The Truth is Out There--Scene 2 from XF3 by Lolabeegood E-mail: Distribution: Archive freely with my name attached. Rating: R Categories: S, R Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance, Post-IWTB Spoilers: IWTB Summary: The truth is something Mulder & Scully may have to pay a steep price for. Author's Notes: Ever since I watched IWTB I have thought of the ideal way to start and storyline a third movie. So, after much thought and deliberation I have a series of scenes that I have written for the third XF movie. The scenes will not necessarily run right after each other but they are in sequence. They are more like scenes I would like to see in the XF3 that develop character, tie loose ends, and add plot interest. I do not own the characters or make any money from this. Enjoy! ********************************** The young boy ran through the old farmhouse gathering his most precious things, a picture of his parents, the baseball he caught at a minor league game, his ratty teddy bear and his favorite novel. He threw them into his new back pack, put on his warm fall coat, grabbed some apples and Little Debbie's and walked out the kitchen door into the backyard. He carefully avoided the living room, even though the images would be burned in his mind for the rest of his life. Sirens were faint in the distance and getting louder by the second. He was running fast across the fields and into the brush where his silhouette would be less obvious. A hand roughly grabbed his shoulder... Patrick was started awake from his dream. "Wake up son" the old man next to him said with a smile "we're just pulling into the bus terminal. It's just after 8 am." "Uh, thank you sir" Patrick said catching his breath. "I wouldn't want to miss my stop. My aunt Shannon would have the National Guard looking for me." The old man laughed. "Sounds like you were having quite the dream, boy." "I uh, watched a monster movie last night and my mother...she warned me I'd be scared. I guess...I guess I should have listened" he smiled at the man. Patrick thought back to the images that poured through his head. His mad dash to leave the house he had always lived in, the last kiss his mom gave him before he went to bed that night, the blood that lay soaking through his pillow from the large knife that lay next to him. Tears were about to jump from his eyes but he wiped them back and shook it off. "Son, if there's one thing I know, it's that moms are always trying to protect you from stuff you're not ready for. You should listen to her when she says you're too young. Save yourself a lot of grief." "I'll take that advice sir" he said kindly. Patrick looked out the window for a woman who looked like Aunt Shannon. Then he spotted her standing inside the terminal, next to the window waiting. She was looking at the next bus dock expectantly and Patrick noticed the arrival time posted was 10 minutes from now. "Thanks for being such good company sir" Patrick offered his hand to the old man. "It was a pleasure son" he said shaking it. "You have fun with your Aunt and don't cause her too much trouble." "I won't, sir." Patrick smiled as he walked down the aisle. He walked cautiously off the dock and past all the people collecting their luggage from the bus storage. Patrick entered the terminal and walked purposefully toward the woman waiting by the window. He reached out and grabbed the woman gently by the hand. "My mom isn't here to get me yet and I really have to go to the bathroom. I'm not supposed to go alone. Can you help me find one?" Patrick said in his sweetest voice. "Of course" she smiled down at him. "You poor thing" she said as she wrapped an arm around him and walked him toward the family washrooms. Patrick turned and waved at his bus companion watching him from his seat. The old man waved back. Everything was working out perfectly. ********************************* The End