

About a Boy (PG)
Season eight. Missing scene from Three Words. Continuation of the conversation in Mulder's apartment after he first comes home.
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Bits of Now and Then (PG)
Season nine - Post-ep for Trust No 1. Scully POV alternating with flashback scenes with Mulder.
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Blue (G)
Season eight - Mulder POV during Dead Alive.
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Bring Me Some Wine (PG)
Season four - Scully POV. Set after the end of Small Potatoes. Scully writes in her journal.
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The Crying Room (PG)
Between seasons seven and eight - Post-ep for Requiem. Scully returns to Bellefleur.
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Dreaming of An Unnoticed Life (PG)
Season seven. Missing scene from Requiem. The time between the scene in the hallway and when Mulder leaves to return to Bellefleur.
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Eight Bells (R)
Season seven. Occurs during all things.
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Holiday (PG)
Season two. Mulder POV during the events of Little Green Men.
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Impossible Things (PG)
Season eight. Post-Within/Without. Scully brings her mother up to speed on recent events in her life.
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In This Minute (G)
Season eight. AU version of the scene in Empedocles when Mulder visits Scully in the hospital. Sort of a prequel to Private Party.
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Ivory Covering Bronze (G)
Season three. A continuation of the last scene in Oubliette. Written for the After-the-Fact post-ep list.
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Little Cat Feet (G)
Season seven. all things missing scene. Scully POV as she is leaving Mulder's apartment the morning after.
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The Moment That Mattered (PG-13)
Season six - Post-ep for Two Fathers/One Son.
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The Naysayer (PG)
Season eight - Set during and after the events of
Per Manum. Scully is feeling very alone.
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Owners (PG)
Season seven - Missing scene from all things.
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Private Party (PG)
Season eight - Post-ep for Empedocles.
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Roundelay (G)
Season one - Mulder POV during their first scene together.
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Saints and Poets (PG)
Season two - Does she want to go back? Scully POV during One Breath.
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Strange Lullaby (G)
Season one - Following the events of Miracle Man.
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The Third Ring (G)
Season two - Mulder POV during One Breath.
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Tomorrow (G)
Season eight - Post -Existence. A continuation of the last scene in the episode.
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