
And the World Stood Still (G)
Season seven - Valentine's Day. Canon through "Millennium." Diverges after that. Two perspectives on the holiday.
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Beautiful Valentine (PG)
Season nine - Mulder and Scully manage to meet for Valentine's Day. This would never have happened. A total flight of fancy.
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The Cold Wine, Warm Night (G)
Post-IWTB. A night in June.
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The Color of April (PG)
Post-series. Scully remembers a difficult month. Written as DP penance for BtS.
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The End of Summer (G)
Post-series - William POV.
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False Requiem (PG-13)
Season two - Takes place after the teaser for One Breath, but before Scully's return.
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Four Candles (G)
Post-series. A birthday celebration.
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The Girl Who Laughed at the Rain (G)
Post-series. Remembrance of things past.
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Good-bye My Love (G)
Season eight - Scully POV. Takes place during the teaser for DeadAlive.
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Good-bye To All That (PG)
Post-series - William comes home.
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Good Night (G)
Post-series. Traveling through life and beyond; moving on. Contains implied character death.
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Hooks (PG)
Season nine - A Christmas story.
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Hope, Maybe (PG)
Post-series - The events of a day one year after William was given up for adoption.
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Illumined (PG)
Season nine - Scully POV after Mulder has left.
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In Heaven's Forest (G)
Post-series - Emily POV. Set during Christmas time.
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The Last Scene (PG)
Season nine. A vision of the last scene between Mulder and Scully in the series finale. Script format.
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May Rain (G)
Post-series. Scully POV on the eve of William's fifth birthday. Follows the canon of the series through "Requiem." Possible character death.
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Mim (G)
Set in the future. A happy memory is shared.
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More Wine (PG)
Post-IWTB. Mulder's birtday, 2010.
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Mother's Day (PG)
Post-series. Mother's Day events, present and past.
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Mulder's Miracle (PG)
Season eight - Scully POV during the immediate weeks following Mulder's absence.
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October Air (G)
Post-series. About three years or so down the road.
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The Old Familiar Ways (G)
Post-series. Three points of view over the years between The Truth and the second movie.
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Once Again (PG)
New Year's Eve 2001.
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Pleasurable Indoor Activities (G)
Season seven. Rainy day chatter. Set after the events of all things and Jesouhaite, but before Requiem.
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The Real Thing (PG)
A Valentine's Day vignette. Post-series. Third person POV.
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The Road to Fresno (G)
Season one - Mulder's first birthday after he and Scully became partners.
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Santa Scully (G)
Season one - Christmas time.
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