Schisms (6/?) by Singing Violin (Pearl on Ephemeral/Gossamer) Email: Rating: G/K Category: X-Files VHRA Summary: What could possibly cause these two to break up? A series of short stories explaining the reported status of Mulder and Scully's relationship upon the revival miniseries. Disclaimer: The X-Files characters and universe are not mine. Archiving: Anywhere, as long as you let me know. I put stuff on AO3, ffnet, and Ephemeral/Gossamer. Author's Note: A ffnet reviewer named XF1013 wondered if there could be a happy reason for them to break up. This was my attempt. Chapter 6: Happiness "Mulder, we need to talk." He took in her face, her demeanor, and worried. She looked positively frightened, which was odd considering the vast array of monsters and other threats that would send a normal person screaming that he'd seen her face down without even flinching. Quickly, he reached around behind her and with a gentle touch on her lower back, led her to the couch. "What's wrong, Scully?" he uttered as she sat down. The familiar sentence tasted bitter on his tongue, and he sat himself beside her. She looked down at her lap, where her hands were folded, then finally looked back up at him, reading in his face his own apprehension as his own hands clenched and unclenched in his lap. She attempted a smile, but it quickly faded. "Mulder, I...," her voice trailed off as she was obviously having trouble finding the words. "Is it the cancer? Something else? Whatever it is, Scully, we'll fight it, together, and we'll win. Just like always." He reached over to touch her arm, but she flinched away, and he pulled back. She shook her head slightly as a tear ran down her cheek. "I never meant for this to happen." His heart grew cold, froze into ice. "What?" "I've met somebody," she finally admitted as another tear streaked its way down her face. "I've never felt this way before...not even with you. I think I'm in love." When he got over his shock, he nodded. "I want you to be happy, Scully. Who is he?" She coughed. "Um,'s a she." His eyes instantly lit up. "Don't look at me like that, Mulder. Stop thinking whatever you're thinking...dirty mind." "Who is she?" he asked, trying to hide his smirk. "Another doctor at the hospital," she admitted, looking away slightly. "I guess I have a problem with falling in love with people I work with." At that, he smiled. "It's okay. I'm happy for you, really." Now she looked back at him, clearly surprised. "You took that really well. What are you hiding, Mulder?" It was his turn to look down at his hands as he blushed slightly. "Uh, well, I've found someone too. Someone we both know very well. And it just happened...." "Please don't say you're sleeping with Monica," Scully begged. Mulder chuckled. "As far as I know, she's still with Agent Doggett. Anyway, do you remember when you left me outside in the cold, after I got myself into trouble where those Russian guys were doing head transplants?" She nodded. "I sent Skinner out to take care of you," she recalled. "I had to save the woman inside. By the time I got out, both he and you were gone." "Exactly," Mulder agreed. "And Walter, he held me so tenderly, and he told me he'd take care of me...and he did. And he has. In ways you probably don't want to know about." She raised her eyebrows. "Who would have known. Well, Mulder, I'm happy for you too. For both of you. Goodness knows both of you deserve a break, after all we've been through." Mulder smiled at her. "Thanks, Scully." Then he paused before continuing again awkwardly, "So, uh, what happens now?" Scully smiled. "I am going to move out and you are going to keep the house. My girlfriend has a place right near work and she invited me to move in. And where you end up with Skinner is your business." "So this is goodbye," Mulder assessed. "It feels weird." "Yeah," Scully agreed. "It does. But I think it'll be good for both of us. And I'm still your friend, Mulder. That'll never change." "And I'm yours," he agreed, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "Go be happy." "You too, Mulder," she concurred.