ------------------------------------------------------------------ There was no set routine to their evening as they returned home and William was glad to retire early. The impact of everything had taken its toll. William was curled up on his cot when Scully entered his room carrying a now all-too familiar syringe of Phenytoin. He wouldn't be able to fall asleep without it. Wordlessly, she pulled up his sleeve as he stared at her and cleaned his arm with an alcohol swab before she injected him with the solution. She laid the back of her free hand against his forehead and didn't like how high his temperature was running. Worry etched her feature. "Do you really think it will kill me?" William searched Dana's eyes as she cursed herself for not disguising her thoughts better. "No," she lied, removing her hand from his arm. She would not be able to have this conversation with her son, even if he could sense that she was lying. "We're going to do whatever we have to do so you get well." William laid his head back as he felt the drug's immediate effects, but did not turn his eyes from Scully. "What were the X-Files?" "What do you want to know about them?" "I don't know. Will you tell me about them?" Scully sighed and kicked off her shoes, not even sure where to begin. "Well, they kept all the files that couldn't be explained or solved under 'U' until they ran out room. That's when they started filing them under 'X,' hence the name. Mulder first found them when he was working in the Violent Crimes department as a criminal profiler. He had made a name for himself quickly and was on the quick track to a successful career until he started investigating cases his superiors weren't fond of him checking out." "He was looking for his sister." "Yes...Mulder became obsessed with solving X-Files he thought might lead him to her. The only thing that saved him was a resourceful benefactor who allowed Mulder wide latitude with authority on the cases he chose to pursue. Within the year that Mulder had begun his investigations into the paranormal, I was reassigned from my teaching position at Quantico to debunk his findings using my expertise in science. With my background in hard science and medicine, I was assigned to be critical and to keep Mulder grounded." Scully smiled with the memory before she continued. "As fortune would have it, their plan backfired and I became as consumed with finding the truth as my partner. I joined him reluctantly at first and he viewed me as a spy for a long time, but eventually, it became my life like it was his. I'd be lying if I said I regretted getting involved and there's little I'd change. For all the terrible things I've endured, that we've's the sum of those experiences that has led me here to this moment with you, and for that I am grateful. I love your father with all my heart, Will, just as I love you. I wouldn't trade either one of you for the world." William reflected momentarily on the unusual aspects of his upbringing and current situation. All this time, he had been feeling sorry for himself and bitter over his loss, angry even, but he realized perhaps things had come out as they were meant to be and that he was luckier than most of the race. These people had saved his life and whether their story was true or not, he understood that they cared for him a great deal. "Do you believe in fate?" "At one time, I wouldn't have hesitated in saying no, but yes I do." "So you think everything that's taken place, there's a reason for it?" "I think everything happens for a reason, yes. I'm not sure what those reasons are, however. Or who dictates them." "But you believe in God." William gestured at the cross that hung loosely around Dana's neck. "Yes. I think God is the reason there are right reasons. Do you?" William had been raised by a devout Catholic family and had attended church regularly with his former family. He almost answered automatically when the words caught in his throat. His brain was struggling with the implications of everything that had happened to him in the last few weeks. "I used to. I don't know if I do anymore...Why would he let everyone die? Why wouldn't he save mankind?" "I don't know. He didn't let us die. He made sure we got back together." "I'm beginning to think it's easier to believe in God when things work out in your favor." Scully frowned, speechless, unsure what to tell William regarding his crisis in faith. It was then that Mulder popped his head in the door. "Hey, mind if I join you?" Scully sighed with relief and smiled at Mulder. She was too tired to be sharing such a deep conversation and grateful he chose that moment to check on them. She just wanted William to be able to rest. He sat down on the bunk across from William's and begun unlacing his boots. "Can't sleep?" "The apple doesn't fall from the tree," Scully implied. "Insomnia runs in the family, I'm afraid. But all the ginger jokes, you blame *her* for that." Mulder lifted his feet up onto the bunk as his last boot popped off. William grinned. "Dana was telling me about the X-Files." "Ah, the good old' days," Mulder smiled at the clich‚. "If it weren't for the X-Files, we wouldn't be sitting here right now. In all likelihood you wouldn't exist and Colonization would have been a much better success. Scully and I uncovered the conspiracy that kept Colonization hidden from the public. We tried to blow the whistle multiple times." "They tried to kill us multiple times," Scully replied. "To shut us up, to shut us down." "But it didn't work. We're still here." Scully grinned. "Colonization had been slowly implemented over sixty-five years. Who were we to stop it in ten? It doesn't mean that we're giving up though...Did you tell him about the fluke worm or the man-eating mushroom? How about that time I found Big Blue?" "Ugh..." Scully rolled her eyes, "You really had to bring up the Flukeworm, didn't you, and you did not find Big Blue." William's eyebrows lifted. "A man-eating mushroom?" Mulder grinned. "Lay back. I'll tell you a bedtime story that will spin your head."